Autodesk Inventor 10工程设计绘图PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)贝休恩著;窦忠强改编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787302192404
- 页数:429 页
Chapter 1 Getting Started 1
1-1 Introduction 1
1-2 Creating a First Sketch 3
1-3 Creating a Solid Model 5
1-4 Exercise Problems 10
Chapter 2 Two-Dimensional Sketching 15
2-1 Introduction 15
2-2 Line 15
2-3 Spline 17
2-4 Circle 18
2-5 Ellipse 18
2-6 Arc 20
2-7 Rectangle 22
2-8 Fillet 22
2-9 Chamfer 23
2-10 Polygon 25
2-11 Mirror 26
2-12 Rectangular Pattern 27
2-13 Offset 28
2-14 Extend 28
2-15 Trim 28
2-16 Move 30
2-17 Rotate 31
2-18 Constraints 32
2-19 Show Constraints 33
2-20 To Edit a Sketch 34
2-21 Insert AutoCAD File 35
2-22 Text 38
2-23 Exercise Problems 40
Chapter 3 Three-Dimensional Models 47
3-1 Introduction 47
3-2 Extrude 47
3-3 Revolve 48
3-4 Holes 50
3-5 Shell 52
3-6 Fillet 54
3-7 Chamfer 55
3-8 Face Draft 55
3-9 Split 58
3-10 Mirror 59
3-11 Rectangular Pattern 60
3-12 Circular Pattern 61
3-13 Sketch Planes 62
3-14 To Edit a 3D Model 63
3-15 Default Planes and Axes 66
3-16 Work Planes 67
3-17 Angled Work Planes 71
3-18 Offset Work Planes 72
3-19 Work Points 73
3-20 Work Axes 75
3-2l Ribs(Webs) 75
3-22 Loft 75
3-23 Sweep 77
3-24 Coil 78
3-25 Model Material 80
3-26 Exercise Problems 84
Chapter 4 Orthographic Views 97
4-1 Introduction 97
4-2 Fundamentals of orthographic Views 97
4-3 Orthographic Views with Inventor 103
4-4 Isometric Views 106
4-5 Section Views 107
4-6 Offset Section Views 110
4-7 Aligned Section Views 111
4-8 Detail Views 111
4-9 Broken Views 112
4-10 Auxiliary Views 113
4-11 Exercise Problems 116
Chapter 5 Assembly Drawings 133
5-1 Introduction 133
5-2 Bottom-Up and Top-Down Assemblies 133
5-3 To Start an Assembly Drawing 133
5-4 Degrees of Freedom 134
5-5 Move and Rotate 137
5-6 Constraint 137
5-7 Sample Assembly Problem SP5-1 142
5-8 Presentation Drawings 142
5-9 Animation 145
5-10 Isometric Drawings 146
5-11 Assembly Numbers 146
5-12 Parts List 149
5-13 Title Block 151
5-14 Drawing Sheets 153
5-15 Other Types of Drawing Blocks 154
5-16 Sample Problem SP5-2 157
5-17 Top-Down Assemblies 158
5-18 Editing a Part within an Assembly Drawing 172
5-19 Pattern Component 174
5-20 Mirror Components 174
5-21 Copy Components 174
5-22 Exercise Problems 178
Chapter 6 Threads and Fasteners 193
6-1 Introduction 193
6-2 Thread Terminology 193
6-3 Thread Callouts-Metric Units 194
6-4 Thread Callouts-ANSI Unified Screw Threads 194
6-5 Thread Representations 195
6-6 Internal Threads 196
6-7 Threaded Blind Hoies 197
6-8 Creating Threaded Holes Using the Hole Command 198
6-9 Standard Fasteners 201
6-10 Sizing a Threaded Hole to Accept a Screw 202
6-11 Screws and Nuts 204
6-12 Types of Threaded Fasteners 208
6-13 Flat Head Screws-Countersunk Holes 209
6-14 Counterbores 212
6-15 To Draw Fasteners Not Included in the Content Center 215
6-16 Fasteners from the Web 216
6-17 Sample Problem SP6-1 217
6-18 Washers 220
6-19 Set Screws 223
6-20 Rivets 226
6-21 Exercise Problems 227
Chapter 7 Dimensioning 247
7-1 Introduction 247
7-2 Terminology and Conventions-ANSI 248
7-3 Creating Drawing Dimensions 249
7-4 Drawing Scale 254
7-5 Units 254
7-6 Aligned Dimensions 256
7-7 Radius and Diameter Dimensions 256
7-8 Dimensioning Holes 258
7-9 Dimensioning Counterbored,Countersunk Holes 261
7-10 Angular Dimensions 262
7-11 Ordinate Dimensions 264
7-12 Baseline Dimensions 266
7-13 Hole Tables 268
7-14 Locating Dimensions 268
7-15 Fillets and Rounds 270
7-16 Rounded Shapes—Internal 270
7-17 Rounded Shapes—External 270
7-18 Irregular Surfaces 270
7-19 Polar Dimensions 272
7-20 Chamfers 272
7-21 Knurling 273
7-22 Keys and Keyseats 273
7-23 Symbols and Abbreviations 273
7-24 Symmetry and Centerline 275
7-25 Dimensioning to a Point 275
7-26 Sectional Views 275
7-27 Orthographic Views 276
7-28 Exercise Problems 277
Chapter 8 Tolerancing 289
8-1 Introduction 289
8-2 Direct Tolerance Methods 289
8-3 Tolerance Expressions 290
8-4 Understanding Plus and Minus Tolerances 290
8-5 Creating Plus and Minus Tolerances 291
8-6 Limit Tolerances 293
8-7 Angular Tolerances 294
