- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:阎昌琪编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787512302495
- 页数:280 页
Unit 1 The Basic Concepts for Nuclear Physics 1
1.1 Atoms and Nuclei 1
1.2 Isotopes 1
1.3 Mass Defect 2
1.4 Binding Energy 2
1.5 Energy Levels 3
1.6 Fission 4
Self-test 8
关键字解释 9
词汇 10
课文注释 12
Unit 2 Radiation 13
2.1 Radioactivity 13
2.2 Excitation and Ionization by Electrons 15
2.3 Heavy Charged Particle Slowing by Atoms 15
2.4 Heavy Charged Particle Scattering by Nuclei 16
2.5 Gamma Ray Interactions with Matter 16
2.6 The Properties of Alpha,Beta and Gamma Radiation 18
Self-test 19
关键字解释 19
词汇 21
课文注释 23
Unit 3 Nuclear Materials 24
3.1 Fuels 24
3.2 Moderators 26
3.3 Coolants 28
3.4 Cladding Materials 29
3.5 Control Materials 30
Self-test 31
关键字解释 32
词汇 33
课文注释 35
Unit 4 The Theory of Nuclear Reactors 37
4.1 The Chain Reaction 37
4.2 The Neutron Cycle in a Thermal Reactor 38
4.3 Conversion and Breeding 40
4.4 Fuel Cycles 42
Self-test 44
关键字解释 45
词汇 46
课文注释 47
Unit 5 Nuclear Reactor Concepts 49
5.1 Power Reactors 49
5.2 Consumption of Nuclear Fuels 50
5.3 Reactor Control 51
5.4 Other Effects on Reactor Operation 52
5.5 The Fast Breeder Reactor 52
5.6 Uranium as an Energy Resource 53
Self-test 55
关键字解释 55
词汇 56
课文注释 58
Unit 6 Nuclear Reactor Thermohydraulics 59
6.1 Methods of Heat Transmission 59
6.2 Conduction in Reactor Fuel 59
6.3 Heat Removal by Coolant 62
6.4 Boiling Heat Transfer 64
Self-test 66
关键字解释 67
词汇 68
课文注释 69
Unit 7 Pressurized water Reactor 71
7.1 General 71
7.2 Pressurized Water Reactor Components 72
7.3 Introduction to the Nuclear Steam Supply System 80+ 74
Self-test 77
关键字解释 78
词汇 79
课文注释 80
Unit 8 Reactor vessel and Internals 82
8.1 Reactor Vessel 82
8.2 Reactor Vessel Internals 85
Self-test 87
关键字解释 88
词汇 89
课文注释 90
Unit 9 Reactor Core and Fuel 91
9.1 Introduction 91
9.2 Core 91
9.3 Fuel Rod 92
9.4 Fuel Assembly 93
9.5 Control Element Assemblies and Drive Mechanisms 95
9.6 Control Element Drive Mechanisms(CEDM) 96
9.7 Neutron Sources 96
9.8 Burnable Absorber Rod Assembly 97
Self-test 97
关键字解释 98
词汇 99
课文注释 100
Unit 10 The Main Components in PWR Coolant System 102
10.1 Steam Generators 102
10.2 Pressurizer 104
10.3 Reactor Coolant Pumps and Motors 106
Self-test 108
关键字解释 109
词汇 110
课文注释 111
Unit 11 Pressurized Water Reactor Systems and Containment 112
11.1 Plant Heat Balance and the Steam Cycle 112
11.2 PWR Primary and Secondary Loops 113
11.3 Auxiliary system for Primary Loop 114
11.4 Containment 116
Self-test 120
关键字解释 121
词汇 122
课文注释 124
Unit 12 The Steam Turbine 125
12.1 Introduction 125
12.2 Classification of Turbines 125
12.3 Impulse and Reaction Blading 127
12.4 Velocity Compounding Curtis Stage 128
12.5 The Reaction-Turbine Principle 128
12.6 Reaction Blading 129
12.7 Sealing Arrangement 129
12.8 Twisted and Tapered Blades 130
12.9 Erosion Control and Moisture Removal 131
12.10 Other Blade Features 132
12.11 Low Pressure Turbine 132
12.12 Turbine Control 132
Self-test 133
关键字解释 134
词汇 135
课文注释 136
Unit 13 Main Steam,Feed and Condensate Systems 138
13.1 Introduction 138
13.2 Main Steam and Feedwater Piping 139
13.3 Main Steam Piping System Flow Restrictor 139
13.4 Safety Requirements 140
13.5 Feed and Condensate System Description 141
13.6 Transients 143
13.7 Controls 143
Self-test 144
关键字解释 145
词汇 146
课文注释 147
Unit 14 Operation of a Nuelear Power Plant 149
14.1 Introduction 149
14.2 Plant Safety 149
14.3 Plant Operations 149
14.4 Normal Mode 150
14.5 Abnormal Mode 152
14.6 Off-Normal(Upset)Mode 153
14.7 Control Rooms and Instrumentation 154
14.8 System Parameters 155
Self-test 156
关键字解释 157
词汇 157
课文注释 158
Unit 15 Radiation Hazards and Shielding 160
15.1 Introduction 160
15.2 Health Physics 160
15.3 The Biological Effects of Radiation Exposure 161
15.4 The Effects of Inhaled and Ingested Radioactivity 163
15.5 Reactor Shielding 164
Self-test 166
关键字解释 167
词汇 167
课文注释 168
Unit 16 Nuclear Safety 170
16.1 Safety and Hazards in Nuclear Power 170
16.2 Reactor Accidents 171
16.3 The Accident at Three Mile Island 172
16.4 The Accident at Chemobyl 173
Self-test 177
关键字解释 178
词汇 178
课文注释 179
Unit 17 Westinghouse AP1000 Advanced Passive Plant 181
17.1 Introduction 181
17.2 Major Equipment Description 182
17.3 Safety Through Simplicity 185
17.4 Passive Safety Systems 186
17.5 Probabilistic Risk Assessment 189
17.6 Simplification 190
17.7 Cost and Construction Schedule 192
17.8 Licensing 193
17.9 AP1000 Deployment 194
17.10 Conclusions 195
Self-test 195
关键字解释 196
词汇 198
课文注释 199
Unit 18 European Pressurized Water Reactor(EPR) 201
18.1 Introduction 201
18.2 Construction Schedule 204
18.3 Operation,Maintenance and Services 204
18.4 Operational Flexibility 205
18.5 Safety Systems 206
18.6 Primary System 207
Self-test 211
关键词解释 213
词汇 213
课文注释 215
Unit 19 The Heavy-Water-Moderated Reactor 217
19.1 General Characteristics of the Heavy Water Reactor 217
19.2 The CANDU Pressure Tube Heavy Water Reactor 220
19.3 Advanced CANDU Reactor 224
Self-test 225
关键字解释 226
词汇 227
课文注释 229
Unit 20 GenerationⅣNuclear Power 231
20.1 Introduction 231
20.2 The Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor(GFR) 235
20.3 Very-High-Temperature Reactor System(VHTR) 236
20.4 Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor(SCWR) 237
20.5 Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor(SFR) 239
20.6 Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor(LFR) 240
20.7 Molten Salt Reactor(MSR) 242
20.8 GenerationⅣand the Hydrogen Economy 243
Self-test 244
关键字解释 245
词汇 246
课文注释 248
附录Ⅰ Self-test 习题答案 250
附录Ⅱ 词汇表 252
参考文献 279
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- 《走进世界名校 英国》郑俊涛,王琪编 2013
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