- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘红岐等编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787502194734
- 页数:321 页
Introduction of Well Logging 1
0.1 Introduction 1
0.2 What is well logging 1
0.3 Development of Well Logging 3
0.4 History of Schlumberger Well Logging 6
0.5 Classification and applications of well logging 11
Chapter 1 Electrical Logging 13
1.1 The Foundation of Electrical Resistivity 13
1.2 Spontaneous Potential Logging 21
1.3 Resistivity Logs 29
Chapter 2 Sonic Logs 61
2.1 The Foundational Principle of Acoustic Logs 61
2.2 Sonic Log 65
2.3 Acoustic Wave Amplitude Logging 80
2.4 Ultra-Sonic Imager Logs(USI) 88
2.5 UltraSonic Borehole Imager(UBI) 91
2.6 Circumferential Borehole Imaging Log(CBIL) 103
Chapter 3 Nuclear Logs 109
3.1 Gamma Ray Logs 109
3.2 Gamma-Gamma Ray Logs 123
3.3 Rudimentary Knowledge of Neutron logs 128
3.4 Neutron Logs 133
3.5 C/O 143
Chapter 4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 146
4.1 Fundamental of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) 146
4.2 The Development of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tool 155
4.3 LWD-NMR 155
4.4 Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 156
4.5 Summary 162
Chapter 5 Production Logging 163
5.1 Definition Production Logging 163
5.2 Spinner Flowmeter Logging 165
5.3 Fluid-Identification Logs 168
5.4 Radioactive-Tracer Logging 173
5.5 Other Production Well Logging 176
Chapter 6 Logging While Drilling(LWD) 187
6.1 Schlumberger Scope LWD Series 189
6.2 LWD technology of Halliburton 192
6.3 Integrated MWD and LWD Instruments of Baker Hughes 194
6.4 Resistivity Measurements While Drilling 196
6.5 Density Measurements While Drilling 199
6.6 Nuclear Measurements While Drilling 202
6.7 Sonic Measurements While Drilling 205
6.8 Geosteering 205
Chapter 7 The Advanced Well Logging Technology 209
7.1 Eclips-5700 209
7.2 Excell-2000 Well Logging System 212
7.3 Sondex Production Logging System and Fluid Testing and Pressure Logs 215
7.4 Cased-hole Resistivity Measurements(CHFR) 221
Chapter 8 Rock Mechanics 224
8.1 Basic Stress and Strain Analysis 224
8.2 Natural Fracture Classification and Stress Analysis 229
8.3 Critical Pressure and Stress Relationship in the Borehole 241
8.4 Rock Drillability 247
8.5 Borehole Stability 252
8.6 Shale chemical Alteration 254
Chapter 9 Integrated Interpretation of Well Logging Data 258
9.1 Reservoir Classification 259
9.2 Formation Evaluation 264
9.3 Method to Determine Lithology:M-N PLOT 265
9.4 Umaa MID Plot 267
9.5 Resistivity vs Porosity Crossplot(Pickett map) 268
9.6 Porosity Determination in Complex Conditions 269
9.7 Resistivity Ratio Methods to Identify Fluid Type 275
9.8 Permeability Calculation 280
9.9 Structure Analysis 282
9.10 Multi-Well Integrated Interpretation 286
Appendix A 288
Appendix B 309
Appendix C 315
References 316
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