营销管理 英文版 亚洲版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:科特勒,凯勒,洪瑞云等著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:7300141534
- 页数:763 页
PART 1 Understanding Marketing Management 2
Chapter 1 Defining Marketing for the 21st Century 3
The Importance of Marketing 4
The Scope of Marketing 5
MARKETING MEMO The Rewards of Branding Asian Countries 8
Core Marketing Concepts 13
The New Marketing Realities 15
Company Orientations Toward the Marketplace 18
MARKETING MEMO Marketing Right and Wrong 20
Marketing Management Tasks 28
MARKETING MEMO Marketers'Frequently Asked Questions 28
Chapter 2 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans 33
Marketing and Customer Value 34
MARKETING INSIGHT Views on Marketing from Chief Executive Officers 42
Corporate and Division Strategic Planning 44
MARKETING INSIGHT Creating Innovative Marketing 55
Business Unit Strategic Planning 55
MARKETING MEMO Checklist for Performing Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis 58
MARKETING INSIGHT Same Bed,Different Dreams 61
MARKETING INSIGHT Marketing's Contribution to Shareholder Value 63
Product Planning:The Nature and Contents of a Marketing Plan 64
MARK ETING MEMO Marketing Plan Criteria 64
Sample Marketing Plan:Pegasus Sports International 66
PART 2 Capturing Marketing Insights 72
Chapter 3 Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment 73
Components of a Modern Marketing Information System 74
Internal Records and Marketing Intelligence 75
MARKETING MEMO Clicking on the Competition 78
Analyzing the Macroenvironment 78
MARKETING INSIGHT Megatrends Shaping the Asian Consumer Landscape 79
The Demographic Environment 79
MARKETING INSIGHT Friends for Life 84
Other Major Macroenvironments 86
MARKETING INSIGHT Green Marketing 91
Chapter 4 Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasring Demand 99
The Marketing Research Systen 100
The Marketing Research Process 101
MARKETING INSIGHT Conducting Informative Focus Groups 104
MARKETING MEMO Questionnaire Do's and Don'ts 105
MARKETING INSIGHT Getting into Consumers'Heads With Qualitative Research 108
MARKETING INSIGHT Unnderstanding Brain Science 109
MARKETING MEMO Pros and Cons of Online Research 112
MARKETING INSIGHT Global Online Market Research Challenges 113
Marketing Research inAsia 116
Measuring Marketing Productivity 117
MARKETING INSIGHT Marketing Dashboards to Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency 119
PART 3 Connecting with Customers 130
Chapter 5 Creating Customer Value,Satisfaction,and Loyalty 131
Building CustomerValue,Satisfaction,and Loyalty 132
Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value 140
MARKETING MEMO Calculating Customer Lifetime Value 143
Cultivating Customer Relationships 144
MARKETING INSIGHT Company Response to Customer Empowerment 145
MARKETI NG MEMO Creating Customer Evangelists 149
Customer Databases and Database Marketing 152
Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer Markets 159
What Influences Consumer Behavior? 160
MARKETING INSIGHT China's Young Consumers 164
MARKETING INSIGHT Face-Saving and the Chinese Consumer 166
Key Psychological Processes 171
The Buying Decision Process:The Five-Stage Model 179
Other Theories of Consumer Decision Making 188
MARKETING INSIGHT How Consumers Really Make Decisions 190
MARKETING MEMO Decision Traps 191
Chapter 7 Analyzing Business Markets 195
What is Organizational Buying? 196
MARKETING INSIGHT Big Sales to Small Business 197
Participants in the Business Buying Process 200
The Purchasing/Procurement Process 203
Stages in the Buying Process 204
MARKETING INSIGHT The Business-To-Business(B2B)Cyberbuying Bazaar 207
MARKETING INSIGHT The Asian B2B Environment 208
MARKETING MEMO Developing Compelling Customer Value Propositions 210
Managing Business-to-Business Customer Relationships 212
MARKETING INSIGHT Rules of SociaI and Business Etiquette 214
MARKETING INSIGHT Establishing Corporate Trust and Credibility 215
Relationship Marketing in the Keiretsu and Chaebol 218
Institutional and Government Markets 219
MARKETING INSIGHT Government Procurement in Korea 220
Chapter 8 Identifying Market Segments and Targets 225
