大学英语精讲精练 学生英语语法PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:靳力,李秀霞主编;贾睿霞编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学技术文献出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7502334149
- 页数:306 页
引言 Introduction 1
使用说明 How to use the grammar 2
英汉语法术语对照表 Glossary of grammar terms 4
语法单元 Grammar units 10
导论单元 Introductory units 10
1 句子的种类 Types of sentences 10
2 句子的成分 Members of sentences 12
3 前缀与后缀 Prefix and suffix 14
名词 Nouns 16
4 可数名词与不可数名词 Count noun and uncount noun 16
5 名词的复数形式 Plural form of nouns 18
6 名词所有格 Possessive case of nouns 20
代词 Pronouns 22
7 人称代词 Personal pronouns 22
8 指示代词 Demonstrative pronouns 24
9 物主代词与反身代词 Possessive pronoun and reflexive pronoun 26
10 复合不定代词 Complex indefinite pronouns 28
11 Some,any,many,much,(a)little,(a)few 30
12 One,ones,no,none 32
13 Each,every,either,neither 34
14 Other,another,both,all 36
限定词 Determiner 38
15 限定词 Determiner 38
16 不定冠词:a和an Indefinite article:a and an 40
17 定冠词:the(Ⅰ) Definite article:the(Ⅰ) 42
18 定冠词:the(Ⅱ) Definite article:the(Ⅱ) 44
19 零冠词 Zero article 46
20 数词 Numeral 48
形容词 Adjectives 50
21 形容词的位置 Position of adjectives 50
22 形容词的次序 Order of adjectives 52
23 形容词与介词搭配 Adjectival with preposition 54
24 名词用作形容词 Nouns used as adjectives 56
副词 58
25 副词 Adverb 58
26 方式副词 Adverb of manner 60
27 时间副词 Adverb of time 62
28 地点副词 Adverb of place 64
29 频度副词 Adverb of frequency 66
30 程度副词 Adverb of degtee 68
比较 Comparison 70
31 比较级和最高级:形式 Comparative and superlative:forms 70
32 比较级和最高级:用法 Comparative and superlative:uses 72
33 比较事物的其他方法 Other ways of comparing things 74
介词 Prepositions 76
34 表示时间的介词 Preposition of time 76
35 地点介词:at,in,on,inside,outside Prepositions of place:at,in,on,inside,outside 78
36 其他表示地点的介词 Other prepositions of place 80
37 方向介词 Preposition of direction 82
38 名词与介词搭配 Noun with preposition 84
39 介词与交通运输方式 Pteposition with forms of transport 86
时态 Tenses 88
40 助动词:be,have,do Auxiliary verb:be,have,do 88
41 一般现在时 Present simple 90
42 现在进行时 Present continuous 92
43 一般过去时 Present continuous 94
44 现在完成时 Present perfect 96
45 过去进行时 Past continuous 98
46 过去完成时 Past perfect 100
47 现在完成进行时与过去完成进行时 Present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous 102
48 Shall与will的用法 The uses of shall and will 104
49 其他表示将来的方法 Other ways of talking about the future 106
语气 Mood 108
50 疑问句 Question 108
51 疑问词 wh-word 110
52 附加疑问句:形式与用法 Question tag:forms and uses(Ⅰ) 112
53 附加疑问句:形式与用法 Question tag:forms and uses(Ⅱ) 114
54 间接疑问句和被转述疑问句 Indirect question and reported question 116
55 简略回答 short answer 118
56 祈使语气和let The imperative and let 120
57 否定句 Negative sentences 122
58 否定词与否定结构 Negative word and negative structure 124
59 情态助动词简介 Introduction to modal auxiliary verbs 126
60 情态助动词—否定句和疑问句 Model-negative and question 128
61 can,could,be able to-表示能力 130
62 can,could,may,might-可能性possibility 132
63 can,could,may,might-permission许可 134
64 could,may,might,shall-建议suggestion 136
65 can,could,will,would-请求request和提供offer(Ⅰ) 138
66 can,could,shall,will,would-请求request和提供offer(Ⅱ) 140
67 cannot,can't,must,ought,should,will-或然性与肯定性probability and certainty 142
68 would like,would rather,would sooner,wouldn't mind-翼求want和愿望wish 144
69 have to,have got to,must,mustn't-义务obligation和必要性necessity 146
70 need,needn't,not have to-义务obligation和必要性necesity 148
71 should,ought,should have,ought to have,had better-强制性较弱的义务mild obligation和忠告advice 150
72 不及物动词和及物动词 intransitive verb and transitive verb 152
73 双宾语动词 verb with two objects 154
74 反身动词Reflexive verb与相互动词Reciprocal verb 156
75 静态动词与动态动词 Static verb and Dynamic verb 158
76 静态动词Static verb常与表示动作的名词连用的动词 Common verb with noun for action 160
77 短语动词 Phrasal verb 162
78 系动词 Link verb 164
79 动词与-ing形式 verb with-ing form 166
80 动词与不定式(Ⅰ) verb with to-infinitive 168
81 动词与不定式(Ⅱ) verb with to-infinitive clause 170
82 动词+-ing或to-不定式 verb with-ing or to-infinitive 172
83 被动语态Passive voice(Ⅰ) 174
84 被动语态Passive voice(Ⅱ) 176
85 被动语态the Passive voice(Ⅲ) 178
86 It/there用作非人称主语 It/there as impersonal subject 180
87 概述 introduction 182
88 名词性从句 Noun clause 184
89 定语从句(Attributive clause)(Ⅰ) 186
90 定语从句(Attributive clause)(Ⅱ) 188
91 定语从句(Attributive clause)(Ⅲ) 190
92 状语从句Adverbial Clause 192
93 时间状语从句 Adverbial Clause of Time 194
94 目的状语从句 adverbial Clause of purpose 196
95 原因状语从句和地点状语从句 Adverbial Clause of Reason and Adverbial Clause of Place 198
96 条件状语从句Adverbial Clause of Concession(Ⅰ) 200
97 条件状语从句Adverbial Clause of Concession(Ⅱ)和方式状语从句Adverbial Clause of Manner 202
98 让步状语从句Adverbial Clause of Concession 204
99 程度状语从句Adverbial Clause of Degree、比较状语从句Adverbial Clause of Comparison与对比状语从句(adverbial Clause of contrast) 206
100 例外状语从句(Adverbial Clause of Exception)和比例状语从句 208
附录:Appendix 1 规则动词与不规则动词 210
Appendix 2 拼写法 213
补充练习题库 Bank of further exercises 215
索引 Index 249
练习答案 Key to exercises 263
补充练习题库答案 Bank of further excises 296
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