- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵晓红主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787313055811
- 页数:234 页
Part Ⅰ Introduction 1
1 Overview of Presentation Skills 1
1.1 Definition of Presentation Skills 1
1.2 Importance of Presentation Skills 2
1.3 Essential Qualities of a Good Public Speaker 3
1.4 Types of Presentations 5
1.5 Overall Structure of a Presentation 6
Part Ⅱ Speech Preparation:Getting Started 8
2 Initial Considerations 8
2.1 Analyzing the Audience 8
2.2 Selecting a Topic 9
2.3 Selecting a Purpose 11
2.4 Composing a Thesis Statement 14
3 Gathering Supporting Materials 16
3.1 Sources of Materials 16
3.2 Types of Supporting Materials 17
3.3 Tips for Selecting Materials 24
3.4 Avoiding Plagiarism 24
Part Ⅲ Speech Preparation:Outlining and Organizing 26
4 Outlining 26
4.1 Preparation Outlines 27
4.2 Speaking Outlines 33
4.3 Sentence,Phrase,and Key-word Outlines 35
5 Developing an Attention-getting Introduction 38
5.1 Major Types of Attention Getters 38
5.2 Establishing Credibility 42
5.3 Providing a Purpose 43
5.4 Stating Your Thesis 44
5.5 Previewing Main Points 45
5.6 Putting the Introduction Together 47
6 Organizing the Body of the Presentation 53
6.1 Guidelines for Determining Main Points 53
6.2 Organizing the Main Points 55
6.3 Organizing Supporting Materials 59
7 Developing the Conclusion 66
7.1 Signaling Your Conclusion 66
7.2 Repeating the Topic,Purpose and Thesis 67
7.3 Reviewing the Main Points 67
7.4 Closing Your Presentation 68
7.5 Transitioning to Questions 70
7.6 Putting the Conclusion Together 71
8 Connectives 75
8.1 Transitions 75
8.2 Internal Previews 77
8.3 Internal Summaries 78
8.4 Signposts 79
Part Ⅳ Presenting the Speech 85
9 Presenting with Effective Language 85
9.1 Style of the Presentation Language 85
9.2 Tips for Using Language Effectively 86
10 Using Visual Aids Effectively 94
10.1 Advantages of Visual Aids 94
10.2 Types of Visual Aids 95
10.3 Tips for Designing PowerPoint Slides 99
10.4 Tips for Using PowerPoint Slides 112
11 Delivering a Speech Effectively 120
11.1 Qualities of Effective Delivery 120
11.2 Methods of Delivery 121
11.3 Vocal Elements in Delivery—Making Effective Use of Your Voice 123
11.4 Physical Elements in Delivery—Making Effective Use of Your Body 127
11.5 Practicing Delivery 131
11.6 Overcoming Speech Anxiety 134
12 Handling Audience's Questions Effectively 141
12.1 Tips for Handling Questions Effectively 141
12.2 Summary of the Chapter 148
Part Ⅴ Major Types of Presentations 149
13 Informative Presentations 149
13.1 Types of Informative Presentations 149
13.2 Tips for Informative Presentations 152
13.3 Sample Informative Speech with Commentary 153
14 Persuasive Presentations 157
14.1 Types of Persuasive Presentations 157
14.2 Organizational Patterns for Persuasive Presentations 160
14.3 Methods of Persuasion 167
14.4 Sample Persuasive Speech with Commentary 173
15 Presentations on Special Occasions 177
15.1 Speeches of Introduction 177
15.2 Speeches of Presentation 179
15.3 Speeches of Acceptance 180
15.4 Commemorative Speeches 181
15.5 After-dinner Speeches 182
Answers to Exercises 186
Appendix Ⅰ Sample Complete Presentations and Famous Speeches 194
Appendix Ⅱ Famous Sayings and Quotations 211
Appendix Ⅲ A List of Mispronounced Words by Chinese Students 219
Appendix Ⅳ Detailed Contents 223
Appendix Ⅴ Bibliography 233
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