- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙达,杜艳艳,林良书等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787115267610
- 页数:200 页
第1章 流程图和消息清单 1
1.1 会话管理 1
1.1.1 Dedicated Bearer Activation 1
1.1.2 Bearer Modification with Bearer QoS Update 3
1.1.3 Bearer Deactivation 8
1.1.4 UE Requested Bearer Resource Modification 11
1.2 移动性管理 13
1.2.1 Attach Procedure 13
1.2.2 Tracking Area Update Procedure 32
1.2.3 Handover Procedure 47
1.2.4 Detach Procedure 85
1.3 业务请求流程 95
1.3.1 UE Triggered Service Request 95
1.3.2 Network Triggered Service Request 97
1.4 安全功能 98
第2章 信令消息 101
2.1 GTPv2 101
2.1.1 Context Request 101
2.1.2 Context Response 102
2.1.3 Context Acknowledge 103
2.1.4 Create Bearer Request 104
2.1.5 Create Bearer Response 105
2.1.6 Create Session Request 107
2.1.7 Create Session Response 109
2.1.8 Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request 112
2.1.9 Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response 113
2.1.10 Modify Bearer Request 114
2.1.11 Modify Bearer Response 116
2.1.12 Delete Session Request 119
2.1.13 Delete Session Response 120
2.1.14 Delete Bearer Command 122
2.1.15 Delete Bearer Request 122
2.1.16 Delete Bearer Response 123
2.1.17 Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request 124
2.1.18 Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response 125
2.1.19 Forward Relocation Request 125
2.1.20 Forward Relocation Response 127
2.1.21 Forward Relocation Complete Notification 129
2.1.22 Forward Relocation Complete Acknowledge 129
2.1.23 Forward Access Context Notification 130
2.1.24 Forward Access Context Acknowledge 131
2.1.25 Relocation Cancel Request 131
2.1.26 Relocation Cancel Response 132
2.1.27 Bearer Resource Command 133
2.1.28 Identification Request 133
2.1.29 Identification Response 135
2 1.30 Detach Notification 135
2.1.31 Detach Acknowledge 136
2.1.32 Downlink Data Notification 137
2.1.33 Downlink Data Notification Acknowledgement 137
2.1.34 Stop Paging Indication 138
2.2 Diameter 138
2.2.1 Update Location Request 138
2.2.2 Update Location Answer 139
2.2.3 Cancel Location Request 140
2.2.4 Cancel Location Answer 141
2.2.5 Authentication Information Request 141
2.2.6 Authentication Information Answer 142
2.2.7 Insert Subscriber Data Request 142
2.2.8 Insert Subscriber Data Answer 143
2.2.9 Notify Request 143
2.2.10 Notify Answer 144
第3章 参数 146
3.1 GTPv2参数 146
3.1.1 GUTI 146
3.1.2 International Mobile Subscriber Identity(IMSI) 147
3.1.3 Mobile Station International ISDN Number(MSISDN) 147
3.1.4 P-TMSI 147
3.1.5 Cause 148
3.1.6 Recovery(Restart Counter) 150
3.1.7 Access Point Name(APN) 150
3.1.8 NSAPI 152
3.1.9 APN-Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate(AMBR) 152
3.1.10 EPS Bearer ID(EBI) 153
3.1.11 IP Address 153
3.1.12 Mobile Equipment Identity(MEI) 154
3.1.13 Indication 154
3.1.14 Protocol Configuration Option(PCO) 156
3.1.15 PDN Address Allocation(PAA) 156
3.1.16 Bearer Level Quality of Service(Bearer QoS) 157
3.1.17 Flow Quality of Service(Flow QoS) 157
3.1.18 RAT Type 158
3.1.19 Serving Network 159
3.1.20 EPS Bearer Level Traffic Flow Template(Bearer TFT) 159
3.1.21 Traffic Aggregation Description(TAD) 163
3.1.22 User Location Information(ULI) 163
3.1.23 Fully Qualified Tunnel Endpoint Identifier(F-TEID) 164
3.1.24 S1-U Data Forwarding Info(S1UDF) 165
3.1.25 Bearer Context 166
3.1.26 PDN Connection 167
3.1.27 Charging ID 167
3.1.28 Charging Characteristics 168
3.1.29 Trace Information 168
3.1.30 Bearer Flags 169
3.1.31 PDN Type 170
3.1.32 Procedure Transaction ID(PTI) 170
3.1.33 UE Network Capability 171
3.1.34 MM Context 175
3.1.35 PDU Number 176
3.1.36 P-TMSI Signature 177
3.1.37 Hop Counter 178
3.1.38 UE Time Zone 178
3.1.39 Complete Request Message 179
3.1.40 Selected PLMN ID 179
3.1.41 Target Identification 180
3.1.42 Packet Flow ID 181
3.1.43 RAB Context 181
3.1.44 Source RNC PDCP Context Info 182
3.1.45 UDP Source Port Number 182
3.1.46 APN Restriction 183
3.1.47 Selection Mode 184
3.1.48 Source Identification 184
3.1.49 Change Reporting Action 185
3.1.50 Transaction Identifier(TI) 186
3.1.51 Private Extension 186
3.2 Diameter参数 187
3.2.1 Alert-Reason 187
3.2.2 Authentication-Info 187
3.2.3 Cancellation-Type 187
3.2.4 Context-Identifier 188
3.2.5 IDA-Flags 188
3.2.6 IDR-Flags 188
3.2.7 MIP6-Agent-Info 189
3.2.8 NOR-Flags 189
3.2.9 SGSN-Number 189
3.2.10 RAT-Type 190
3.2.11 Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info 190
3.2.12 Requested-UTRAN-GERAN-Authentication-Info 190
3.2.13 Result-Code/Experimental-Result 191
3.2.14 Service-Selection 191
3.2.15 Subscription-Data 191
3.2.16 Supported-Features 192
3.2.17 Terminal-Information 193
3.2.18 ULA-Flags 193
3.2.19 ULR-Flags 194
3.2.20 User-Name 194
3.2.21 Visited-PLMN-ID 195
第4章 索引 196
4.1 信令消息索引 196
4.2 参数索引 197
参考文献 200
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