- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李楠等编著
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7535232736
- 页数:649 页
耐火材料的发展 3
中国耐火材料工业的现状与发展&李楠 3
Thinking about some problems related to refractories for the new century&Li Nan 12
Refractory education in China&Li Nan 24
Situation and future of refractory education in China&Li Nan 33
耐火材料原料的烧结、组成、结构及深加工 43
菱镁矿煅烧过程中氧化镁烧结与晶粒生长动力学的研究&李 楠 李荣荣 43
团聚氧化镁粉料压块的烧结机理与动力学模型&李楠 53
团聚氯化镁烧结过程中气孔变化与表面积降低动力学&李 楠 陈荣荣 66
Formation,compressibility and sintering of aggregatedMgO powder&Li Nan 74
Adsorption and desorption sintering of active MgO&Li Nan 93
Characteristics and sintering of MgO derived form magnesite and hydroxide&Li Nan Chen Shihua Zhang Daoyun 106
干燥过程中镁化白云石轻烧料的重新碳酸化及其与烧结的关系&武汉钢铁学院耐火材料教研室三组 118
加水量与镁化白云石轻烧料水化率及烧结块体积密度的关系&武汉钢铁学院耐火室三组 125
高纯菱镁矿的烧结与CaO的作用&李 楠 耿筱梅 133
水化加入物对镁白云石高温烧结性能及显微结构的影响&柯昌明 李楠 141
外加剂对白云石烧结及抗水化性的影响&罗 明 李 楠 郑海忠 邱文冬 149
An investigation on kinetics of MgO&Li Nan Ke Changming 155
Compressibility and sintering of aggregated MgO-CaOpowder and the influences of adhesion of fine particles to the surface of aggregate&Li Nan Ke Changming 162
结构对高岭石脱水活化能大小的影响&梁永和 李楠 172
Sintering and compotion of refined bauxites&Wang Xitang Li Nan 180
Composition,microstructure and application of bauxite based on mineral separation&Liang Yonghe Li Nan Wang Xitang Geng Xiaomei Ke Changming 192
Sintering characteristics of bauxites with a considerable content of K2 O&Li Nan W Qingshun K.Chanming W Xitang B Yuhui 200
Sintering and microstructure of bauxitebased electro- melted corundum&Li Yuanbing Li Nan 209
Study on composition and structure of bauxite-Based Smelting corundum&Li Yuanbing Li Nan 216
M60莫来石的应用研究&邱文冬 李楠 224
用矾土制备莫来石-高硅氧玻璃材料的研究&邱文冬 李楠 229
全天然原料合成莫来石的相组成及显微结构研究&李楠 王玺堂 柯昌明 朱伯铨 235
全天然莫来石的工艺研究&王玺堂 李楠 246
影响熔融莫来石晶粒大小及组成的传热学因素&周国茂 李楠 252
电熔镁锆合成料的组成对显微结构和性能的影响&朱伯铨 李楠 259
电熔镁锆合成料的抗渣性研究&朱伯铨 李楠 甘菲芳 陈荣荣 田守信 267
熔铸莫来石凝固过程数值模拟&周国茂 李楠 274
机械法制莫来石微粉的性能与烧结&李 楠 邢 程 黄海云 281
低温合成高铬烧结料&梁永和 李 楠 钱新伟 吴芸芸 孙承绪 290
Effect of additives on sintering of Cr2O3 in reductive atmosphe&Liang Yonghe Li Nan Qian Xinwei Wu Yunyun 298
Study on hot-pressing sitering of Cr2O3-ZrO2-A12O3 materials&Liang Yonghe Sun Chengxu Li Nan Wu Yunyun 306
耐火材料制品与不定形材料 321
低蠕变莫来石-刚玉制品的研制&李 楠 王玺堂 尹进鸣 321
Mullite-corundum refractories with high creep resistance&Liang Yonghe Li Nan Wang Xitang Wang Xinhui Wang Jinlin 329
Mullite-cornndum refactory with special shape and high resistance to creep and thermal shock&Li Nan Wang Xitang Ke Changming Guan Hua Zhang Xinggao Wu Guangyao 337
基质相对莫来石-刚玉制品性能的影响&尹洪峰 李楠 346
MgO-A12 O3-TiO2浇注料的组成、结构及性能的研究&李友胜 李 楠 王英东 352
