- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘承宇著
- 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:756152983X
- 页数:284 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Rationale of the study 3
1.3 Purpose of the study 6
1.4 Methodology and data collection 7
1.5 Organization of the book 9
Chapter 2 Literature review 12
2.1 Grammatical metaphor 12
2.2 Style and stylistic value 21
2.3 Functional stylistics 25
2.4 Cognitive stylistics 31
2.5 Metalanguage and English metalinguistic texts 45
2.6 Summary 64
Chapter 3 Theoretical framework 66
3.1 A functional stylistic perspective on grammatical metaphor 66
3.2 A cognitive stylistic perspective on grammatical metaphor 78
3.3 Summary 97
Chapter 4 Ideational metaphor in EMTs and its stylistic value 99
4.1 Nominalization in EMTs and its stylistic value 99
4.2 Transitivity metaphor in EMTs and its stylistic value 116
4.3 Summary 145
Chapter 5 Interpersonal metaphor in EMTs and its stylistic value 148
5.1 Mood metaphor in EMTs and its stylistic value 148
5.2 Modality metaphor in EMTs and its stylistic value 161
5.3 Passivization in EMTs and its stylistic value 170
5.4 Person shift in EMTs and its stylistic value 175
5.5 The ideational-interpersonal tension and its implications 184
5.6 Summary 222
Chapter 6 Textual metaphor in EMTs and its stylistic value 225
6.1 Textual metafunction and textual metaphor 225
6.2 Textual metaphors in EMTs 243
6.3 The stylistic value of textual metaphor 247
6.4 A cognitive interpretation of textual metaphor and its stylistic value 248
6.5 Summary 249
Chapter 7 Conclusion 252
7.1 Summary of the findings 252
7.2 Significance of this study 257
7.3 Limitations and prospects for further research 258
Notes 260
Bibliography 264
Appendix:The corpus of English metalinguistic texts 279
Index 281
List of Figures 20
Figure 2.1 The classification of grammatical metaphor 20
Figure 2.2 The varieties of language 23
Figure 2.3 The stratification of metalanguage 50
Figure 2.4 The typology of language in terms of reflexivity order 53
Figure 3.1 The two cycles of realization in the linguistic system 71
Figure 3.2 The Peircean concept of signs 79
Figure 3.3 The Peircean taxonomy of signs 81
Figure 3.4 Prototypicality and grammatical metaphor 93
Figure 3.5 The face/vase illusion 94
Figure 4.1 Rank-shifts in nominalization 105
Figure 4.2 The distribution of nominalization in the EMT corpus 106
Figure 4.3 The lexical density of the EMT corpus 111
Figure 4.4 The congruent representation of phenomena in lexicogrammar 118
Figure 4.5 Types of ideational metaphors 134
Figure 4.6 The distribution of transitivity metaphor in the EMT corpus 141
Figure 4.7 Transitivity metaphor,automatization,accessibility and style 144
Figure 5.1 The distribution of mood metaphors in the EMT corpus 151
Figure 5.2 The distribution of modality metaphors in the EMT corpus 163
Figure 5.3 The relationship between polarity and modality 164
Figure 5.4 The distribution of passivization in the EMT corpus 172
Figure 5.5 The distribution of person shifts in the EMT corpus 177
Figure 5.6 Upward rank-shifts in mood metaphors 188
Figure 5.7 The directionality of metaphoricalization in ideational metaphors 199
Figure 5.8 The systemic description of clause complex relations 217
Figure 5.9 The relationship between the three semogenic processes 220
Figure 6.1 The distribution of metaphorical themes in the EMT corpus 246
List of Tables 8
Table 1.1 The corpus of English metalinguistic texts 8
Table 3.1 The levels of language 69
Table 3.2 metafunctions,lexicogrammar and the context of situation 70
Table 3.3 Iconicity in grammatical metaphor 90
Table 4.1 Nominalization in the EMT corpus 103
Table 4.2 Lexical density of the EMT corpus 109
Table 4.3 Transitivity metaphors in the EMT corpus 116
Table 4.4 Types of relational process in EMTs 124
Table 5.1 Mood metaphors in the EMT corpus 150
Table 5.2 Primary speech functions(SF)and mood-system realizations 155
Table 5.3 Modality metaphors in the EMT corpus 161
Table 5.4 Finite verbal operators 163
Table 5.5 Passivization in the EMT corpus 171
Table 5.6 Person shifts in the EMT corpus 176
Table 5.7 Downgraded rank-shifts in ideational metaphors 185
Table 5.8 Upgraded rank-shifts in modality metaphors 187
Table 5.9 Opposite rank-shifts in ideational and interpersonal metaphors 189
Table 6.1 The mood system and unmarked themes 232
Table 6.2 Metaphorical thematic structures in the EMT corpus 244
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