- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙建,汪洪章,卢丽安主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787309058772
- 页数:680 页
中古英国文学 1
Geoffrey Chaucer 3
The Canterbury Tales(excerpt)文艺复兴时期英国文学 6
William Shakespeare 8
The Merchant of Venice(excerpt)Hamlet(excerpt)SonnetsⅩⅨⅩⅩⅨ 8
17世纪英国文学 32
Francis Bacon 34
Of LoveOf StudiesJohn Donne 38
Holy SonnetsSt.Paul's:The Fifth of My Prebend Sermons(excerpt)Andrew Marvell 41
To His Coy MistressJohn Milton 44
Paradise Lost(excerpt)AreopagiticaJohn Bunyan 50
The Pilgrim's Progress(excerpt)John Dryden 55
An Essay of Dramatic Poesy(excerpt) 55
18世纪英国文学 59
Joseph Addison 61
Adventures of a ShillingRichard Steele 65
The Spectator ClubDaniel Defoe 71
Robinson Crusoe(excerpt)Jonathan Swift 86
Gulliver's Travels(excerpt)Alexander Pope 91
An Essay on Criticism(excerpt)Epistle to a Young Lady on Her Leaving the TownHenry Fielding 95
The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling(excerpts)Samuel Johnson 104
To the Earl of ChesterfieldOliver Goldsmith 107
The Vicar of Wakefield(excerpt)Richard Brinsley Sheridan 115
The School for Scandal(excerpt)Matthew Gregory Lewis 126
The Monk(excerpt)浪漫主义时期英国文学 130
William Blake 132
LondonThe TygerRobert Burns 136
A Red,Red RoseAuld Lang SyneWilliam Wordsworth 140
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysI Wandered Lonely As a CloudThe Solitary ReaperSamuel Taylor Coleridge 145
Kubla KhanWalter Scott 150
Ivanhoe(excerpt)Jane Austen 157
Pride and Prejudice(excerpt)Charles Lamb 165
Old ChinaWilliam Hazlitt 171
From Mr.WordsworthGeorge Gordon Byron 176
She Walks in BeautyWhen We Two PartedPercy Bysshe Shelley 180
Ode to the West WindTo a SkylarkJohn Keats 189
To Autumn维多利亚时期英国文学 192
Alfred Tennyson 194
UlyssesBreak,Break,BreakRobert Browning 199
Home-Thoughts,from AbroadCharles Dickens 201
Oliver Twist(excerpt)David Copperfield(excerpt)William Makepeace Thackeray 216
Vanity Fair(excerpt)Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 226
Mary Barton(excerpt)Charlotte Brontё 237
Jane Eyre(excerpt)Emily Brontё 247
Wuthering Heights(excerpts)George Eliot 256
Silas Marner(excerpts)Thomas Carlyle 265
Heroes and Hero-Worship(excerpt)John Ruskin 269
BooksGeorge Meredith 273
The Egoist(excerpt)William Morris 279
News from Nowhere(excerpt)Samuel Butler 286
Erewhon(excerpt)Thomas Hardy 292
Tess of the d'Urbervilles(excerpts)Robert Louis Stevenson 303
Treasure Island(excerpt)Oscar Wilde 309
The Importance of Being Earnest(excerpt) 309
20世纪英国文学 314
George Bernard Shaw 316
Mrs.Warren's Profession(excerpt)Joseph Conrad 334
Heart of Darkness(excerpt)Joseph Rudyard Kipling 348
Danny DeeverThe Widow at WindsorHarp Song of the Dane WomenThe HyenasWilliam Butler Yeats 354
The Lake Isle of InnisfreeWhen You Are OldEaster 1916
Herbert George Wells 359
The Invisible Man(excerpt)Enoch Arnold Bennett 365
The Old Wives'Tale(excerpt)John Galsworthy 372
The Forsyte Saga(excerpt)Saki 379
The Open WindowEdward Morgan Forster 383
A Room with a View(excerpt)John Millington Synge 393
Riders to the SeaBertrand Russell 404
A Free Man's WorshipWilliam Somerset Maugham 412
Of Human Bondage(excerpt)James Joyce 425
EvelineVirginia Woolf 430
Mrs.Dalloway(excerpt)D.H.Lawrence 439
Sons and Lovers(excerpts)Katherine Mansfield 449
The Garden PartyT.S.Eliot 463
The Love Song of J.Alfred PrufrockAldous Leonard Huxley 469
Brave New World(excerpt)二战后的英国文学 480
Edith Louisa Sitwell 483
When Cold DecemberStill Falls the RainHugh MacDiarmid 487
Moonlight Among the PinesIn the Children's HospitalChristopher Isherwood 490
Sally BowlesGeorge Orwell 497
Politics and the English LanguageW.H.Auden 508
Two Songs for Hedli AndersonGraham Greene 511
The Heart of the Matter(excerpt)Samuel Beckett 518
Waiting for Godot(excerpt)William Golding 525
Lord of the Flies(excerpt)Dylan Thomas 534
Fern HillDo Not Go Gentle into That Good NightAngus Wilson 538
South Africa—A Visit to My Mother's Land 1961(excerpt)Muriel Sarah Spark 547
The Abbess of Crewe(excerpt)Iris Murdoch 553
The Sea,the Sea(excerpt)Doris Lessing 561
Impertinent DaughtersPhilip Larkin 567
The School in AugustThe TreesLove,We Must Part NowKingsley Amis 570
Lucky Jim(excerpt)Ted Hughes 577
Full Moon and Little FriedaHawk RoostingThe Seven SorrowsHarold Pinter 581
The Dumb Waiter(excerpt)V.S.Naipaul 597
India,A Wounded Civilization(excerpt)Fay Weldon 601
The Life and Loves of a She-Devil(excerpts)A.S.By 607
Possession(excerpt)Seamus Heaney 614
Beowulf(excerpt)Angela Carter 622
The Company of WolvesJulian Barnes 632
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters(excerpt)Salman Rushdie 640
The Free RadioLiz Lochhead 648
In the BeginningKidspoem/BairnsangJames Kelman 653
How Late It Was,How Late(excerpt)Kazuo Ishiguro 663
The Remains of the Day(excerpt)Roddy Doyle 670
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha(excerpt)后记 679
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