镁砂细粉含量对铝镁质浇注料性能的影响&雷中兴 李 楠 陈家唯 358
硅微粉对SiO2-MgO-H2O系统中水合物形成的影响&魏耀武 李 楠 吴宏鹏 367
骨料对铝镁质浇注料性能的影响&雷中兴 李 楠 陈家唯 李友胜 孙伙长 374
尖晶石微粉对铝镁质钢包浇注料性能的影响&何平显 李友胜 李楠 382
微粉对刚玉质自流浇注料性能的影响&李友胜 李 楠 姬保坤 389
SiO2微粉结合镁质浇注料的基质组成与抗渣性能的关系&魏耀武 李 楠 杨熹文 396
Properties of MgO castables and effects of reaction in microsilica-MgO bond system&Li Nan Wei Yaowu-Wuhan 404
耐火浇注料自损坏机理探讨&李亚伟 李 楠 张忻 周宪新 张光普 张顺庆 419
高铝水泥浇注料损坏现象研究&李亚伟 李 楠 张忻 周宪新 张光普 张顺庆 426
Cr2 O3-ZrO2材料的烧结及抗热震性研究&梁永和 孙承绪 李楠 钱新伟 吴芸芸 433
复合耐火材料 443
High technic ceramics and refractories in Si-Al-O-N and Al-O-N systems&Li Nan Li Yawei Wang Jun 443
β-赛隆(Sialon )/刚玉复相耐火材料研究&李亚伟 李 楠 王斌耀 刘 静 陈方玉 456
Effect of raw materials on carbothermal reduction synthesis of g-aluminum oxynitride spinel powder&Li Yawei Li Nan Yuan Runzhang 468
Carbothermal reduction synthesis of aluminium oxynitride spinel powders at low temperatures&Li Yawei Li Nan Yuan Runzhang 481
The Formation and stability ofγ-aluminium oxynitride spinel in the carbothermal reduction and reaction sintering processes&Li Yawei Li Nan Yuan Runxhang 487
Stabilization ofγ-aluminum oxynitride (alon) andpreparation of alon bonded corundum refracto&Li Yawei Li Nan Yuan Runzhang 498
β-Sialon produced by carbon thermal nitriding reaction of bauxite&Wang Jun,Li Nan,Shi Caicheng,Jia Chengchang 510
溶剂对树脂炭结构及性能的影响&朱伯铨 李楠 523
固液共混沥青树脂复合炭的结构与抗氧化性研究&李 楠 李亚伟 朱伯铨 532
Sintering,microstructure and alkali-resistance of the materials in A12O3-Si3 N4 system&Li Nan Wu Yiquan 540
A12O3/W复合材料抗渣蚀性能探讨&韩兵强李楠 550
MgA12O4-titanium carbonitride composite ceramics obtained from aluminothermic reduction and nitridation&Li Yuanbing Li Nan Ruan Guozhi Li Xiaohui 558
Influence of cornndum content on the composition and microstructure of A12O3/W composite obtained by aluminothermic method&Han Bingqiahg Li Nan 571
还原气氛下铝热还原法制备A12O3-TiB2复相陶瓷的研究&李远兵 李楠覃显鹏王龙 584
Effect of temperature and MgO content on synthesis of MgA12O4/TiN composite&Li Yuanbing Li Nan Guozhi Ruan Guihua Tao 592
A new method of producing TiB2 based composite&Li Yuanbing Ruan Guozhi Li Nan 600
Production of MgA12O4-titanium nitride composite by aluminothermic reduction and nitridation&L i Yuanbing Ruan Guozhi Li Nan 606
其他 617
Caculation of temperature distribution of ladle lining&Jiang Guozbang Kong Jianyi Li Yourong 617
Calculation of thermomechanical stress of ladle lining during pre-heating and optimization of refracto properties&Wang Zhigang Kong Jianyi Li Yourong 626
The influnce of phosphate on physical properties of the phosphate-bonded investment&Yu Guilin Li Nan Li Yousheng Wang Yining 641
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