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  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:谭卫国主编 金逸峰 王一清 杨立达副主编
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

Unit Ten 1

.An Epoch-making Toast/划时代的祝酒词 403 1

Unit Twenty-two 1

.How to Prepare for an Interview/如何为面试做准备 151 1

Interview and Employment/面试与就业 1

Unit Eleven 1

Unit Seventeen 1

Man and Nature/人与自然 1

Unit Twenty 1

.The College Experience/上大学经验之谈 136 1

College Study/大学学习 1

Famous Speeches/演说名篇 1

.Man and His Environment/人与环境306 1

Science and People/科学与人 1

.Science/科学 247 1

.Of Studies/谈读书 118 1

Readingand Learning/读书与学习 1

Unit Nine 1

Unit Twenty-nine 1

In the Information Age/信息时代 1

.Reasons for Traveling/旅行的种种理由 351 1

.Civilization/文明 282 1

.On Making Friends/交友之道 104 1

Friends and Relatives/朋友与亲戚 1

.Beijing/北京293 1

Valuable Advice/宝贵的忠告 1

Unit Fifteen 1

UnitTwenty-seven 1

Hot Topics/热门话题 1

World-famous Cities/世界名城 1

.Work and Careers/工作与职业203 1

Work and Careers/工作与职业 1

Unit Fourteen 1

.The Importance of Time in Modern Life/现代生活中时间的重要性379 1

Unit Twenty-one 1

Unit Twenty-eight 1

Unit One 1

.Rules Every Achiever Knows/成功者知道的规则 185 1

Success and Failure/成功与失败 1

Unit Thirteen 1

Unit Sixteen 1

Literature and Art/文学艺术 1

.Jane Austin's Novels/简·奥斯丁的小说229 1

.The Value of Education/教育的价值171 1

Education and Educational Systems/教育与教育体制 1

Unit Twelve 1

.Where There Is a Will,There Is a Way/有志者事竟成215 1

Unit Three 1

Tourism/旅游 1

World Civilization and Its Fruits/世界文明及其成果 1

Love Is a Telephone/爱情是一部电话52 1

Love and Marriage/爱情与婚姻 1

Unit Four 1

.Looking to the 21 st Century/展望21世纪434 1

Unit Twenty-five 1

UnitTwenty-six 1

.Male and Female Roles/男女职责 35 1

Men and Women/男人和女人 1

Prospects of the New Century/新世纪的展望 1

Unit Nineteen 1

UnitTwenty-four 1

Sports&Games and Hobbies/体育运动与业余爱好 1

.Youth/青春20 1

Human Life/人生 1

Unit Two 1

The Universe/宇宙 1

.The changing World/不断变化的世界333 1

.Sports and Games/体育运动271 1

.Ideas of Home Have Changed/家庭观念的变化 1 1

Home and Family/家庭与家人 1

Unit Eight 1

Beauty and Loveof Beauty/美与爱美 1

.Computers Concern You/电脑与你相关419 1

UnitTwenty-three 1

.Folk Culture vs.Popular Culture/民间文化与大众文化 363 1

.Employment of Chinese Women/中国妇女的就业 93 1

Women and Women's Liberation/妇女与妇女的解放 1

Unit Seven 1

Culture and Cultural Exchange/文化与文化交流 1

The Four Seasons in a Year/一年四季 1

Unit Eighteen 1

.Why Beauty Matters/美为何重要 78 1

Unit Thirty 1

Unit Six 1

.The Four Seasons/四季 317 1

Great Men in the World/世界伟人 1

.William Shakespeare—Popular Then and Now/威廉·莎士比亚——当时和现在同样受人喜爱 258 1

.Put Time Where Love Is/舍得为爱付出时间 69 1

Laws of Lasting Love/持久爱情的法则 1

Unit Five 1

.Science—A Way of Thinking/科学——一种思维方式249 2

.Beethoven and Lennon/贝多芬与列侬261 2

.Tribute to the White Poplar/白杨礼赞 230 2

The Development of Civilization/文明的发展284 2

.How to Avoid Foolish Opinions/如何避免愚蠢的见解217 2

.What We Want from Sports/我们从体育运动中获得什么益处 274 2

.Outstanding Cultural Diversity Programs/杰出的多元文化计划 366 2

.Study at University/大学学习 139 2

.Hard Work Is Good for Health/努力工作有利于健康 205 2

.How to Grow Old/怎样活得老22 2

.Trends for the 21 st Century/21世纪的趋势439 2

.Please Let Me Have a Little World/给我一个小小的世界 38 2

.How to Tell When She Flirts with You/如何识别女性示爱的信号55 2

In Crisis,Become As One/危急时刻,团结一致 71 2

.Spring/春天319 2

.Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder/男人眼中的完美女人 81 2

.Wide Uses of Computers/计算机的广泛应用 421 2

.Women Shouldn't Be Neglected/妇女不应被忽视 96 2

.We Need Friends/我们需要朋友 106 2

.Owning Books/论藏书 121 2

.Family Life/家庭生活 4 2

.Population and Natural Resources/人口与自然资源308 2

.Our Family Creed/家庭的信条 407 2

.What to Do on the Day of an Interview/面试之日做什么 154 2

.Survey of World Education Achievements/世界教育成就 2

