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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:高秀平主编
  • 出 版 社:北京市:中国宇航出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787802186590
  • 页数:303 页

Stories from the Old Testament 旧约故事 2

1.Genesis—How the World Was Made 2

创世纪:万物的起源 3

2.Eden—The First Earth-Home 10

伊甸园:人类的第一个家园 11

3.Cain and Abel-The First Children 18

该隐与亚伯:该隐弑弟 19

4.Noah's Ark 26

诺亚方舟 27

5.The Tower of Babel 38

巴别塔 39

6.Abraham Heard and Obeyed God's Call 44

亚伯拉罕:上帝的信徒 45

7.Hagar,Ishmael,and God's Promise 52

亚伯拉罕纳妾生子 53

8.Ishmael:The Arabian Ancestor 58

以实玛利:阿拉伯人的祖先 59

9.Abraham Gave Isaac Back to God 64

以子祭神 65

10.The Sale of Birthright 70

出卖长子权 71

11.Jacob and Esau 76

偷梁换柱 77

12.Jacob and Rachel 84

雅各和拉结 85

13.Pharaoh'S Dream 90

约瑟夫释梦 91

14.Moses in the Bulrushes 96

摩西出世 97

15.The Holy Mission 102

神圣使命 103

16.The Exodus 108

逃出埃及 109

17.The Story of Samson 114

力士参孙 115

18.The Story of Saul 120

扫罗的故事 121

19.David Is Anointed King 126

大卫称王 127

20.The Judgment of Solomon 132

所罗门智断亲子案 133

Stories from the New Testament 新约故事 133

1.The Birth of Jesus 140

耶稣降生 141

2.John the Baptist 150

施洗者约翰 151

3.The Temptations of Jesus 158

耶稣受试探 159

4.Preach and the First Disciples 166

耶稣传道,初收门徒 167

5.Jesus Healsa Paralytic Man 174

耶稣治愈瘫痪病人 175

6.Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind 180

耶稣治愈先天盲人 181

7.Jesus in Jerusalem for the Passover 188

逾越节洁净圣殿 189

8.Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well 198

井边论道 199

9.Five Loaves and Two Fishes 208

五饼二鱼 209

10.Miracle of Walking on Water 216

履海神迹 217

11.Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven 222

天国的典故 223

12.The Prodigal Son 232

浪子回头 233

13.The Repentance of a Sinful Woman 238

罪妇的悔改 239

14.Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead 244

复活拉撒路 245

15.Prophecy on the Mount of Olives 254

橄榄山上的预言 255

16.The Last Supper 260

最后的晚餐 261

17.The Arrest in Gethsemane Garden 270

耶稣被捕 271

18.The Crucifixion 280

耶稣殉难 281

19.Jesus'Resurrection 288

耶稣复活 289

20.Rome—The Last of Paul's Journey 296

走向罗马 297
