英语看.听.学 book twoPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:L·G·ALEXANDER原著;陈晃,戴光禄,古国强译注
- 出 版 社:福州:福建科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7533503066
- 页数:431 页
Revision Lesson 1 The holidays are over 1
Revision Lesson 2 Do this!Do that! 4
Revision Lesson 3 Photograghs of our holiday 6
Revision Lesson 4 Tell me that story 9
Revision Lesson 5 A pair of sungasses 11
Revision Lesson 6 Put on your shirt 14
Revision Lesson 7 Please pay attention! 16
Revision Lesson 8 There is…I can see… 20
Revision Lesson 9 Can you tell us the way? 23
Revision Lesson 10 Where do you come from? 27
Revision Lesson 11 Professor Boffin 30
Revision Lesson 12 What do they usually do? 33
Revision Lesson 13 Mrs Gasbag 35
Revision Lesson 14 He usually…but today… 37
Revision Lesson 15 The weighing machine 40
Revision Lesson 16 Every day,today and tomorrow 43
Lesson 17 Flour and water 46
Lesson 18 Have you any…? 49
Lesson 19 Sandy's money-box 52
Lesson 20 How much has she?How many has she? 55
Lesson 21 Father hangs a picture 57
Lesson 22 I need… 61
Lesson 23 Professor Boffin's umbrella 63
Lesson 24 67
Lesson 25 It sounds terrible! 69
Lesson 26 What's it like?What's it made of? 73
Lesson 27 A funny cake 77
Lesson 28 What's it like? 80
Lesson 29 Mother meets Mr May 83
Lesson 30 What are they like? 86
Lesson 31 Sandy has a bad cold 90
Lesson 32 93
Lesson 33 Sandy's medicine 97
Lesson 34 99
Lesson 35 Noparking 103
Lesson 36 Don't…!You mustn't…! 108
Lesson 37 Pour it over yourself! 111
Lesson 38 Have a sandwich! 115
Lesson 39 Haircut or shave? 117
Lesson 40 Let's have 120
Lesson 41 A fight 122
Lesson 42 They're having 124
Lesson 43 Where's the key?Where's the car! 127
Lesson 44 When was he…?Where was he…? 130
Lesson 45 Sue's diary 133
Lesson 46 When were they…?Where were they…? 136
Lesson 47 Professor Boffin's shoes 140
Lesson 48 When were they…?Where were they…? 142
Lesson 49 Scientists are clever men 145
Lesson 50 How long ago…?How many years ago…? 147
Lesson 51 Sue's diary:At the dentist's 150
Lesson 52 Where were they…?When were they…? 153
Lesson 53 Put those cakes back! 155
Lesson 54 There was…There were… 158
Lesson 55 Professor Boffin buys some eggs 161
Lesson 56 Go to the…and get some… 164
Lesson 57 A lovely treat 167
Lesson 58 What did they have? 170
Lesson 59 Sue's diary:Grandma and Grandpa 173
Lesson 60 What did you do? 176
Lesson 61 Mrs Boffin's birthday 179
Lesson 62 What did(he)do? 182
Lesson 63 Sue's diary:The donkey 185
Lesson 64 what did they do?what happened? 188
Lesson 65 Sue's diary:Farmer Gimbel arrives 191
Lesson 66 What did they do?What happened? 193
Lesson 67 Sue's diary:Give him a carrot! 196
Lesson 68 What time/day/date/month/year did they…? 199
Lesson 69 Sue's diary:We said goodbye 202
Lesson 70 I went to…I came from… 204
Lesson 71 Sue's diary:Lucky or unlucky? 206
Lesson 72 did you do?What happened? 209
Lesson 73 Sue's diary:Who is it? 212
Lesson 74 What's happening?What happened? 216
Lesson 75 Sue's diary:What do you want for breakfast? 219
Lesson 76 What do they usually do?What did they do…? 222
Lesson 77 Sue's diary:Pass it along! 226
Lesson 78 What are they going to do?What did they do…? 228
Lesson 79 Sue's diary:A new kite 232
Lesson 80 How hard did the wind blow? 235
Lesson 81 Sue's diary:A day indoors 238
Lesson 82 How did father drive? 242
Lesson 83 Billy's lucky number 244
Lesson 84 What've you got?What's(he)got? 247
Lesson 85 A very short visit 249
Lesson 86 I've just/already had…,But I haven't had…yet 252
Lesson 87 I didn't play truant! 255
Lesson 88 I've just/already been to…I was/went there… 257
Lesson 89 Try it on 260
Lesson 90 Has(he)ever been to… 265
Lesson 91 How long've you been here 268
Lesson 92 I haven't been to…since…I haven't been to…for… 271
Lesson 93 There's been a mistake! 274
Lesson 94 There's been a… 277
Lesson 95 Whoops! 280
Lesson 96 What've you done?I've 283
Lesson 97 That's a nice fire 286
Lesson 98 What's(he)done?When did(he)do it? 288
Lesson 99 A trick 290
Lesson 100 What's happened?When did it happen? 293
Lesson 101 Don't waste time! 296
Lesson 102 Blow up some balloons!We've already done so! 298
Lesson 103 A new pair of shoes 302
Lesson 104 They've…since/for 304
Lesson 105 Where shall we go? 308
Lesson 106 I shall go to…We shall go to 310
Lesson 107 The robot comes to tea 314
Lesson 108 (He)will go to… 316
Lesson 109 Fishing in the rain 320
Lesson 110 What'll happen?What'll they do? 323
Lesson 111 A big fire 326
Lesson 112 What'll they do? 329
Lesson 113 Who'll run an errand for me? 332
Lesson 114 Who'll… 335
Lesson 115 'L'for learner 338
Lesson 116 There'll be…It'll last for… 341
Lesson 117 What do you want me to do? 345
Lesson 118 Shall I…?Do you want me to… 347
Lesson 119 The end of term 350
Lesson 120 Whose is it?Whose are they? 353
Vocabulary 356
Songs 375
Stories 378
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