隐喻机制的劝谏性功能 一项基于“CCTV”杯英语演讲比赛演讲辞的研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙毅编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787500483939
- 页数:369 页
List of Figures 22
Figure 2.1 The process of metaphoric mapping in cognitive metaphor theory 22
Figure 2.2 The 'four-space' mapping of conceptual integration theory 25
Figure 3.1 The general working mechanism of 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 41
Figure 3.2 Procedure One of 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' in locating all usages concerned 42
Figure 3.3 Procedure Two of 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' in locating all usages concerned 43
Figure 3.4 Procedure Three of 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' in locating all usages concerned 43
Figure 4.1 All-inclusive distribution of conceptual metaphors in the corpora of "CCTV" Cup English Speaking Contest 161
Figure 5.1 The overall relationship between metaphorical persuasiveness and CDA 207
List of Tables 65
Table 4.1 Distribution of 'way metaphors' in journey metaphors 65
Table 4.2 Distribution of 'forward metaphors' in journey metaphors 68
Table 4.3 Distribution of 'build metaphors' in building metaphors 75
Table 4.4 Distribution of 'foundation metaphors' in building metaphors 77
Table 4.5 Distribution of 'fight metaphors' in conflict metaphors 81
Table 4.6 Distribution of 'for metaphors' in conflict metaphors 106
Table 4.7 Distribution of 'against metaphors' in conflict metaphors 109
Table 4.8 Distribution of light metaphors 116
Table 4.9 Distribution of 'harmony metaphors' in relationship metaphors 128
Table 4.10 Distribution of 'friend metaphors' in relationship metaphors 136
Table 4.11 Distribution of temporal metaphors 158
Lists of Concordancing Outcomes by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 59
List 4.1 Concordancing outcomes of'way'by'AntConc3.2.0w(Windows)' 59
List 4.2 Concordancing outcomes of'forward'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 66
List 4.3 Concordancing outcomes of'build'and'building'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 71
List 4.4 Concordancing outcomes of'foundation'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 75
List 4.5 Concordancing outcomes of'fight'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 79
List 4.6 Concordancing outcomes of'for'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 82
List 4.7 Concordancing outcomes of'against'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 107
List 4.8 Concordancing outcomes of'light'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 112
List 4.9 Concordancing outcomes of'harmony'and'harmonious'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 118
List 4.10 Concordancing outcomes of'friend'and'friends'by'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 128
List 4.11 Concordancing outcomes of 'past' by 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 140
List 4.12 Concordancing outcomes of 'now' by 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 144
List 4.13 Concordancing outcomes of 'future' by 'AntConc 3.2.0w(Windows)' 153
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 The significance of studying metaphor in public speaking 1
1.2 Objectives of the present study 4
1.3 Outline of the dissertation 5
Chapter Two Review of Related Literature 7
2.1 Various previous approaches towards metaphor 7
2.1.1 The Aristotelian approach 8
2.1.2 The Vico view 9
2.1.3 Semantic approaches 10
2.1.4 Generative approaches 13
2.1.5 Pragmatic approaches 14
2.1.6 Conceptualist approach 21
2.2 The necessity of incorporating Critical Discourse Analysis in researching metaphor 27
2.2.1 Essentials of Critical Discourse Analysis 27
2.2.2 Reconciliation of CDA and cognitive metaphor research 32
2.3 Summary 36
Chapter Three Methodology in Identifying and Deciphering Metaphors:The Hybridization of Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses 37
3.1 Quantitative analysis 38
3.1.1 Imperfections of cognitive metaphor theory in identifying metaphors 38
3.1.2 Values of corpus-based research 39
3.1.3 Corpus-based description in the dissertation 39
3.2 Qualitative analysis 46
3.3 Metaphor deciphering in CDA 49
3.3.1 Metaphor description 50
3.3.2 Metaphor interpretation 51
3.3.3 Metaphor explanation 52
3.4 Summary 53
Chapter Four Distribution and Elucidation of Conceptual Metaphors in "CCTV" Cup English Speaking Contest 55
4.1 The gist of the art of public speaking 55
4.2 Distribution and elucidation of conceptual metaphors in public speaking corpus 58
4.2.1 Journey metaphors 58
4.2.2 Building metaphors 70
4.2.3 Conflict metaphors 79
4.2.4 Light metaphors 110
4.2.5 Relationship metaphors 117
4.2.6 Temporal metaphors 137
4.3 Summary 160
Chapter Five Persuasive Function of Metaphor in Public Speaking 163
5.1 Metaphor and persuasion in public speaking 165
5.2 Metaphor and intentions 171
5.3 Metaphor and emotions 179
5.4 Metaphor and evaluation 188
5.5 Metaphor and analogical reasoning 196
5.6 Summary 205
Chapter Six Conclusion 209
6.1 A brief summary of the study 209
6.2 Implications:using metaphor for pedagogical purposes 212
6.2.1 Enhancing learners' awareness towards metaphor 213
6.2.2 Metaphor and speaking 216
6.2.3 Metaphor and writing 220
6.3 Problems and limitations of this research 226
6.4 Suggestions for further studies 227
Appendices:Corpora of Speeches of the Fifth "CCTV" Cup English Speaking Contest 229
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