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英国文学简史  英文版
英国文学简史  英文版

英国文学简史 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:常耀信著
  • 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7310023986
  • 页数:587 页
《英国文学简史 英文版》目录

Chapter 1 The Old English(Anglo-Saxon)Period·Beowulf&The Middle English Period 1

Chapter 2 Chaucer·The Pre-Elizabethan Period&More 14

Chapter 3 The Elizabethan Age·Spenser·Sidney&Marlowe 35

Chapter 4 Shakespeare·Bacon·Jonson&King James'Bible 51

Chapter 5 The 17th Century·Donne·Milton·Dryden·Bunyan&The Restoration Theater 72

Chapter 6 The Classic Age·Pope·Johnson·Gray·Goldsmith&Sheridan 97

Chapter 7 Movement toward Romanticism·Thomson·Young·Cowper·Crabbe·Blake&Burns 123

Chapter 8 18th-Century Fiction·Swift·Defoe·Richardson·Fielding·Sterne&Smollett 137

Chapter 9 The Romantic Period·Wordsworth·Coleridge·Scott&Austen 164

Chapter 10 Byron·Shelley&Keats 196

Chapter 11 The Victorian Period·Victorian Prose·Carlyle·Mill&Newman 216

Chapter 12 Victorian Fiction·Dickens&Thackeray 228

Chapter 13 Charlotte and Emily Bronte&Meredith 249

Chapter 14 George Eliot·Trollope&Butler 262

Chapter 15 Hardy·Gissing·Moore·Wilde&Stevenson 285

Chapter 16 Victorian Poetry·Tennyson·Browning&Arnold 308

Chapter 17 Clough·Hopkins·Edward Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat&The Aesthetic Movement 330

Chapter 18 Victorian Drama·Shaw&Wilde 343

Chapter 19 The Early 20th Century·The Edwardians·The Georgians&The War Poets 354

Chapter 20 The 1920s·Woolf&Joyce 376

Chapter 21 Lawrence·Yeats·Imagism&T.S.Eliot 406

Chapter 22 Poetry of the 1930s·Auden·The Audenic Group·Thomas&Empson 433

Chapter 23 Fiction of the 1930s·Huxley·Orwell·Waugh·Greene&Isherwood 452

Chapter 24 Postwar Poetry 466

Chapter 25 Postwar Fiction 493

Chapter 26 Postwar Drama 516

Notes and References 531

Index 556
