Methods of Forensic Science Volume IIPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Frank Lundquist
- 出 版 社:Ltd.
- 出版年份:1963
- 页数:302 页
An Analytical Technique for Determining the Origin of Unidentified Paper&By E.MARTIN 1
Ⅰ.Introduction 1
Ⅱ.Test Methods for Paper Analysis and Test Results 2
General Observations 2
1.Quantity,Condition and Preparation of Paper for Testing 4
2.Determining the Weight per Square Metre 5
3.Measurement of Thickness 7
4.Macroscopical Examination of the Paper Surface 8
5.Determination of Sizing and Content of Mechanical Wood Pulp 8
6.Determination of Ash Residue 9
7.Microscopical Examination of Paper Substance 10
8.Determination of the Degree of Beating and Quantity of Fibres 15
9.Spectrographic Analysis of Inorganic Substances in Paper 17
10.Chromatographic Determination of the Alkali Metals and Alkaline Earth Metals in Paper 19
Ⅲ.Chromatographic Examination of Paper Fibres for possible Changes due to Printing Inks,Solvents used as Ink Vehicles,Surface Sizing,etc. 25
Ⅳ.Investigation of the Relationship between the Inos in Paper and the Nature of the Water uses in Manufacture 27
Ⅴ.Control Tests to check Accuracy of Identification 27
Ⅵ.Examples of Paper Analysis in Criminal Investigation 29
Ⅶ.Summary 31
References 33
The Examination and Identification of Inks&By A.H.WITTE 35
Ⅰ.Introduction 35
Ⅱ.Composition and Characterisitcs of Inks 37
1.Indian Inks 37
2.Logwood Inks 37
3.Iron Gallotannate Inks 38
4.Fountain Pen Inks 39
5.Dyestuff Inks 39
6.Water Resistant Writing and Drawing Inks 40
7.Alkaline Writing Inks 40
8.Ballpoint Pen Inks 41
9.Stamp Pad Inks 42
10.Hectograph Inks 43
11.Typewriter Ribbon Inks 43
12.Printing Inks 43
Ⅲ.The Chemical Examination of Inks 43
1.Reactions with Reagents in the Ink Stroke or on Excised Fragments of the Ink Stroke 48
2.The Examination of Inks by Chromatographic Analytical Methods 48
3.Examination of Ink by Absorption Measurements of Ink Strokes by Paper 61
4.Age Determination of Ink Writing 64
References 75
Identification of a Typewriter by the Defects of the Stoke&By JEAN GAYET 79
Ⅰ.Introduction 80
Ⅱ.The Defects of a Typewriter 83
1.The Mechanism of the Stroke 83
2.The General Defects 85
Ⅲ.Defects of the Writing 97
1.Defects Affecting Individual Signs or Characters 98
2.Defects Affecting the Whole of the Writing 113
Ⅳ.Examination Procedure 121
1.Preliminary Selection 121
2.Identification of Documents 121
The Application of Gas Chromatography in Forensic Science&By W.J.CADMAN 127
Ⅰ.Introduction 129
Ⅱ.Description of Chromatography 130
Ⅲ.Nomenclature and Definitions 131
1.Name of Technique 132
2.Apparatus 132
3.Reagents 133
4.Chromatogram Records 133
5.Retention Parameters 134
6.Recommendations:Retention Data 136
7.Apparaus Performance 137
8.Discussion 138
Ⅳ.Instrumental Requirements of Gas Chromatography 138
1.Carrier Gas 139
2.Flow Control 139
3.Sampling 140
4.Column 143
5.Detector 146
Ⅴ.Application of Gas Chromatography to Toxic Substances 149
1.Gases 149
2.Low Boiling Liquids 155
3.Hight Boiling Liquids 161
4.Solids 162
Ⅵ.Application of Gas Chromatography to Arson Cases 163
1.Vapour Sampling 164
2.Distillate or Extract Sampling 164
3.Comparison 165
References 166
Chemical Methods for the Determination of Metals in Forensic Toxicology&By A.DYFVERMAN 171
Ⅰ.General Section 171
1.Introduction 171
2.Destructon of the Organic Matter 173
3.Dithizone Colorimetry 175
4.Flame Photometry 177
