- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘绍忠编著
- 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7562434085
- 页数:304 页
Chapter 1 The nature of Internet reading 1
1.1 Theory of reading 2
1.2 Internet reading defined 8
1.3 E-reading vs.textual reading 10
1.4 Design features of Internet reading 14
1.5 Functions of Internet reading 18
Tasks 20
Chapter 2 Internet language 24
2.1 Features of Internet language 25
2.2 Meanings 31
2.3 Words 33
2.4 Abbreviations 38
2.5 Code-switching in the Internet communication 53
Tasks 54
Chapter 3 Internet readings resourcing and principles of material choosing 58
3.1 Internet searching engines 59
3.2 Skills for information searching 62
3.3 Principles of material choosing 64
3.4 Virtual libraries 69
3.5 Dictionaries on the Internet 71
3.6 Encyclopedias on the Internet 76
3.7 Major English magazines and journals on the Internet 78
3.8 Bookstores on the Internet 83
3.9 Major English newspapers on the Internet 86
3.10 Schooling on the Internet 108
Tasks 114
Chapter 4 Internet resources on English knowledge 116
4.1 Internet readings on English sounds 117
4.2 Internet readings on English words 122
4.3 Internet readings on English grammar 124
Tasks 127
Chapter 5 Internet resources on English skills 129
5.1 Tune in on the Internet:Online readings on English listening 130
5.2 Internet readings on English speaking 133
5.3 Internet readings on English reading 152
5.4 Internet readings on English writing 154
5.5 Internet readings on English translating 157
5.6 Internet readings on English teaching 161
5.7 Internet readings on English presentation 168
Tasks 186
Chapter 6 Internet readings for elective courses 196
6.1 Linguistics on the Internet 197
6.2 Stylistics on the Internet 204
6.3 English lexicology on the Internet 208
6.4 Thesis writing on the Internet 211
6.5 English teaching methodology on the Internet 217
6.6 Pragmatics on the Internet 225
6.7 Anglo-American literature on the Internet 235
6.8 Chinese culture on the Internet 244
6.9 Western culture on the Internet 253
6.10 Background to English-speaking countries 259
Tasks 270
Chapter 7 Promoting yourself on the Internet 275
7.1 Emailing 276
7.2 Designing your own homepage 286
7.3 Gateway into a profession:Looking for jobs on line 295
Tasks 299
References 300
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