- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张泽健主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787564302313
- 页数:338 页
一、英语语言研究 1
Analysis of a Communicative Event&MA Zhicheng 1
Synaesthetic Metaphor and Its Interpretation&QIU Yuhua 10
A Relevance-Theoretical Treatment of the Non-Referential Use of Personal Names&WANG Mao 17
A Tentative Exploration of Metaphorical Thinking&WU Yong 28
From Different Usage of Vocabulary to the Change of Society&XIAO Kunxue 35
On Rhetorical Features of English Newspaper Headlines&XIONG Di 48
On the Differences Between Formal and Informal English&ZHANG Min 55
The Tentative Analysis of Systemic-Functional Grammatical Approach to English Existential Clauses&ZUO Tingting 66
二、外国文学研究 75
Mythic Allusions in John Keats'Poetry&CHEN Yan 75
An Exploration of Dickens'View of Revolution&HE Sifeng 82
Hemingway's Iceberg Principle in"Hills Like White Elephants"&HUANG Xiaorui 90
The Objective Obstacles to Hamlet's Revenge&LI Wenyan 97
A Feminist Reading of The Color Purple&LIANG Benbin 103
An Investigation into The Thorn Birds Ralph de Bricassart and Meggie Cleary&SHUI Qian 109
Psychological Elements:the Core of Hamlet's Tragedy&SONG Benlong 115
On Milton's Sonnets&TANG Junguo 123
Treatment of Time in William Faulkner's The Sound and The Fury&WANG Liqin 136
Social and Cultural Elements in Stephen King's Horror Fiction&YANG Shuo 144
Antitheses in Swift's Gulliver's Travels&ZHANG Misha 152
Bartleby,an Individual Tragedy&ZHANG Xiaoqing 158
On Pessimism and Female Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels&ZHOU Lijun 164
Moralist or Realist?—On the Narrator of Two Fishermen&ZOU Juan 172
Anna Wulf's Spiritual Evolution:Schizo-analysis in The Golden Notebook&ZOU Li 178
三、文化与翻译研究 188
Raymond Williams on Mass Culture&LIU Ying 188
Literature and Architecture as the Reflection of the Spirit of Times&MING Zhu 195
Fashion's Impact upon American Masculinity&SHI Haixia 203
Selfishness:Overriding Principle for the Preservation of Life&ZHANG Zejian 212
Current Trends of Interpreting Studies&BAO Gang 222
A Study on the Translation of“龙”—Constructing the Culture of“龙”&LIANG Shuang 227
The Conveyance of Image in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation&TANG Tao 233
四、外语教学研究 241
The Significance of Teaching Thinking Skills in English Teaching in High Schools&DING Cujin,WANG Xingmei 241
Rethinking Grammar Teaching in China&HE Li 249
Using Internet Resources in College English Teaching in an Information Age&LI Jia 259
Thinking Skills—Learning to Learn&LIU Lihua 267
A Statistical Study of the Foreign English Teachers Working at Universities and Colleges in Chongqing&MA Ping 275
A Brief Analysis of Bilingual Teaching Development in China&OU Weihong 282
A Review of Critical Thinking in the West&WANG Xingmei 291
A Preliminary Study of English Curriculum Models in China&YAN Wenya 303
On English Large Sentence Parsing&YANG Hua 308
English-Spanish Bilingual Education for Mexican-Americans&ZHANG Lian 315
Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary in the Chinese Primary School Classroom&ZHAO Xiaoyi 323
A Critical Thinking of Applying CLT in College English Teaching&ZHOU Lingli 331
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