Grist A Selection of Articles on Specialized and General Dental PracticePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:The Dental Cosmos
- 出版年份:1931
- 页数:254 页
Effects of Functional Disorganization of the Mouth and Teeth;Operative Factors in Reestablishment to Normal&by Travis E.Kallenbach,D.D.S. 7
Practical Dental Histology The Treatment of Sensitive Teeth&by Charles F.Bodecker,D.D.S.,F.A.C.D. 19
Local Anesthesia and Exodontia&by Leo Winter,D.D.S. 32
A Simplified Outline of Conduction Anesthesia&by Don E.Woodard,D.D.S.,M.S.D. 43
General Anesthesia for Children&by Morris A.Zimmer,D.D.S. 49
Nitrous-Oxid Analgesia&by Harry M.Seldin,D.D.S.and Rubin Seldin,D.D.S. 55
Preoperative and Postoperative Treatment in Exodontia for the General Practitioner&by L.Biddle Duffield,D.D.S. 60
A Study of the Restoration of Tooth Structure with Silver Alloy Amalgam&by Benjamin Kornfeld,D.D.S. 61
Restoration of Gingival or Cervical Margins in Full Crowns&by Russell C.Wheeler,D.D.S. 75
Porcelain Jacket Crowns&by E.L.Pilkington,D.D.S. 80
The Porcelain-Faced,Cast,Shoulderless Jacket Crown&by Joseph A.Viverito,D.D.S. 88
Certain Considerations in the Problem of Dental Caries&by Russell W.Bunting,D.D.Sc. 92
The Pulpless Tooth&by Thomas B.Hartzell,D.D.S.,M.D. 101
The Pulpless Tooth&by E.A.Jasper,D.D.S. 108
Closer Cooperation between Orthodontist and General Practitioner&by Frederick W.Pratt,D.D.S.,L.D.S. 114
Indications for the Removal of Teeth from the Standpoints of Oral Diagnosis and Periodontia&by Harold J.Leonard,D.D.S.,B.A. 119
Dry Sockets:Suggested Causes,Treatment-How To Prevent Them&by C.C.Cannon,D.D.S. 126
Dental Infection in Relation to Antral and Ocular Disturbances&by Max Winslow,D.D.S. 128
Practical Children's Dentistry for the General Practitioner&by Samuel D.Harris,D.D.S. 130
A Rational Means of Controlling the Evils of Incipient Dental Caries&by Charles F.Bodecker,D.D.S.,F.A.C.D. 135
Pyorrhea Alveolaris:Its Nature,Pathogeny and Treatment&by Dr.Maurice Roy 145
The Crane-Kaplan Operation for the Prompt Elimination of Pyorrhea Alveolaris&by Arthur B.Crane,D.D.S.and Harry Kaplan,D.D.S. 155
The Treatment of Pyorrhea-A Useful Method with Technique for General Practice&by Philip S.Haley,Ph.C.,D.D.S. 166
Vincent's Infection-A Medical and Dental Problem&by Raymonde A.Albray,D.D.S. 171
Mechanical Analysis of Different Classes of Removable Bridgework&by Nathan I.Adler,B.S. 177
Pinledge Bridge Attachment for Anterior Teeth&by Henry Wasserman,D.D.S. 186
Principles of Fixed-Bridge Construction&by Robert P.Dressel,D.D.S. 193
Partial Denture Work&by Loren D.Sayre,D.D.S. 229
A Simplified Full Denture Technique&by Chastain G.Porter,D.D.S. 235
Full Denture Problems and How Immediate Replacement Helps to Solve Them&by M.M.DeVan,D.D.S. 246
The Ⅹ-Ray as an Aid to Efficient Oral and Systemic Diagnosis&by Mitchel B.Lenley,D.D.S. 251
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