敦煌史话 中英文双语版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:龚莉著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国大百科全书出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787500082675
- 页数:204 页
引言 1
一、“敦煌”名称的由来 3
1.从“吐火罗语音译”说看古代民族的迁徙与交融 3
2.从三危山的神话传说看最早的中原与西域的交通 7
3.天马的传说 8
二、敦煌:从开发到繁荣的三部曲 10
1.“列四郡,据两关”与屯垦戍边 10
2.移民、衍溉与深耕 14
3.最早的世贸大会——“二十七国贸易大会” 16
三、莫高窟的开凿及其形制与功能 19
1.莫高窟的开凿及宗教功能 21
2.莫高窟洞窟形制与中印、中原与西域的文化交融 25
四、敦煌彩塑艺术 29
1.敦煌彩塑的类别 30
2.敦煌彩塑的不同风格特征 37
五、敦煌壁画艺术 45
1.敦煌壁画的内容 46
2.飞天——敦煌壁画的灵魂 51
3.从线条、敷彩、场景看壁画的风格变化和交融吸收 62
六、藏经洞——20世纪初现世的文化宝库 65
1.敦煌遗书概述 65
2.最早的《金刚经》印本和各种宗教典籍写本 68
3.佚失了千年的唐代第一长叙事诗《秦妇吟》 72
4.寡妇阿龙的故事 73
5.敦煌书仪写卷——唐人写信的范本 76
6.敦煌的登高滑沙习俗 78
七、敦煌宝藏的流失 83
1.王道士的故事 83
2.外国“探险家”、考察队接踵而来 85
3.敦煌文物(包括文书)的收藏情况&B 9
八、敦煌学在世界 91
1从伤心到自豪——敦煌学的发展历程 91
2.携手合作,保护和研究敦煌宝藏 94
结束语 96
Introduction 99
Ⅰ.Origin of the Place Name"Dunhuang" 102
1.Historical Ethnic Migration and Blending from the Perspective of Tochanan Transliteration 103
2.Legends of Sanwei Mountain—A View ofthe Earliest Communication between the Central Plains and the Western Regions 106
3.Tale ofCelestial Steed 108
Ⅱ.Dunhuang:Its Trilogy of Cultivation,Development and Flourishing 110
1.Establishment of Four Prefectures and Two Passes and Cultivation and Garrison at the Frontiers 110
2.Migration,lrrigation and Deep Plowing 113
3.The Earliest World Trade Event 27-nation Trade Convention 115
Ⅲ.The Mogao Grottoes:Their Structure and Function 119
1.The Mogao Grottoes:Their Building and Religious Function 121
2.The Structure of Mogao Grottoes and the Cultural Blending between China and India,and the Central Plains and the Western Regions 126
Ⅳ.Painted Sculpture of Dunhuang 129
1.Types of Painted Sculpture of Dunhuang 130
2.Different Stylistic Features of Painted Sculpture of Dunhuang 135
Ⅴ.Dunhuang Murals 142
1.Contents of Dunhuang Murals 143
2.Flying Apsaras:the Soul of Dunhuang Murals 147
3.Stylistic Change and Blending of Murals from the Perspectives of Lines,Colors,and Scenes 157
Ⅵ.The Library Cave:A Treasury of Crlture Discovered at the Turn of the 20th Century 160
1.A Survey of Dunhuang Manuscripts 160
2.The Earliest Print of Diamond Sutra and Various Manuscripts of Religious Books 163
3.The Longest Tang Epic Qin Fu Yin(Song of a Lady of Qin) Lost a Thousand Years Ago 166
4.Story of Ah Long,the Widow 169
5.Dunhuang Manuscnpts of Shuyi Writing Models of the Tang 174
6.The Custom of Sand-skating at Dunhuang 176
Ⅶ.Loss of Dunhuang Treasures 182
1.Story of Wang,the Taoist 182
2.Foreign"Explorers"and Exploratory Missions One after Another 186
3.Collections of Dunhuang Relics (Including Documents) 191
Ⅷ.Dunhuang Studies in the World 194
1.From Humiliation to Glory:Development of Dunhuang Studies 194
2.Cooperation in Conservation of and Research into Dunhuang Treasure-house 199
Closing 202
附录 Appendix 203
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