语言教学的挑战与变迁 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)JaneWillis,(英)DaveWillis著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810806084
- 页数:186 页
Section 1 Theoretical perspectives 1
1 Paradigm shift and the language teaching profession&Tessa Woodward 4
2 Implications of a lexical view of language&Michael Lewis 10
3 Second language acquisition research and task-based instruction&Peter Skehan 17
4 What learners know and what they need to learn&Terry Shortall 31
Section 2 Some classroom applications 42
5 Accuracy,fluency and conformity&Dave Willis 44
6 A flexible framework for task-based learning&?ane Willis 52
7 Consciousness-raising activities in the language classroom&Dave Willis and ?ane Willis 63
Section 3 Professional development and teacher training 77
8 ARC:a descriptive model for classroom work on language&?im Scrivener 79
9 Grammar for trainee teachers&Philip Kerr 93
10 Learning to learn how to teach:developing expertise through experience&Corony Edwards 99
Section 4 Investigating new approaches 108
11 Introducing innovations into your teaching&Denise ?zdeniz 110
12 Doing the task better:how planning time influences students'performance&Pauline Foster 126
13 Effects of task repetition:appraising the developing language of learners&Martin Bygate 136
Section 5 Assessing and managing change 147
14 Assessing the practice of teaching:a view from&RSA/UCLES 149
15 Testing innovations&Sue Wharton 155
16 Curriculum innovation,teamwork and the management of change&Katie ?ennings and Tom Doyle 169
References and bibliography 178
Index 184
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