Ⅱ.Typical Metals 179
1.Gropu Ⅰ.Alkali Metals 179
2.Group Ⅱ.Alkaline Earth Metals 179
References 183
Determination of Blood Groups in Blood Stains&By P.MOUREAU 187
Ⅰ.Introduction 187
Ⅱ.Investigation of Blood Stains in General 188
1.Size and Age of the stains 188
2.Presence and Persistence of Group Substance in the Stains 189
3.Presence of Group Elements of Heterogeneous (Bacteria) or Isogenous (Secretions) Origin,in the Blood Stains and in their Substrate 190
4.The Aspecific Alteration of Reagents apt to Occur in the Course of the Operation 191
5.The Discovery of Numerous Group-Antigens and the ensuing Possibilities in the Typing of Blood Stains 191
Ⅲ.Transport of the Stains from the Scene of the Crime to the Laboratory 193
Ⅳ.Technique of Determination of Blood Groups in Blood Stains 194
1.Preliminary Remarks 194
2.The Landsteiner-Richter Reaction 194
3.The Agglutinins in the Stains.The Lattes Reaction and its Modifications 195
4.The Agglutinogens in the Stains 198
Ⅴ.Court-Room Exhibits 203
Ⅵ.New Techniques Recently Proposed 203
Ⅶ.Conclusions 205
References 205
Some Aspects of Blood Grouping in Cases of Disputed Paternity in Denmark&By K.HENNINGSEN 209
Ⅰ.Introduction 209
Ⅱ.Problems of Identity 210
1.Identity of Donor 210
2.Identity of Samples 211
Ⅲ.Laboratory Errors 211
1.Elementary Technical and Clerical Errors 211
2.Special Problems within the Different Systems 212
3.The Value of a Second Examination 218
Ⅳ.Extent of Information obtainable by Blood Group Determination 219
Ⅴ.Forensic Evaluation 220
1.General Remarks 220
2.The Estimation of Reliability of Exclusions 221
3.Principle of Blood Group Statistical Information 222
Ⅵ.Scandinavian Directions Concerning the Evaluation of Forensic Blood Grouping 223
1.Blood and Serum Group Determinations 223
Ⅶ.Conclusion 227
References 228
The Determination of Bone Age&By STEFFEN BERG 231
Ⅰ.Introduction 231
Ⅱ.Nature of the Resting-Conditions 232
Ⅲ.Patterns of Bone Structure Decomposition 234
Ⅳ.Tests to Estimate the Duration of Deposit 238
1.Consistency and Weight of the Specimen 238
2.Test for Carbonate 239
3.Ultra-violet-Fluorescence 239
4.Affinity for Indophenol and Nile Blue 240
5.Supersonic-Conductivity 241
6.X-ray-Structure Analysis 243
7.Radiocarbon-Method 244
8.Histological Examination 244
9.Remnants of Fat-transgression 246
10.Serological protein Determination 249
11.Remnants of Soft Tissue 250
12.Defects-Remains of Garments 251
Ⅴ.Conclusion 251
References 252
Determination of the Time of Death in the Early Post-mortem Interval&By F.SCHLEYER 253
Ⅰ.Introduction 253
Ⅱ.Conventional Methods of Inspection 254
Ⅲ.Examination of Supravital Reactions 256
1.Post-mortem Excitability of Muscles.Subcutaneous Haemorrhages 256
2.Pupillary Reactions 261
3.Excitability of the Sweat Glands 264
4.Post-mortem Blood Coagulation 265
Ⅳ.Measurement of the Body Temperature 266
Ⅴ.Time Determinations on the Basis of Biochemical Changes after Death 269
1.General Remarks 269
2.Amino Acid Nitrogen 270
3.Non-Protein Nitrogen 273
4.Creatine 275
5.Xanthine and Hypoxanthine 276
6.Ammonia 276
7.Potassium 278
8.Chlorides 280
9.Inorganic Phosphorus 280
10.Lactic Acid 281
11.pH 281
12.Other Attempts of Determination 281
Ⅵ.Application of Haematological Methods 285
Ⅶ.Application of Cytological and Histological Methods 286
Ⅷ.Synopsis of 'Non-conventional' Optimum Methods 288
References 290
Index 295
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