- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)帕迪利亚(Padilla,M.J.)著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江教育出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7533869915
- 页数:179 页
Weather and Climate 12
Nature of Science:Eyes on Earth 12
Chapter 1 The Atmosphere 16
1 The Air Around You 18
2 Integrating Environmental Science:Air Quality 24
3 Air Pressure 29
4 Layers of the Atmosphere 35
Chapter 2 Weather Factors 44
1 Energy in the Atmosphere 46
2 Integrating Physics:Heat Transfer 52
3 Winds 56
4 Water in the Atmosphere 65
5 Precipitation 71
Chapter 3 Weather Patterns 78
1 Air Masses and Fronts 80
2 Storms 87
3 Integrating Health:Floods 99
4 Predicting the Weather 103
Chapter 4 Climate and Climate Change 114
1 What Causes Climate? 116
2 Climate Regions 126
3 Long-Term Changes in Climate 138
4 Integrating Environmental Science:Global Changes in the Atmosphere 143
Interdisciplinary Exploration:Antarctica 150
Reference Section 156
Skills Handbook 156
Think Like a Scientist 156
Making Measurements 158
Conducting a Scientific Investigation 160
Thinking Critically 162
Organizing Information 164
Creating Data Tables and Graphs 166
Appendix A:Laboratory Safety 169
Glossary 172
Index 175
Acknowledgments 179
Inquiry Activities 17
Opportunities for long-term inquiry 17
Chapter 1:Watching the Weather 17
Chapter 2:Your Own Weather Station 45
Chapter 3:The Weather Tomorrow 79
Chapter 4:Investigating Microclimates 115
Exploration and inquiry before reading 18
How Long Will the Candle Burn? 18
What's On the Jar? 24
Does Air Have Mass? 29
Is Air There? 35
Does a Plastic Bag Trap Heat? 46
What Happens When Air Is Heated? 52
Which Way Does the Wind Turn? 56
How Does Fog Form? 65
How Can You Make Hail? 71
How Do Fluids of Different Densities Behave? 80
Can You Make a Tornado? 87
What Causes Floods? 99
What's the Weather? 103
How Does Earth's Shape Affect Climate Zones? 116
What Are Different Climate Types? 126
What Story Can Tree Rings Tell? 138
What Is the Greenhouse Effect? 143
Sharpen your Skills 26
Practice of specific science inquiry skills 26
Predicting 26
Interpreting Data 67
Calculating 73
Classifying 85
Communicating 100
Interpreting Data 106
Inferring 119
Classifying 133
TRY Tuis 20
Reinforcement of key concepts 20
Breathe In,Breathe Out 20
Soda-Bottle Barometer 31
Temperatures at Two Heights 54
Build a Wind Vane 57
Lightning Distances 88
Modeling a Humid Climate 131
It's Your Skin! 145
Skills Lab 32
In-depth practice of inquiry skills 32
Working Under Pressure 32
Heating Earth's Surface 50
Reading a Weather Map 110
Sunny Rays and Angles 124
Real-World Lab 22
Everyday application of science concepts 22
How Clean Is the Air? 22
Where's the Wind? 58
Tracking a Hurricane 96
Cool Climate Graphs 136
Interdisciplinary Activities 38
Science and History 38
Explorers of the Atmosphere 38
Weather That Changed History 90
Science and Society 28
Cars and Clean Air 28
Hurricane Alert:To Stay or Not To Stay? 98
Connection 19
Language Arts 19
Social Studies 62
Visual Arts 94
Math Toolbox 122
Social Studies 141
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