Levels of Market Segmentation 226
MARKETING INSIGHT Chasing the Long Tail 230
Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets 233
MARKETING INSIGHT Trading Up(and Down):The New Consumer 239
MARKETING INSIGHT Marketing to Generation Y 240
Bases for Segmenting Business Markets 248
Marketing Targeting 250
PART 4 Building Strong Brands 258
Chapter 9 Creating Brand Equity 259
What is Brand Equity? 260
MARKETING MEMO A Checklist for Developing Global Asian Brands 267
Building Brand Equity 270
MARKETING INSIGHT Applying Permission Marketing 277
Measuring Brand Equity 281
MARKETING INSIGHT The Brand Value Chain 282
Managing Brand Equity 283
MARKETING INSIGHT What is a Brand Worth? 284
Devising a Branding Strategy 287
Customer Equity 294
MARKETING MEMO 21st Century Branding 294
Chapter 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning 299
Developing and Communicating a Positioning Strategy 300
BREAKTHROUGH MARKETING Shanda Interactive Entertainment 302
MARKETING MEMO Writing a Positioning Statement 307
MARKETING MEMO How to Derive Fresh Consumer Insights to Differentiate Products and Services 308
Product Life-Cycle Marketing Strategies 310
MARKETING INSIGHT Competitive Category Dynamics 316
MARKETING MEMO How to Build a Breakaway Brand 322
Chapter 11 Dealing with Competition 327
Competitive Forces 328
Identifying Competitors 329
Analyzing Competitors 330
MARKETING INSIGHT High Growth Through Value Innovation 331
MARKETING MEMO Benchmarking to Improve Competitive Performance 334
Competitive Strategies for Market Leaders 335
MARKETING INSIGHT When Your Competitor Delivers More for Less 337
MARKETING INSIGHT Sun Tzu Bing Fa:Modern Strategy Insights from Ancient China 340
Other Competitive Strategies 346
MARKETING MEMO Making Smaller Better 349
MARKETING INSIGHT Counteracting Counterfeiting 351
MARKETING MEMO Niche Specialist Roles 353
MARKETING MEMO Strategies for Entering Markets Held by Incumbent Firms 353
Balancing Customer and Competitor Orientations 354
PART 5 Shaping the Market Offerings 358
Chapter 12 Setting Product Strategy 359
Product Characteristics and Classifications 360
MARKETING INSIGHT Metamarkets and Metamediaries 361
Differentiation 364
MARKETING INSIGHT Design as a Powerful Marketing Tool 370
Product and Brand Relationships 372
MARKET INSIGHT When Less is More 376
Packaging,Labeling,Warranties and Guarantees 383
MARKETING MEMO Making Ingredient Branding Work 384
Chapter 13 Designing and Managing Services 389
The Nature of Services 390
Marketing Strategies for Service Firms 396
MARKETING MEMO Recommendations for Improving Service Quality 397
MARKETING INSIGHT The Japanese Philosophy of Service 397
Managing Service Quality 404
MARKETING INSIGHT The Role of Expectations on Service Quality Perceptions 406
MARKETING MEMO Assessing E-Service Quality 407
MARKETING MEMO The Seven Deadly Sins of Service Management 409
MARKETING INSIGHT Developing Customer Interface Systems 410
Managing Service Brands 412
Managing Product Support Services 416
Chapter 14 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs 421
Understanding Pricing 422
MARKETING INSIGHT Giving It all away 424
Setting the Price 430
MARKETING INSIGHT Stealth Price Increases 446
Adaptingthe Price 447
MARKETING MEMO Guidelines for Countertraders 448
Initiating and Responding to Price Changes 451
MARKETING MEMO How to Fight Low-Cost Rivals 454
PART 6 Delivering Value 458
Chapter 15 Designing and Managing Marketing Channels and Value Networks 459
Marketing Channels and Value Networks 460
The Role of Marketing Channels 463
Channel-Design Decisions 467
Channel-Management Decisions 474
MARKETING MEMO Designing a Customer-Driven Distribution System 478
Channel Integration and Systems 478
MARKETING INSIGHT The Importance of Channel Stewards 479
MARKETING MEMO Multichannel Shopping Checklist 482
Conflict,Cooperation,and Competition 483
E-Commerce Marketing Practices 486
MARKETING INSIGHT E-Tailing Lessons for the Asia Pacific 491
Chapter 16 Managing Retailing,Wholesaling,and Logistics 495
Retailing 496
MARKETING INSIGHT Enhancing Online Shopping in Asia 499
MARKETING INSIGHT Franchise Fever in Asia 500
MARKETING INSIGHT Making Labels Smarter 507