8-8 Standard Tolerances 296
8-9 Double Dimensioning 296
8-10 Chain Dimensions and Baseline Dimensions 297
8-11 Tolerance Studies 299
8-12 Rectangular Dimensions 299
8-13 Hole Locations 300
8-14 Choosing a Shaft for a Toleranced Hole 300
8-15 Sample Problem SP8-1 301
8-16 Sample Problem SP8-2 302
8-17 Nominal Sizes 302
8-18 Standard Fits(Metric Values) 302
8-19 Hole and Shaft Basis 303
8-20 Calculated Hole and Shaft Sizes 303
8-21 Standard Fits (Inch Values) 303
8-22 Sample Problem SP8-3 303
8-23 Preferred and Standard Sizes 308
8-24 Surface Finishes 308
8-25 Surface Control Symbols 311
8-26 Design Problems 314
8-27 Geometric Tolerances 318
8-28 Tolerances of Form 318
8-29 Flatness 318
8-30 Straightness 318
8-31 Straightness(RFS and MMC) 319
8-32 Circularity 321
8-33 Cylindricity 322
8-34 Geometric Tolerances Using Inventor 323
8-35 Tolerances of Orientation 329
8-36 Datums 329
8-37 Perpendicularity 330
8-38 Parallelism 332
8-39 Angularity 332
8-40 Profiles 332
8-41 Runouts 334
8-42 Positional Tolerances 335
8-43 Virtual Condition 337
8-44 Floating Fasteners 337
8-45 Sample Problem SP8-4 338
8-46 Sample Problem SP8-5 338
8-47 Fixed Fasteners 339
8-48 Sample Problem SP8-6 340
8-49 Design Problems 340
8-50 Exercise Problems 343
Chapter 9 Bearings and Shafts 371
9-1 Introduction 371
9-2 Sleeve Bearings 371
9-3 Sample Problem SP9-1 373
9-4 Sample Problem SP9-2 374
9-5 Ball Bearings 377
9-6 Shafts 380
9-7 Shear and Moment Diagrams 382
9-8 Minimum Shaft Diameters 388
9-9 Shock Factors 389
9-10 Shaft Deflection 390
9-11 Sample Problem SP9-3 392
9-12 Sample Problem SP9-4 393
9-13 Critical Speed 394
9-14 Sample Problem SP9-5 394
9-15 Exercise Problems 399
Chapter 10 Gears 403
10-1 Introduction 403
10-2 Gear Terminology 404
10-3 Gear Formulas 404
10-4 Drawing a Gear Using Inventor 405
10-5 Gear Ratios 406
10-6 Gear Trains 408
10-7 Designing Gear Speed Ratios 409
10-8 Forces in Gears 410
10-9 Sample Problem SP10-1 412
10-10 Sample Problem SP10-2 413
10-11 Design Accelerator—Spur Gears 414
10-12 Forces in Gear Trains 416
10-13 Sample Problem SP10-3 417
10-14 Sample Problem SP10-4 418
10-15 Safety Factors 418
10-16 Service Factors 419
10-17 Lubrication Factors 419
10-18 Sample Problem SP10-5 419
10-19 Manufacturers'Catalogs 419
10-20 Web Sites 421
10-21 Forces in Nonmetallic Gears 421
10-22 Sample Problem SP10-6 422
10-23 Metric Spur Gears 422
10-24 Bevel Gears 423
10-25 Worm Gears 423
10-26 Matching Gears and Shafts 423
10-27 Center Distance and Backlash 424
10-28 Sample Problem SP10-7 425
10-29 Gear Assembly Animation 433
10-30 Exercise Problems 436
Chapter 11 Cams,Springs,and Keys 445
11-1 Introduction 445
11-2 Displacement Diagrams 445
11-3 Drawing a Cam Using Inventor 446
11-4 Sample Problem SP11-1 450
11-5 Animating Cams and Followers 452
11-6 Springs 457
11-7 Forces in Springs 464
11-8 Keys and Keyways 468
11-9 Metric Keys 473
11-10 Key and Keyway Tolerances 474
11-11 Exercise Problems 476
Chapter 12 Sheet Metal and Weldments 481
12-1 Introduction 481
12-2 Sheet Metal Drawings 481
12-3 Weldments—Fillet Welds 490
12-4 Weldments—Groove Welds 496
12-5 Sample Problem SP12-1 498
12-6 Exercise Problems 500
Chapter 13 The Design Process 511
13-1 Introduction 511
13-2 Selecting a Design Group 511
13-3 The Design Project 512
13-4 Understanding the Design Problem 513
13-5 Creating a Solution 513
13-6 Managing the Design Process 515
13-7 Procurement 518
13-8 The Motor—The First Unexpected Problem 518
13-9 String Climber Concept Sketch 520
13-10 Drawing Layout 521
13-11 Modified Parts 524
13-12 Electrical Schematic 524
13-13 Estimated Speed 525
13-14 Final Drawings 525
13-15 Test and Modification 526
13-16 Exercise Problem 527
Chapter 14 Design Projects 529
14-1 Introduction 529
14-2 Head Bangers—Rating 2 530
14-3 The String Climber—Rating 7 532
14-4 Rope Bomber—Rating 3 533
14-5 Tug of War—Rating 5 535
14-6 Footbag Drop Madness—Rating 3 537
14-7 Peak Performance—Rating 5 539
14-8 S-Car—Rating 8 541
14-9 Cam Car—Rating 9 542
14-10 Cam Project—Rating 7 544
14-11 Gondola Project—Rating 7 546
Index 547
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