Ⅰ.State and the Economy 1
Economic Developments,1644-1800(Co-author,Ramon H.Myers) 1
The Impact of the Taiping Rebellion on Population in Southern Kiangsu 103
State Control or “Laissez Faire”:A Dichotomy in Confucian Tradition 137
Ⅱ.Money, Banking and Public Finance 151
Evolution of the Chinese Monetary System,1644-1850 151
Economic Depression and China’s Monetary Reform in 1935 179
The Growth and Decline of Native Banks in Shanghai 213
The Fiscal Importance of the Land Tax during the Ch’ing Period 247
Financing Industrialization in Prewar China 271
Ⅲ.Prices 285
Secular Trends of Rice Prices in the Yangzi Delta,1638-1935 285
Food Supply and Grain Prices in the Yangtze Deltain the Eighteenth Century 323
Food Supply in Eighteenth-Century Fukien 359
Grain Market in Eighteenth-century China (Co-author, Zen-yi Chen) 397
Deflation and the Mass Peasant Uprisings in Mid-19th Century China 417
Ⅳ.Notes and Reviews 449
The Sprouts of Capitalism in China 449
Notes on the Sprouts of Capitalism 459
Review of Sarasin Viraphol, Tribute and Profit:Sino-Siamese Trade, 1652-1853 467
Review of T.S.Whelan, The Pawnshop in China 469
Review of Cho-yun Hsu,Han Agriculture:The Formation of Early Chinese Agrarian Economy (206 B.C.-A.D.220) 471
Review of Peter C.Perdue, Exhausting the Earth:State and Peasant in Hunan,1500-1850 475
Review of Kang Chao, Man and Land in Chinese History, an Economic Analysis 477
Review of James C.Shih, Chinese Rural Society in Transition: A Case Study of the Lake Tai Area,1368-1800 483
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