MARKETING MEMO Helping Stores to Sell 509
Private Labels 512
MARKETING INSIGHT Feng Shui and its Application to Retailing and Marketing in the Far East 514
MARKETING MEMO How to Compete Against Store Brands 516
Wholesaling 516
Market Logistics 518
MARKETING INSIGHT Toyota's Supplier Relationships 518
PART 7 Communicating Value 526
Chapter 17 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications 527
The Role of Marketing Communications 528
Developing Effective Communications 534
MARKETING INSIGHT Celebrity Endorsements as a Strategy 538
MARKETING INSIGHT Collectivism, Consensus Appeals, and Credibility 539
MARKETING INSIGHT Comparative Advertising in Asia 540
Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix 546
MARKETING INSIGHT Marketing Communications and the Urban Chinese Consumer 548
Managing the Integrated Marketing Communications Process 552
MARKETING MEMO How Integrated is Your IMC Program? 554
Chapter 18 Managing Mass Communications:Advertising,Sales Promotions,Events,and Public Relations 559
Developing and Managing an Advertising Programmme 560
MARKETING INSIGHT Advertising Guidelines for Modern Asia 565
MARKETING MEMO Print Ad Evaluation Criteria 567
Deciding on Media and Measuring Effectiveness 568
MARKETING INSIGHT Playing Games with Brands 575
Sales Promotion 580
Events and Experiences 587
MARKETING INSIGHT Experiential Marketing 590
Public Relations 591
MARKETING INSIGHT Managing a Brand Crisis 592
Chapter 19 Managing personal Communications:Direct Marketing and Personal Selling 599
Direct Marketing 600
MARKETING MEMO When Your Customeris a Committee 603
Interactive Marketing 606
Word of Mouth 614
MARKETING MEMO How to Start a Buzz Fire 616
Designing the Sales Force 618
MARKETING INSIGHT Major Account Management 622
Managing the Sales Force 623
Principles of Personal Selling 630
MARKETING INSIGHT Culture and Relationship Marketing 636
PART 8 Creating Successful Long-Term Growth 640
Chapter 20 Introducing New Market Offerings 641
New-Product Options 642
Challenges in New-Product Development 643
Organizational Arrangements 647
MARKETING INSIGHT The Effects of National Culture on New-Product Development 647
Managing the Development Process:Ideas 651
MARKETING MEMO Ten Ways to Great New-Product Ideas 651
MARKETING INSIGHT P&G's New Connect-and-Develop Approach to Innovation 652
MARKETING MEMO Seven Ways to Draw New Ideas from Your Customers 653
MARKETING INSIGHT Developing Successful High-Tech Products 654
MARKETING INSIGHT New-Idea Generation In Japanese Companies 655
Managing the Development Process:Concept to Strategy 658
Managing the Development Process:Development to Commercialization 663
The Consumer-Adoption Process 671
Chapter 21 Tapping into Global Markets 677
Competing on a Global Basis 678
Deciding Whether to Go Abroad 679
Deciding Which Markets to Enter 681
MARKETING INSIGHT Spotlight on Key Developing Asian Markets 683
MARKETING INSIGHT Emerging Market Companies 685
Deciding How to Enter the Market 689
MARKETING INSIGHT Guanxi and Its Application to Marketing in Greater China 693
MARKETING MEMO Guidelines for Managing Joint Ventures in Asia 695
Deciding on the Marketing Program 696
MARKETING INSIGHT Global Standardization or Adaptation? 696
MARKETING MEMO The Ten Commandments of Global Branding 698
MARKETING INSIGHT Establishing Global Service Brands 699
MARKETING INSIGHT Unauthorized Sales—Dealing with the Gray Market and Counterfeit Products 706
Country-of-Origin Effects 709
Deciding on the Marketing Organization 711
Chapter 22 Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization 715
Trends in Marketing Practices 716
Internal Marketing 716
MARKETING MEMO Characteristics of Customer-Driven Company Departments 717
MARKETING INSIGHT Fueling Strategic Innovation 724
Socially Responsible Marketing 724
MARKETING INSIGHT Confucius and Marketing in East Asia 729
MARKETING INSIGHT New Views on Corporate Social Responsibility 731
MARKETING MEMO Making a DifferenCe 734
Marketing Implementation 735
Evaluation and Control 736
The Future of Marketing 748
MARKETING MEMO Major Marketing Weaknesses 749
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