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中国语境下的系统功能语言学研究  英文版
中国语境下的系统功能语言学研究  英文版

中国语境下的系统功能语言学研究 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王红阳著
  • 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787502777487
  • 页数:246 页
上一篇:情为语变之原论下一篇:古韵标准 2
《中国语境下的系统功能语言学研究 英文版》目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Two main traditions in modern linguistics 1

1.2 Research background 3

1.3 Aim and objectives 6

1.4 Research questions 7

1.5 Data and methodology 8

1.6 The Structure of this book 8

Chapter 2 A Synopsis of SFL 10

2.1 Introduction 10

2.2 Background to Hallidayan linguistics 11

2.3 Four developmental stages of SFL 20

2.4 Fundamental concepts in SFL 42

2.5 SFL as angeneral linguistics and as an appliable linguistics 49

2.6 Halliday's IFG 52

2.7 Extended components in SFL 56

2.8 Summary 58

2.9 Concluding remarks 59

Chapter 3 Methodology 60

3.1 Introduction 60

3.2 Rationale for adopting a multi-method approach 60

3.3 The document method 62

3.4 Questionnaire 64

3.5 Interview 68

3.6 Summary 71

Chapter 4 SFL Studies in China:A Survey 73

4.1 Introduction 73

4.2 Three stages of SFL studies in China 73

4.3 Research areas and topics 75

4.4 SFL publications 80

4.5 Conferences and seminars 83

4.6 Chinese contributions 100

4.7 Summary 105

Chapter 5 The Situation of SFL Studies and Activities:An Initial Analysis 107

5.1 Introduction 107

5.2 Analyses of published writings 107

5.3 Analyses of questionnaires 136

5.4 Analyses of interviews 145

5.5 Summary 146

Chapter 6 Discussion:A Tentative Appraisal 148

6.1 Introduction 148

6.2 Theory and description 148

6.3 Analysis 156

6.4 The study of Chinese 160

6.5 Applications 172

6.6 SFL and other approaches 179

6.7 Non-SFL studies 186

6.8 Implications 190

6.9 Summary 195

Chapter 7 Conclusion 197

7.1 A summary of the preceding chapters 197

7.2 Answers to the research questions 200

7.3 Implications 206

7.4 Follow-uP research 207

7.5 Concluding remarks 208

References 209

Acknowledgements 245