.Taishan/泰山 353 2

.Other Worlds/另外的世界336 2

.Shanghai:The Oriental Pearl/东方明珠——上海296 2

.How to Learn with Success/如何学有成效 189 2

.Crime:An Ever-growing Problem/犯罪:一个日益严重的问题 381 2

.Paper and Its Uses/纸及其用途287 3

.Australia:A Land of Exceptional Beauty/澳大利亚——一个格外美丽的国家 356 3

.Summer/夏天 321 3

.Three New Yorks/二个纽约301 3

. World of the Future/未来世界339 3

.Significance of Wildlife Protection/保护野生生物意义重大310 3

.Education in America/美国的教育 175 3

.How to Succeed in an Interview/面试成功的要点 157 3

.Life-styles of the 21 st Century/21世纪的生活方式444 3

.Love of Life/热爱生命25 3

.A Perfect Wife/完美的妻子40 3

.Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friends/石饰物是女孩的挚友59 3

.Take a Loving Look/运用充满爱意的眼神 73 3

.The Effects the Internet Age Has on Our Work-and-Rest Timetable/网络时代对人们作息时间的影响 425 3

.The Search for Beauty/美的追求85 3

.What About Women's Liberation/妇女解放实况怎样98 3

Friends/朋友 108 3

.Books and I/我之于书 124 3

.The Green Revolution:Peace and Humanity/绿色革命:和平与人类410 3

.Hints to Improve Spoken English/提高英语口语须知 144 3

.My Mother/我的母亲6 3

.Alfred Nobel—A Man of Contrasts/阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔——一个对比鲜明的人 265 3

.Buying Accommodation/购房384 3

.We Can Succeed/我们能成功 191 3

.Attitude Is What Counts/工作态度至关重要 207 3

.Five Traits of the Educated Man/有教养者的五大特点 220 3

.Artists'Aspiration/艺术家们的心愿 235 3

调查 173 3

.The Pleasure of Walking/步行的乐趣276 3

.Some Basic Values of the Chinese People(1)/中国人民的基本价值观念(一) 370 3

.The Study of Science/科学研究 251 3

.Indonesia:Plenty of Attractions印度尼西亚:引人入胜的仙境 360 4

.Prospers of the New Century/新世纪的展望448 4

.New Rules for Building Wealth in the Information Age/信息时代创造财富的新规则 428 4

. Our Picture of the Universe/我们的宇宙图像 344 4

.Some Basic Values of the Chinese People(2)/中国人民的基本价值观念(二) 373 4

.Address to the Millennium Summit/在千年首脑峰会上的演讲 415 4

.A Global Economy/全球化的经济386 4

.What to Do When You Feel Lonely/孤独之时,做些什么 224 4

.Music/音乐237 4

.How We Should Read a Book/如何读书 127 4

.My Friend,Albert Einstein/我的朋友——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦113 4

.Women are Free to Make a Choice/妇女自由做出选择 100 4

.My Mother's Gift/母亲的礼物 8 4

The Educational System in China/中国的教育体制 178 4

.Queen of the Universe/宇宙皇后89 4

.How to Be a Successful Inventor/如何成为成功的发明家195 4

.Work Done for Humanity/为人类而工作 210 4

.Try Another Perspective/换个角度看问题 75 4

.Preparing for Final Examination/为期末考试做准备 148 4

.21 Tips:From Starting Out to Following Through/21条启示: 4

.Empty-shell Marriages/空壳婚姻种种 63 4

.Why Women Live Longer Than Men/女人为何比男人寿命长44 4

.Science and People/科学与人 253 4

.Freedom in Dying/面对死亡的选择 30 4

.Benjamin Franklin/本杰明·富兰克林 268 4

.Collecting—A Serious Hobby/收藏——一种严肃的爱好279 4

Material Science in the 21 st Century/21世纪的材料科学291 4

.Tokyo/东京303 4

.Becoming a Child of Nature:It's a Twofold Task of Parents and Children/做大自然的孩子:父母与孩子的双重任务 312 4

.Autumn/秋天 322 4

.Look Out for No.2/照顾配偶的利益 76 5

.Departing Guests/送客 115 5

.My Forever Valentine/我永远的情人 15 5

.Throw Out the Calculator/扔掉计算器 131 5

The Choice of a Wife/选妻 67 5

.New Product Development/新产品的开发390 5

指导就业的全过程 160 5

.Writing the Perfect CV/撰写完美的简历 163 5

.The British Educational System/英国的教育体制 180 5

.Don't Worry About Failing/不要担心失败 198 5

.Towards the Teaching Profession/教书职业论212 5

.Cultural Exchange/文化交流376 5

.The Reading of a Painting/读画 239 5

.Spring for Science/科学的春天255 5

.Winter/冬天323 5

.Peace and Development:The Themes of Our Times/和平与发展:我们时代的主题 394 6

.The Necessity of Operas and Other Forms of Culture/歌剧和其他娱乐必不可少 244 6

.A Season for Hymning and Hawing/令人赞叹的季节 325 6

Olympic Economy:A HugeTemptation/奥运经济:巨大的诱惑 397 7

Shanghai Won the Bid for the 2010 World Exposition/上海赢得2010年世界博览会承办权 400 8
