王宽诚教育基金会学术讲座汇编 第38集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金东寒主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787567119406
- 页数:224 页
Research on evaluating regional circular economy based on MFA&LI Hong,FU Fei-Fei 1
Green technology in vision of ecological civilization&QIN Shu-Sheng 9
Trade union's influence on employee mobility in China's private enterprise&HU Jian-Guo 19
A sensor-less permanent magnet brushless DC motor with bifilar winding for automotive engine cooling application&CUI Wei,MIAO Hui-Bing,XU Mei-Hua 28
Challenges of utilising a new ICT approach to generate a digital language learning model&HU Jie 37
On physical activity of elderly and health in Rugao city of China&CHANG Sheng,SHEN Li-Juan 49
An experimental investigation on the“slope”stability and deformation during coalmining-induced quicksand&DONG Qing-Hong,SUI Wang-Hua,WEI Xiao-Chen 59
Effect of non-pharmacologically staged interventions for fatigue and dyspnea in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease&ZHONG Qing-Ling 69
Mechanical behavior of lattice sandwich cylinder structures&CHEN Li-Ming,FANG Dai-Ning 79
A study on China's student self-assessment in oral english teaching&learning&LIU Chang-Jiang 94
A mobile threat to genome stability in complex disorders&薛红 104
Residents'satisfaction with community health services after health care system reform:the case of Shanghai,China&LI Zhi-Jian,HOU Jia-Le,LU Lin,MA Jin 130
Learning better rule extraction with translation span alignment&ZHU Jing-Bo,XIAO Tong,ZHANG Chun-Liang 148
Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with H2O over nanosized TiO2&JING Jie-Ying,FENG Jie,LI Wen-Ying 156
Design of mine ventilators monitoring system based on wireless sensor network&FU Sheng,SONG Hai-Qiang 164
Dynamic inventory replenishment and pricing for substitutable apparel products with demand learning&GAO Jun-Jun,ZHENG Mei-Feng 172
Study on the compression-expansion coefficient in drift particle swarm optimization&FANG Wei,SUN Jun,WU Xiao-Jun,XU Wen-Bo,PALADE Vasile 185
烧伤之康复治疗&李曾慧平 197
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