- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:彭启贵著
- 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787306032720
- 页数:336 页
Chapter1 Introduction:Approaching Sitcom Representation 1
1.1 Taking Sitcoms Seriously 3
1.2 Theoretical Framework 5
1.2.1 Televisual Text,Audience and Discourse 6
1.2.2 Theories of Comedy:Aristotle,Kant and Freud 16
1.2.3 Representations of Ethnicity 24
1.3 Methodology 38
1.4 Structure 41
1.5 Selection of Texts 45
Chapter2 The Making of Sitcom 47
2.1 What is Sitcom? 48
2.2 Characteristics of Sitcom 49
2.3 Types of Sitcom 51
2.3.1 Domestic and Non-domestic Siteoms 52
2.3.2 Family and Workplace Sitcoms 52
2.3.3 Actcom,Domcom and Dramedy 53
2.4 Ideology in Sitcom 55
Chapter3 Ethnicity in American Sitcoms from 1950s to 1980s 59
3.1 Colors in Sitcom 60
3.1.1 1950s:Appearance of Colors 62
3.1.2 1960s:Dis-appearance of Colors 67
3.1.3 1970s:Return of Colors 70
3.1.4 1980s:Celebrating Color Black 74
3.2 Major Features of Representations in Sitcoms 79
3.2.1 Domination of Whiteness 79
3.2.2 Black and White Binary 80
3.2.3 Negative Images 82
3.2.4 Ambivalence in Ethnic Discourse 85
3.3 Politics of Representation 87
3.3.1 Constructing Positive Images 87
3.3.2 (Cultural)Assimilation 90
3.3.3 Living with Differences 92
Chapter4 Representing Ethnicity in Non-white American Sitcoms in the 1990s 98
4.1 The 1990s:A Different World? 99
4.1.1 General Social Political Context 100
4.1.2 Demographic Growth and Non-white Spending 107
4.1.3 Television Industry 109
4.2 Representations of Ethnicity in Non-white Sitcoms 111
4.2.1 Black Sitcoms 111 Commercial Networks Vying for the Market 113 Black's Presence and Portraits 122 Multiplicity/Diversity/Heterogeneity in Representing Blackness 135
4.2.2 Asian American Sitcoms 140 Asian Americans in the 1990s 140 Televisual Representations of Asian Americans 150 All-American Girl 154
4.2.3 Invisibility of Hispanic and Native American Sitcoms 167
Chapter5 Representing“the Other”in White Sitcoms:A Quantitative Study of Seinfeld and Friends 170
5.1 Stories of the Whites:Plot Summary of Seinfeld and Friends 175
5.1.1 Seinfeld:A Show About Nothing 175
5.1.2 Friends:A Story of Friendship and More 177
5.2 Methodology 178
5.3 Categorization 181
5.3.1 Race 181
5.3.2 Gender 182
5.3.3 Profession 182
5.3.4 Class 182
5.3.5 Name and Articulation 183
5.3.6 Personal Relations 184
5.4 Results and Discussion 184
5.4.1 White Domination 184
5.4.2 Unbanlaced Presence Among Peoples of Color 189
5.4.3 Difference in Gender Casting 191
5.4.4 Wide Range of Professions 193
5.4.5 Middle Class Privileged 198
5.4.6 Unnarred and Inarticulated 199
5.4.7 Extensive Inter-racial Contact 201
Chapter6 Representing“the Other”in White Sitcoms:A Qualitative Study of Seinfeld and Friends 207
6.1 White Skin Black Masks:Representations of Jewishness 208
6.2 Perfect“Bitch”:Women of Color 217
6.3 Winner or Loser:Colored Men 244
6.4 Witch Girl and Clown Boy:Colored Children 265
6.5 Normalcy,Stereotyping,and Racism 274
Chapter7 Conclusion:Sitcom Situates Ethnicity 286
7.1 Knowledge Derived From the Study 286
7.2 Sitcom Situates Ethnicity 291
7.3 Implications for Future Sitcoms 299
7.4 Further Research 300
Bibliography 302
AppendixⅠ 318
AppendixⅡ 330
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- 《字里行间》王兆贵著 2019
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