Hormones In Human PlasmaPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Harry N.Antoniades
- 出 版 社:J.& A.Churchill Ltd.
- 出版年份:1960
- 页数:667 页
PART ONE Methods of Blood Collection and Plasma Fractionation 1
Ⅰ Blood Collection&Robert B.Pennell 3
Ⅱ Plasma Proteins and Plasma Fractionation&J.L.Oncley 13
PART TWO Hormones of Pancreatic Origin 47
Ⅲ Insulin-like Activity and Anti-Insulin Factors in Human Plasma 49
Introduction&Albert E.Renold 51
1.Insulin Bioassays in Vivo&Paul M.Beigelman 53
2.Insulin Bioassays in Vitro:Using Isolated Rat Diaphragm&A.F.Willebrands and J.J.Groen 60
3.Insulin Bioassays in Vitro:Using Isolated Rat Adipose Tissue&Donald B.Martin,Yves M.Dagenais and Albert E.Renold 76
4.Immunoassay of Insulin&Solomon A.Berson and Rosalyn S.Yalow 86
5.Anti-Insulin Factors&Maurice E.Krahl 95
6.The State of Insulin in Human Plasma&Harry N.Antoniades,Paul M.Beigelman,and Albert E.Renold 101
Ⅳ Glucagon in Plasma&Maynard H.Makman,Richard S.Makman and Earl W.Sutherland 119
PART THREE Hormones of Pituitary Origin 139
Ⅴ The Detection of Growth Hormone in Plasma&Ernst Knobil and Roy O.Greep 141
Ⅵ Adrenocorticotropic Hormone&Paul L.Munson 149
Ⅶ Pituitary Gonadotropins&Janet W.McArthur 191
Ⅷ Thyrotropic Hormone(s)&John F.Crigler,Jr. 201
Ⅸ Vasopressin and Oxytocin in the Plasma of Man and Other Mammals&Henry D.Lauson 225
PART FOUR Steroid Hormones 295
Ⅹ Androgens in Human Plasma&Claude J.Migeon 297
Ⅺ Corticosteroids in Blood 333
1.Hormonal Secretion of the Adrenal Cortex&Don H.Nelson 335
2.Methods for Measurement of Corticosteroids in Blood&Kristen Eik-Nes 351
3.The Influence of Extra-Adrenal Factors on Blood Corticosteroids&Avery A.Sandberg 363
Ⅻ Estrogens in Plasma&Lewis L.Engel and Clive B.Cameron 399
ⅩⅢ Progesterone&William H.Pearlman 415
ⅩⅣ The Binding of Steroid Hormones and Their Metabolites&by Plasma Proteins 455
1.The Binding of Steroid Hormones and Their Metabolites&by Plasma Proteins in Vivo Harry N.Antoniades 456
2.The Binding of Estrogens,Androgens and Progesterone&by Plasma Proteins in Vitro W.Roy Slaunwhite,Jr. 478
3.The Binding of Corticosteroids&by Serum Proteins in Vitro William H.Daughaday 495
PART FIVE Hormones Produced by Thyroid Gland,Adrenal Medulla and Placenta 513
ⅩⅤ Thyroid Hormones&Sidney H.Ingbar and Norbert Freinkel 515
ⅩⅥ Epinephrine and Norepinephrine&Marthe Vogt 581
ⅩⅦ Gonadotropins of Extra-Pituitary Origin&Janet W.McArthur 599
Author Index 631
Subject Index 659
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