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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:盛丹丹主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787118065770;9787887042071
  • 页数:288 页
标签:主编 天下

Chapter 1 Business reception 商务接待 1

Unit 1 Picking Up the Client at the Airport 机场接人 1

Unit 2 Accommodating the Client 安排住所 6

Unit 3 Factory Tours 参观工厂 9

Unit 4 Entertaining the Client 款待客户 13

Unit 5 Presenting Gift 礼尚往来 18

Unit 6 Seeing Off the Client 送别客户 20

Chapter 2 Business Marketing 市场营销 22

Unit 1 Market Research 市场调研 22

Unit 2 Advertising and Promotion 广告宣传 25

Unit 3 Product Launch 产品发布 31

Unit 4 Promoting Sales 产品促销 34

Unit 5 After-Sale Service 售后服务 41

Unit 6 Sale and Distribution 销售情况 45

Chapter 3 About Exhibition 有关展会 47

Unit 1 Planning an Exhibition 会展筹划 47

Unit 2 Preparation for Exhibition 展前准备 49

Unit 3 Reception at the Hall 展台接待 57

Unit 4 After the Show 展后事宜 63

Unit 5 Attending the Trade Show 参加外展 67

Chapter 4 Foreign Trade 对外贸易 69

Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations 建立商贸关系 69

Unit 2 Calling for Bids and Tenders 招标与投标 74

Unit 3 Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-Offer 询盘、报盘和还盘 79

Unit 4 Order and Delivery 订购与交货 84

Unit 5 Logistics and Transportation 物流运输 91

Unit 6 Barter Trades 易货贸易 94

Unit 7 Compensation Trade 补偿贸易 96

Unit 8 Processing Trade 加工贸易 102

Unit 9 Trade Mark, Copyright and Patent 商标、版权和专利 105

Unit 10 Letter of Credit 信用证 110

Unit 11 Credit and Financing 贷与融资 115

Unit 12 Customs Entries and Duties 海关申报及关税 120

Unit 13 Import and Export 进口与出口 125

Chapter 5 Business Negotiation 129

Unit 1 Price 价格 129

Unit 2 Quality and Quantity 质量和数量 135

Unit 3 Commission 佣金 138

Unit 4 Packing 包装 142

Unit 5 Agency 代理 147

Unit 6 Insurance 保险 152

Unit 7 Shipment 装运 156

Unit 8 Payment 支付 162

Unit 9 Technology Transfer 技术转让 166

Unit 10 Contract Terms 合同条款 172

Unit 11 Establishing Joint Venture 合资企业 180

Unit 12 Claims 索赔 185

Unit 13 Arbitration 仲裁 192

Unit 14 Inspection 商品检验 199

Chapter 6 Conference and Meeting 商务会议 203

Unit 1 Arranging for the Meeting 安排会议 203

Unit 2 Setting Agenda 设定议程 206

Unit 3 Beginning the Meeting 会议开始 208

Unit 4 Free Discussion 会议讨论 214

Unit 5 Presentation 演讲 222

Unit 6 Closing the Meeting 结束会议 228

Unit 7 After the Conference 会后事务 231

Unit 8 Making Appointment 订约会 234

Chapter 7 Human Resources 人力资源 239

Unit 1 Employment and Interviewing 求职面试 239

Unit 2 Signing an Employee Contract 签订劳动合同 262

Unit 3 Staff Training 员工培训 264

Unit 4 Promotion and Demotion 升职与降职 268

Unit 5 Personnel Transfer 人事调动 273

Unit 6 Fire,Quit and Retirement 解雇、辞职与退休 276

Unit 7 Salary and Bonus 工资与奖金 285
