生物 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:课程教材研究所双语课程教材研究开发中心组编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7107155490
- 页数:143 页
Introduction 1
Investigative Project:Report by the media of development in biological science and technology 10
Chapter 1 The chemical basis of life 11
Section 1 Chemical elements which constitute the living matter 12
Section 2 Compounds in organisms 14
[Experiment 1]The identification soluble matters in biological tissues:reduced sugar,fat and protein 21
Chapter 2 Cell—the basic unit of life 23
Section 1 Cell structure and function 24
1.Membrane structure and function 26
2.Structure and function of the cytoplasm 29
[Experiment 2]Use high-powered microscope to observe chloroplasts 34
[Experiment 3]To observe flow of cytoplasm 35
3.Nuclear structure and function 36
Section 2 Cell Reproduction 39
[Experiment 4]Mitosis in plant cells 45
Section 3 Cell differentiation,oncogenesis and senecence 47
Extracurricular reading Cell engineering 50
Chapter 3 Metabolism 52
Section 1 Metabolism and Enzymes 53
[Experiment 5]A comparison of the catalytic efficiency of Fe3+ and hydrogen peroxidase 54
[Experiment 6]The efffect of amylase on starch and sucrose 55
[Experiment 7]Exploring the conditions affect amylase activities 56
Extracurricular reading Enzyme engineering brings benefits to the people 59
Section 2 ATP in Metabolism 60
Section 3 Photosynthesis 62
[Experiment 8]Extracting and separating pigments of the chloroplast 63
Section 4 Water absorption and utilization in plants 69
[Experiment 9]The observation of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis 71
Section 5 Mineral nutrition in plants 74
Section 6 Metabolism of three major nutrients in humans and amimals 79
Section 7 Internal environment and homeostasis 86
Section 8 Respiration 89
Section 9 Basic metabolic types 93
Extracurricular reading Fermentation engineering 96
Chapter 4 Regulation of life activities 97
Section 1 Hormonal regulation in plants 98
[Experiment 10]Plant tropism 98
Investigative project Design an experiment to observe the effect of auxin or synthetic auxin on the growth and development of plants 104
Section 2 Regulation of life activities in higher animals and humans 105
1.Humoral regulation 105
Exercitation 1 Raising young animals with animal hormones(Selectable) 108
2.Nervous regulation 109
Extracurricular reading Regulation of the autonomic nerve 115
3.Physiological foundation of animal behavior 116
Extracurricular reading Exploring mysteries of the brain 120
Chapter 5 Reproduction and development 121
Section 1 Reproduction 122
1.Types of reproduction 122
Investigative project Pollen tubes in angiosperm 126
Extracurricular reading Cloning mammalian animals 126
2.Meiosis and formation of sexual reproductive cells 127
Section 2 Individual development of organisms 134
1.Individual development of angiosperm 134
2.The individual development of higher animals 137
Appendix Some nouns in the book with Chinese translation 142
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