- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郑燕林著
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787560150413
- 页数:202 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Purpose of this Study 3
1.3 Book Overview 5
Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundation of this Study 8
2.1 Social Constructivism Theory 10
2.2 Social Information Processing Theory 12
2.3 Activity Theory 15
Chapter 3 The e-Learning Context 20
3.1 Two Concepts 20
3.1.1 Context 20
3.1.2 e-Learning 25
3.2 Framework Description of the e-Learning Context 27
3.2.1 Key Elements in e-Learning 29
3.2.2 Learning Process based on Knowledge Transfer 31
3.2.3 Knowledge Goals of e-Learning 36
3.3 Knowledge Context 37
3.4 Social Context 41
3.5 Technical Context 46
3.6 Mediator:Activity Context 49
3.7 Modeling Knowledge,Social,Technical Contexts 50
Chapter 4 Peer Interaction in the e-Learning Context 55
4.1 Interaction 56
4.2 Peer Interaction 59
4.3 Computer-Mediated Communication 62
4.4 Computer-supported Collaborative Learning 66
4.5 Virtual Learning Community 68
4.6 Support Potential Online Peer Interaction 69
4.6.1 Knowledge Relevance 72
4.6.2 Social Proximity 73
4.6.3 Technical Mediation 74
4.7 Motivation and Engagement in Peer Interaction 75
Chapter 5 Three-dimensional Context-awareness Model for Peer Recommendation 78
5.1 Literatures on Awareness 79
5.1.1 The Concept of Awareness 79
5.1.2 Classifications of Awareness 79
5.1.3 Awareness Models 81
5.1.4 Awareness Technology 81
5.1.5 Knowledge Awareness 82
5.1.6 Context-awareness and its Applications 84
5.2 Three-dimensional Context-awareness Model for Peer Recommendation 86
5.2.1 CA to Knowledge Relevance 87
5.2.2 CA to Social Proximity 89
5.2.3 CA to Technical Access 97
5.3 A Case Study of Learners'Perceptions toward the CA Model 98
5.3.1 Methodology 99
5.3.2 Results of Questionnaires 101
5.3.3 Findings 103
Chapter 6 Context-awareness Supported Peer Recommendation Mechanism based on Mining Activity Context 105
6.1 Literacy Review on Recommender Systems 106
6.1.1 Information Filtering 106
6.1.2 Content-based Approach for Recommendation 107
6.1.3 Collaborative Filtering Approach for Recommendation 108
6.1.4 SNA-based Approach for Recommendation 109
6.1.5 Cold-start Problem in Recommender Systems 110
6.1.6 Recommender System Assessment 111
6.2 Context Management 112
6.3 Activity Context 114
6.3.1 Classifications of Activity Contexts 115
6.3.2 Modeling Learning Activity Context 117
6.3.3 Content Analysis of Learning Activity 120
6.4 Framework Description of CA-supported Peer Recommendation Mechanism 123
6.5 User Modeling 124
6.6 Context Monitoring 126
6.7 Context Filtering 128
6.8 CA Visualization 130
6.8.1 Information Visualization 130
6.8.2 Social Visualization 131
6.8.3 CA Visualization 133
Chapter 7 A Case Study:PeerFinder 135
7.1 Social Media 135
7.2 Weblogs as the Test-bed 137
7.3 The Design Space for Helping Learners Find Suitable Helpers 139
7.4 System Configuration of PeerFinder 140
7.5 Learning Activity Contexts in Weblogs 141
7.6 Content Analysis in PeerFinder 142
7.7 Recommendation Flow of PeerFinder 143
7.8 Basis Strategies for Context Filtering in PeerFinder 145
7.9 Mining Technical Context 146
7.10 Indicators for CA Filtering 147
7.11 Computing the Similarity among Learners 149
Chapter 8 Discussions 151
8.1 The Extensibility and Flexibility of the CA Model 151
8.2 The Feasibility and Validity of the CA-supported Peer Recommendation Mechanism 152
8.3 More Than Peer Recommendation 154
8.3.1 Inspiration for the Construction of Learning Resources 155
8.3.2 Decreasing the Learning Curve of New Learners 157
8.3.3 Motivating Active and Potential Peer Interaction 159
8.3.4 Inspirations for the Cultivation and Improvement of Online Learners'Learning Ability 163
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Future Research 167
9.1 Conclusions 167
9.2 Future Research 169
Bibliography 171
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