英语学习者口语交际能力研究 语料库语言学视角PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:甄凤超编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787313055750
- 页数:270 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations for the book 1
1 2 Research objectives 6
1.3 Outline of the book 8
Chapter 2 CriticaI Discussion of the Previous Studies on Learner Language 10
2.1 Changes in current linguistic and SLA research 10
2.2 Main features of CLC data 14
2.3 Methodological approaches to CLC research 17
2.4 Studies based on learner corpora 23
2.5 Conversation analysis 31
2.6 Communicative competence 36
2.7 Conclusion 43
Chapter 3 Defining Oral Communicative Ability 45
3.1 Features of oral communication 45
3.2 Accuracy,fluency and appropriacy 48
3.3 Four essential components 53
3.4 Conclusion 90
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 92
4.1 The COLSEC 92
4.2 The data in the book 98
4.3 Methods for data extraction and processing 102
4.4 Summary 109
Chapter 5 Findings and Analysis(1):Productive Vocabulary Size and the Ability to Use PCs 111
5.1 Productive vocabulary size 111
5.2 The abilitv to use PCs 120
5 3 Summary 177
Chapter 6 Findings and Analysis(2):the Ability to Manipulate Schemata 180
6.1 Introduction 180
6 2 Key words for the Use of Computers 181
6.3 Key words for Going on Tour 190
6.4 Discussion and conclusion 192
Chapter 7 Findings and Analysis(3):Pragmatic Competence and Strategic Competence 195
7.1 Pragmatic markers 195
7.2 Interruptions and overlaps 203
7.3 Strategies for taking,holding and yielding turns 215
7.4 Reactive tokens 224
7.5 Summary 228
Chapter 8 Conclusion 230
8.1 Summary of findings 230
8.2 Implications for pedagogy 235
8.3 Limitations ofthe book 239
8.4 Directions for further researches 240
Appendices 242
Appendix A An error classification system 242
Appendix B Error types in three groups 246
Appendix C Collocates of IMPROVE in the position of n in the pattern V n from the SBNC 249
Appendix D Collocates of KNOWLEDGE in the pattern v N from the SBNC 253
References 256
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