- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王松林,芮渝萍主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787313076731
- 页数:263 页
1.Beowulf 1
2.William Shakespeare:The Tempest 13
3.Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe 27
4.Tobias George Smollett:The Adventures of Roderick Random 43
5.Samuel Taylor Coleridge:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 50
6.Frederick Marryat:Mr.Midshipman Easy 60
7.Robert Michael Ballantyne:The Coral Island 70
8.Joseph Conrad:Youth 89
9.Joseph Rudyard Kipling:Captains Courageous 102
10.Sir Henry Newbolt:Drake's Drum 116
11.Lord Alfred Tennyson:Break,Break,Break/Crossing the Bar 120
12.Mathew Arnold:Dover Beach 124
13.John Masefield:Sea-fever 128
14.John Millington Synge:Riders to the Sea 131
15.John Banville:The Sea 143
16.Janes Fennimore Cooper:The Pilot 157
17.Ralph Waldo Emerson:Seashore 173
18.Edgar Allan Poe:The City in the Sea 177
19.Walt Whitman:O Captain!My Captain!and others 181
20.Herman Melville:Moby-Dick 186
21.Stephen Crane:The Open Boat 203
22.Mary Heaton Vorse:The Wallow of the Sea 213
23.Ernest Hemingway:The Old Man and the Sea 226
24.Rachel Louise Carson:The Sea Around Us 241
25.David Hays&Daniel Hays:My Old Man and the Sea 256
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