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世界建筑  No.1
世界建筑  No.1

世界建筑 No.1PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:6 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈桂英
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:47 页
《世界建筑 No.1》目录
标签:建筑 世界

佛阑克·洛伊·莱特之空间观——矶崎新 2

Bridge connecting the Administration Building and the Research Tower连接行政中心及研究大楼之天桥 9

Panoramic view of the Johnson & Son Administration Building詹森公司全景 10

Access to the main entrance and the parking area通往主要入口及停车场的道路 12

Parking area停车场 14

Main entrance主要入口 15

View of the multi-level lobby space from the second-floor corridor从二楼迥廊所见的多层桃空之门厅空间 16

View of the lobby from the office从大办公室所看到的门厅 17

Multi-level lobby多层桃空的门厅 18

Ceiling of the lobby门厅的天花 19

Wide-angle view of the interior室内空间全景 20

Ceiling of the office大办公室的天花 22

Bridge connecting the lobby and the office门厅与大办公室间之间的路桥 24

Elevator异降梯 25

Ceiling of the lobby of the board room经理室入口处的天花 26

Board room and its partition经理室与其隔间 28

Office on the third floor三楼的办公室 30

View of the board room and part of the office from the second-floor corridor从二楼迥廊所见的会议室以及办公室 32

Mess-hall餐厅 34

Research Tower研究大楼 36

Interior walling of the Research Tower (detail)研究大楼之内墙细部 37

Nocturnal view夜景 38

Ceiling of the office (detail)大办公室间的天花细部 40
