- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈立华,方幸福主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787562239611
- 页数:372 页
Lecture 1 Washington Irving(1783—1859) 1
1.Background questions 1
2.Selected reading 1
Text:An excerpt from Rip Van Winkle 1
3.Assigned reading 11
Lecture 2 Edgar Allan Poe(1809—1849) 40
1.Background questions 40
2.Selected reading 40
Text:The Raven 40
3.Assigned reading 45
Lecture 3 Nathanial Hawthorne(1804—1864) 64
1.Background questions 64
2.Selected reading 64
Text:Young Goodman Brown 64
3.Assigned reading 78
Lecture 4 Walt Whitman(1819—1892) 87
1.Background questions 87
2.Selected readings 87
Text A:I Hear America Singing 87
Text B:There Was a Child Went Forth 88
Text C:Excerpts from“Song of Myself” 90
3.Assigned readings 93
Lecture 5 Emily Dickinson(1830—1886) 98
1.Background questions 98
2.Selected readings 98
Text A:Wild Nights—Wild Nights 98
Text B:This Is My Letter to the World 99
Text C:I Died for Beauty—but Was Scarce 99
Text D:I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died— 100
Text E:Because I Could Not Stop for Death— 101
Text F:A Narrow Fellow in the Grass 102
3.Assigned readings 103
Lecture 6 Mark Twain(1835—1910) 108
1.Background questions 108
2.Selected reading 108
Text:The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 108
3.Assigned reading 115
Lecture 7 O.Henry(1862—1910) 121
1.Background questions 121
2.Selected reading 121
Text:The Gift of the Magi 121
3.Assigned reading 127
Lecture 8 Sherwood Anderson(1876—1941) 134
1.Background questions 134
2.Selected reading 134
Text:“The Egg”from The Triumph of the Egg 134
3.Assigned reading 145
Lecture 9 Stephen Crane(1871—1900) 152
1.Background questions 152
2.Selected reading 152
Text:The Open Boat 152
3.Assigned reading 164
Lecture 10 Theodore Dreiser(1871—1945) 176
1.Background questions 176
2.Selected reading 176
Text:Chapter 26 from Sister Carrie 176
3.Assigned reading 189
Lecture 11 Francis Scott Fitzgerald(1896—1940) 204
1.Background questions 204
2.Selected reading 204
Text:Chapter 3 from The Great Gatsby 204
3.Assigned reading 222
Lecture 12 Ernest Hemingway(1899—1961) 250
1.Background questions 250
2.Selected readings 250
Text A:Cat in the Rain 250
Text B:Chapter 41 from A Farewell to Arms 254
3.Assigned reading 273
Lecture 13 William Faulkner(1897—1962) 279
1.Background questions 279
2.Selected reading 279
Text:A Rose for Emily 279
3.Assigned reading 290
Lecture 14 T.S.Eliot(1888—1965) 304
1.Background questions 304
2.Selected readings 304
Text A:“The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”from Prufrock and Other Observations 304
Text B:“Preludes”from Prufrock and Other Observations 311
3.Assigned reading 313
Lecture 15 Robert Frost(1874—1963) 318
1.Background questions 318
2.Selected readings 318
Text A:Mending Wall 318
Text B:Fire and Ice 320
Text C:Birch 321
Text D:Nothing Gold Can Stay 323
3.Assigned reading 324
Lecture 16 Eugene O'Neill(1888—1953) 326
1.Background questions 326
2.Selected reading 326
Text:Act Four from Long Day's Journey into Night 326
3.Assigned reading 366
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