- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:史世伟
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787811342239
- 页数:459 页
Part Ⅰ Role of China and EU in the World Economy 3
Growth,Structural Dynamics and EU Integration in the Context of the Lisbon Agenda&Paul J.J.Welfens 3
New Features of the International Industrial Division and It's Impact on China's Economy&Zhang Jianping 51
China's Exchange Rate Policy in the Light of the German Experience with an Undervalued Deutschmark&Wolf Sch?fer 66
Current Situation and Prospect:Euro and China-EU Relationship in Economy and Trade&Pei Changhong,Li Xiaoping 75
China:Heading towards a Leading Economy and an Internationalised Currency?&Wolfgang Klenner 91
On the Exploding EU Trade Deficit with China&An jia 104
Part Ⅱ Contested Markets:Trade Policy and Market Access 121
Trade between EU and China:Disputes and Options for Solution&Hu Jiangyun 121
Game Research on China's Strategy for EU's Technical Barriers to Trade&Lu Yuduo,Li Dan,Zhao Yunye 136
EU Antidumping Investigations against China:Facts and Determinants&Xu Shiteng,Tang Yihong 150
The Gradual Appearing of the Inflexion Point of China-EU Relationship on Economy and Trade:from the Perspective of International Political Economy&Li Jiguang,Li Yanwei,Tu Xinquan 167
Market Entry Strategies of Chinese Car Manufacturers in Europe—Esp.Germany&Kai-Ingo Voigt 184
Diversify Entry Modes to EU Market&Zhang Shujing 222
China-EU Relations in Services Trade:Retrospect and Prospect&Li Xiaomu,Wang Yixiao 234
Part Ⅲ Natural Resources,Climate Change,Energy Security and Potential EU-China Cooperation 247
The Environmental Impact of Sino-EU Trade:A Case Study of CO2 Emissions&Yang Laike,Liao Chun,Cornie Huizenga 247
Energy Security and Climate Change:A Litmus Test for the EU-China Relationship?&Giuseppe Schiavone 268
Mutual Trust and Complement:Critical Path for Win-win of Energy Cooperation between EU and China&Xie Weijun 285
The Impact of Innovation Strategy in China—From European and Chinese Perspectives&Huang Haifeng,Chen Bingmeng,Kris Schneider 311
Iceberg Security Model and Potential EU-China Energy Cooperation&Wu Xishun,Yusaku Nishimura,Serge Ngangoua 325
Part Ⅳ Economic,Environmental and Energy Policies of China or EU 345
Energy Embodied in Goods of International Trade in China:Calculation and Policy Implications&Pan Jiahua,Chen Ying,Xie Laihui 345
Economic Growth and Energy Consumption—Assessing Different Options in Chinese Energy Security Strategies&Andreas Oberheitmann 388
Understanding China's Climate Change Policy—From International and Domestic Perspectives&Wang Bo 417
European Economic Integration and Development of European Union Economic Constitution—From the Perspective of the Institutional and Evolutionary Economics&Shi Shiwei 432
中文摘要汇编 445
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- 《公共关系》胡杏菁,罗永全,连伟文主编 2018
- 《美国得自对外贸易的财富》(英)托马斯·孟著;袁南宇译 2017
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- 《2019中国城市绿色竞争力指数报告》(中国)关成华,韩晶 2019
- 《经济侵略与中国》高尔松,高尔柏 1925
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- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
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