语言测评实践 现实世界中的测试开发与使用论证PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Lyle Bachman,(美)Adrian Palmer著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:7513570046
- 页数:494 页
1 Objectives and expectations,or why we need another book about language testing 1
PART Ⅰ:Conceptual foundations 18
2 Issues and considerations 19
3 Describing language use and language ability 33
4 Describing characteristics of language use and language assessment tasks 59
5 Justifying the use of language assessments 86
PART Ⅱ:Constructing an Assessment Use Argument 140
6 Overview of assessment development and use 142
7 Initial planning 149
8 Constructing an Assessment Use Argument for developing and justifying a language assessment 159
9 The intended consequences of using language assessments 183
10 The decisions to be made on the basis of language assessments 200
11 Interpretations 217
12 Assessment records 252
PART Ⅲ:Developing and using language assessments in the real world 257
13 Real world conditions and constraints on language assessment 259
14 Developing a Design Statement 280
15 Developing assessment tasks 320
16 Recording and interpreting assessment performance 337
17 Blueprints 387
18 Preparing effective instructions 402
19 Collecting feedback and backing 414
20 Identifying,allocating,and managing resources 432
21 Using language assessments responsibly 450
Bibliography 463
Index 475
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