CUMULUS 2010展作品集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈永群,娄永琪主编
- 出 版 社:上海:同济大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787560844176
- 页数:386 页
AustraliaRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology,Australia 1
Swinburne University of Technology,Australia 22
Queensland College of Art,Griffith University,Australia 42
AustriaUniversity of Applied Arts Vienna,Austria 44
BelgiumMedia ? Design Academy Genk,Belgium 70
CanadaOntario College of Art ? Design,Canada 72
ChinaTsinghua University,China 92
Hong Kong Design Institute,Vocational Training Council,China 98
Jiangnan University,China 103
Hunan University,China 121
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,China 129
Shandong University of Art ? Design,China 135
Tongji University,China 140
DenmarkDesignskolen Kolding,Denmark 156
EstoniaEstonian Academy of Arts,Estonia 160
FinlandInstitute of Deisgn and Fine Arts,Lahti University of Applied Sciences,Finland 168
AALTO University,Finland 170
FranceEcole Supérieure d'Art et Design de Saint-Etienne,France 191
L'?cole de design Nantes Atlantique,France 192
Strate College Designers,France 206
GermanyFolkwang University,Germany 211
Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main,Germany 220
Great BritainCentral Saint Martins College of Art and Design,Great Britain 223
Royal College of Art,London,Great Britain 229
HollandUtrecht Graduate School of the Arts,Holland 234
Royal Academy of Art(KABK),the Hague,Holland 237
Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University,Holland 246
ItalyPolitecnico di Milano,Italy 249
I.S.I.A Florence,Italy 258
JapanChiba University,Japan 260
Kobe Design University,Japan 268
LithuaniaVilnius Academy of Fine Arts,Lithuania 271
New ZealandOtago Institute of design,New Zealand 281
Republic of KoreaSeoul National University,Republic of Korea 293
RussicaSaint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University,Russia 302
SingaporeTemasek Design School,Singapore 303
SloveniaUniversity of Ljubljana,Slovenia 334
SwedenChalmers University of Technology,Sweden 335
Konstfack,University College of Arts,Crafts and Design,Sweden 337
HDK-University of Gothenburg,Sweden 342
Lund University,Sweden 344
Linnaeus University,Sweden 359
Ume? Institute of Design,Ume? University,Sweden 366
SwitzerlandGeneva University of Art and Design(HEAD),Switzerland 367
Zurich University of the Arts,Switzerland 368
USAArt Center College of Design,USA 372
The Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design,USA 375
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