- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姜东,朱理璇编著
- 出 版 社:保定:河北大学出版社
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7810281844
- 页数:222 页
1.A Pie Chart 1
2.The King 2
3.Gossip 3
4.In the Dictionary(1) 5
5.In the Dictionary(2) 7
6.Where Are They? 9
7.A Stupid Man 11
8.Fled's Alarm Clock 12
9.David's Wish 14
10.They can't be Mine 16
11.The Call of the Child 17
12.The Walk 18
13.How Kowledge Is Passed on? 19
14.On a Bus 22
15.Solomon,the Wise King 23
16.The Clever Servant 25
17.Do You Know How to Discribe? 26
18.Around the World in Sixty Days 27
19.Obligations 29
20.A Careful Farmer Patient 31
21.Mr.Perkin's New Car 32
22.Jimmy's Birthday Present 36
23.Who Was the Thief? 38
24.Reading Comprehension 40
25.An Artist and a Farmer 42
26.A Traveller's Art 43
27.A Clever Buyer 45
28.Lazy-bones 48
29.A Traveller on a Ship 51
30.A Private Detective 53
31.A Letter 56
32.Impressions of the United States 59
33.A Country of Immigrants 61
34.Cities in America 63
35.Food in America 66
36."You can't Miss It" 68
37.Flight Insurance 71
38.United States Geography 73
39.The Bus Ride 77
40."Me-Books" 80
41.In a Valley 83
42.Help in Time 88
43.A Fire 92
44.Unexpected Fortune 96
45.Two Thieves 101
46.Ann's Hostel Life 106
47.Always Tired 110
48.Jame's Passion 114
49.A Trip by Balloon 118
50.Help or Spoil 123
51.On the Road to Marley 127
52.A Sense of Adventure 130
53.Mrs.Green's Hobby 134
54.Rose's Diary 138
55.Do You Want to Be in a Book? 142
56.Football Pools 146
57.A Letter 150
58.Flying Saucers 154
59.Nick's Adventure 158
60.An Unpleasant Birthday Dinner 162
61.Problems with the Flat 165
62.A Coincidence 168
63.Aunt Jane 172
64.Falling off the Bike 175
65.At the self-service Petrol Station 178
66.In Two Places at Once 182
67.Back to the Old School 185
68.Where Is the Watch? 188
69.An Old Grey Jacket 191
70.A V+illage Lunatic 195
71.James Bond 199
72."Windsurfing Chrose Me…" 203
73.Flying Then and Now 206
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