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进出口实务与管理  英文
进出口实务与管理  英文

进出口实务与管理 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:郑荷芬主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国商务出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787510304682
  • 页数:437 页
《进出口实务与管理 英文》目录

Part Ⅰ Operate Export Business 1

Learning Scene 1 Make Preparation before Exporting 3

Task 1 Get familiar with products 6

Task 2 Research international market 7

Task 3 Find overseas clients 18

Task 4 Investigate buyers' credit status 24

Task 5 Investigate trade restrictions 25

Task 6 Select a qualified domestic supplier 27

Learning Scene 2 Negotiate Export Business 33

Task 1 Make an inquiry 36

Task 2 Make an offer 39

Task 3 Make a counter-offer 47

Task 4 Accept an offer 50

Learning Scene 3 Sign an Export Contract 56

Task 1 See what a contract is 59

Task 2 Understand forms of a sales contract 64

Task 3 Know details of a sales contract 68

Task 4 Sign a sales contract 144

Learning Scene 4 Implement an Export Contract 155

Task 1 Urge the establishment of L/C 162

Task 2 Check L/C 169

Task 3 Apply for amendment to L/C 178

Task 4 Prepare goods for shipment 182

Task 5 Book shipping space 188

Task 6 Apply for inspection 194

Task 7 Go through customs formalities 203

Task 8 Organise insurance 210

Task 9 Apply for negotiation 231

Learning Scene 5 Follow-up Work after Exporting 253

Task 1 Write follow-up correspondence 256

Task 2 Verify and write off foreign exchange earnings from export 257

Task 3 Refund export tax 264

Task 4 Settle disputes 269

Part Ⅱ Operate Import Business 281

Learning Scene 1 Make Preparation before Importing 283

Task 1 Import market research 286

Task 2 Search clients 290

Task 3 Identify import regulations 295

Learning Scene 2 Negotiate Import Business 303

Task 1 Get to know international bidding 306

Task 2 Make preparations for bidding 308

Task 3 Sign an import agency agreement 315

Task 4 Negotiate import business 320

Learning Scene 3 Sign an Import Contract 329

Task 1 Get to know key terms and conditions in an import contract 332

Task 2 Attention paid to while signing a complete equipment import contract 335

Task 3 Sign an import contract 338

Learning Scene 4 Implement an Import Contract 347

Task 1 Apply for import permits 350

Task 2 Apply for the opening of an L/C 369

Task 3 Apply for amendment to an L/C 373

Task 4 Book shipping space 378

Task 5 Insure the cargo 384

Task 6 Pay the cargo 386

Task 7 Take delivery of cargo 388

Task 8 Inspect the cargo 389

Task 9 Go through customs formalities 396

Learning Scene 5 Follow-up Work after Importing 409

Task 1 Verify and write off import payments in foreign exchange 413

Task 2 Settle disputes and claims 416

Appendix Teaching Guidance 424

References 439
