- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邓志勇编著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787561759974
- 页数:253 页
Chapter One Writing in Perspective 1
1.1 A Communicative View of Writing 1
1.2 A Contextual View of Writing 3
1.3 A Rhetorical View of Writing 4
1.3.1 Rhetorical Triangulation in Writing 4
1.3.2 Overarching Rhetorical Principle 5
Exercises 8
Chapter Two Invention in Writing 9
2.1 Audience Analysis 9
2.1.1 Identifying Audience 10
2.1.2 Analyzing a General Audience 10
2.1.3 Analyzing a Specific Audience 13
2.2 Invention Schemes 14
2.2.1 A Tripartite-Topoi System 14
2.2.2 Brainstorming 16
2.2.3 Cubing 17
2.2.4 Journalists' Five W's and H 19
2.2.5 Tagmemic Discovery Model 20
2.2.6 Stasis Model 23
Exercises 27
Chapter Three Diction and Rhetorical Strategies 30
3.1 Levels of Words 30
3.2 Meanings of Words 32
3.3 Specific VS General,and Concrete VS Abstract Words 34
3.4 Dynamic VS Static Words 36
3.5 Figures of Speech 38
3.5.1 Simile 38
3.5.2 Metaphor 39
3.5.3 Personification 40
3.5.4 Metonymy 42
3.5.5 Synecdoche 44
3.5.6 Transferred Epithet 45
3.5.7 Hyperbole 46
3.5.8 Onomatopoeia 47
3.5.9 Euphemism 48
3.5.10 Oxymoron 49
3.5.11 Other Figures of Speech 51
Exercises 53
Chapter Four Sentence Construction and Rhetorical Strategies 63
4.1 Notion of Sentence 63
4.2 Classification of Sentences 66
4.2.1 Simple,Compound,Complex,and Compound-Complex Sentences 66
4.2.2 Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative,and Exclamatory Sentences 68
4.2.3 Loose,Periodic and Balanced Sentences 70
4.2.4 Short and Long Sentences 71
4.3 Principles of Sentence Construction 72
4.3.1 From-Shared-to-New Principle 72
4.3.2 End-Focus and End-Weight Principles 74
4.3.3 Head-and-Tail Principle 75
4.4 Rhetorical Perspectives in Sentence Construction 77
4.4.1 Emphasis 77
4.4.2 Conciseness 82
4.4.3 Balance 84
4.4.4 Variety 87
4.5 Common Sentence Errors and Mistakes 91
4.5.1 Comma Splice 91
4.5.2 Misplaced Modifier 91
4.5.3 Dangling Modifier 92
4.5.4 Run-on Sentence 93
4.5.5 Sentence Fragment 93
4.5.6 Faulty Parallelism 93
Exercises 94
Chapter Five Paragraph Construction and Rhetorical Strategies 104
5.1 Notion of Paragraph and Its Basic Structure 104
5.2 Formulating a Topic Sentence 109
5.3 Ways of Paragraph Development 114
5.3.1 Narration 114
5.3.2 Description 118
5.3.3 Exemplification 124
5.3.4 Process 126
5.3.5 Comparison and Contrast 128
5.3.6 Classification 137
5.3.7 Cause and Effect 141
5.3.8 Definition 149
5.3.9 Combination of Methods 154
5.4 Paragraph as Argument and Rhetorical Strategies 156
5.4.1 Structure of Argument 156
5.4.2 Micro-Structure of Paragraph as Argument 159 A Point of Departure:Sentence asArgument 159 Similarity Between Sentence and Paragraph 159
5.4.3 Macro-Structure of Paragraph as Argument 160
5.4.4 Identificational Strategies for Constructing Paragraph as Argument 161
5.5 Problems to Address 168
5.5.1 Disunity and Incoherence 168
5.5.2 Shallow Reasoning 171
Exercises 173
Chapter Six Essay Construction and Rhetorical Strategies 183
6.1 Structure of Essay 183
6.2 Formulating an Outline 185
6.3 Formulating a Thesis Statement 187
6.4 Traditional Modes of Discourse 190
6.4.1 Narration 191
6.4.2 Description 193
6.4.3 Exposition 198
6.4.4 Argumentation 209
6.5 Whole Essay as Argument 213
6.5.1 Similarity Between Paragraph and Whole Essay 213
6.5.2 Macro-Structure of Essay as Argument 214
6.5.3 Identificational Strategies for Constructing Essay as Argument 217
6.6 Rhetorical Strategies for Beginning and End 223
6.6.1 Rhetorical Strategies for Introduction 223
6.6.2 Rhetorical Strategies for Conclusion 229
6.7 Appropriate Tone 234
6.8 A Common Problem to Tackle 239
6.8.1 Chinese Spiral Form VS English Linear Form 239
6.8.2 A Solution to the Problem:An Interaction Model 242
Exercises 243
Bibliography 250
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