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世界建筑  No.5
世界建筑  No.5

世界建筑 No.5PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:6 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈桂英
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:48 页
《世界建筑 No.5》目录
标签:建筑 世界


沙克生物研究所 Salk Institute for Biological Studies 9

广场之水泉西端为双层爆布 Cascading water from upper plaza terminating in two waterfalls in lower plaza 9

沙克研究所西侧所见全景 General view of west elevation 10

自排水口近处所见之南北实验大楼 View of the south and north wings from lower plaza 12

向广场凸伸而出之实验室 View of the study rooms overlooking plaza 14

隔着铺设多孔质大理石之广场对望之实验室 Study rooms flanking upper plaza 16

实验室之凸窗,向西可展望太平洋 Study rooms (in front) and laboratories 17

铺设多孔质大理石之内庭,正中为水沟 Water channel in center of plaza.The surface of the plaza is paved with travertine marble 18

表面以精致纹路所构成之北侧宝验大楼区 North side of laboratories block with precisely formed concrete surface 20

沟通各实验室之楼梯间 Staircase connecting study room blocks and laboratory block 22

仰望实验室之木制栏干与柚木板壁 Looking up at timber sashes and teak timber panelling 24

各楼梯间可连续地透视 View looking through loggias 25

理查医药研究所 Richards Medical Research Building 26

南面全景,左侧为生物实验大楼(第二期工程) General view of south elevation.The block on the left is biological laboratory (second phase of the complex) 26

自北侧之古老宿舍所见之塔楼群 View of circulation and service towers from the old building to the north 28

北面 North elevation 30

南面仰望,凸出部分为实验室 Looking up at south elevation - at the individual study rooms 32

入口门廊。右为楼梯间 Main entrance porch and staircase 34

凸出於入口门廊之预铸梁 Pre-cast concrete beams over main entrance porch 36

自门廊所见之生物实验大楼骑楼 The pilotis of Biology building as viewed from entrance of Medical building 37

仰望耸立於南面之塔楼 Looking up at the towers in south elevation 38

仰望各实验室与塔楼 Looking up at the laboratories and towers in north elevation 39

西侧之内藏有服务室间之塔楼 Looking up at the circulation and service towers in the west end of the building 40
