希腊罗马史料集 一 古风时代至公元前5世纪末的希腊 英文影印版=Translated documents of Greece & Rome.1.Archaic times to the end PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄洋,高峰枫丛书主编;(美)查尔斯·福尔那拉编译;黄洋导读
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- 页数:241 页
史料译注 1
1 Ancient chronology 1
2 The date of iykourgos of Sparta 4
3 The establishment of the Olympic Games 5
4 Pheidon of Argos 6
5 The foundation of Naxos and Megara in Sicily 8
6 The foundation of Croton 8
7 The Lelantine War 9
8 The use of the word tyrant 11
9 The foundation of Tarentum by the Partheniai of Sparta 11
10 Orthagoras,Tyrant of Sicyon 13
11 Law of the city of Dreros(Crete) 14
12 Tyrtaeus of Sparta,the Messenian Wars,and the Great Rhetra 14
13 Spartan treatment of helots 17
14 Memorial to a Locrian proxenos at Corcyra 18
15 Drakon’s law on homicide 18
16 The First Sacred War 20
17 Battos,the founder of Cyrene 21
18 The foundation of Cyrene 22
19 Law from Chios 24
20 Gravestone of Phanodikos of Prokonnesos 25
21 Epitaph of the Corinthians who died at Salamis 25
22 The Athenian naukrariai 26
23 The Athenian archon list 27
24 Greek mercenaries in Egyptian service 28
25 Alliance between Elis and Heraia in Western Arcadia 29
26 The establishment of the Panathenaic festival 29
27 Spartan treaty with Tegea 30
28 Kroisos’ gifts to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 31
29 Treaty between Sybafis and the Serdaioi 31
30 The wives of Hippias and Hipparchos,the sons of Peisistratos of Athens 32
31 The nature of Peisistratos’rule 33
32 Polykrates,Tyrant of Samos 33
33 Law from a Locrian community settling new territory 34
34 A list of Dareios’subjects 36
35 Letter of Dareios 37
36 An Argive rule about the use of sacred treasures 37
37 Dedication of Peisistratos son of Hippias 38
38 A Spartan dedication 38
39 The liberation of Athens 39
40 The rebuilding of the Temple at Delphi by the Alkmeonidai 40
41 Ostracism at Athens 41
42 Epigrams celebrating an Athenian victory over Boeotia and Chalcis 44
43 Dedication of the Athenian portico at Delphi 45
44 Athenian klerouchy at Salamis 45
45 Rations for Ionian mothers working at Persepolis 46
46 An Ionian contractor at Persepolis 47
47 Law of the Eastern(Hypocnemidian)Locrians about their colony at Naupactus 47
48 The Persian cavalry at Marathon 49
49 Dedication of Kallimachos 50
50 Athenian thank-offering for Marathon 50
51 Athenian epigrams on the Persian Wars 51
52 The Greek embassy to Gelon 52
53 A supplication by Corinthian women during Xerxes' war 53
54 Gelon's thank-offering for the victory at Himera 53
55 The decree of Themistokles 53
56 Contribution of the Naxians to the war effort against the Persians 56
57 Oath of the Athenians taken before the Battle of Plataea 56
58 The number of the Athenian dead at Plataea 57
59 Greek thank-offering for victory in the Persian War 58
60 Megarian memorial of the Persian War 58
61 Pausanias,regent of Sparta,and his actions after the victory at Plataea 59
62 Attempts at colonizing Ennea Hodoi in Thrace 61
63 Regulations of the Teians 62
64 Hieron's thank-offering for the victory at Cumae 63
65 Themistokles'ostracism and flight to Persia 64
66 Political expulsions from Miletus 65
67 The Messefnian Revolt 66
68 Athenian relations with Phaselis 68
69 The ban against Arthmios of Zeleia 68
70 A Halicarnassian law concerning disputed property 69
71 Regulations imposed by the Athenians on Erythrae 70
72 Egypt rebels from Persia 73
73 Spartan aid to Thebes 74
74 Perikles'oratory 74
75 Athenian regulation of the Eleusinian Mysteries 76
76 Kimon's return from ostracism 77
77 Samians fight in Egypt 78
78 Casualty list of the Erechtheid tribe of Athens 78
79 The building of the Long Walls and the Middle Wall at Athens 79
80 Thank-offering by the Lacedaemonians for the victory at Tanagra 80
81 Alliance of Athens and Egesta 81
82 Athenian compact involving the Delphic Amphictyony or Phocis 82
83 Dedication of Athenian knights 82
84 Tolmides'circumnavigation of the Peloponnesus 83
85 The first tribute quota list of 454/3 B.C. 83
86 Limitation of Athenian citizenship 84
87 Treaty between Oianthia and Chaleion,and law of Chaleion 85
88 The civil laws of Gortyn 86
89 Relations between Argos,Cnossus,and Tylissos 88
90 Nemesis and the accounts of her temple in the Attic deme of Rhamnous 90
91 A victory of Selinus 91
92 Regulations for Miletus 92
93 Appointment of the priestess and building of the temple of Athena Nike 94
94 The financing of public expenditures through Athena’s treasury 95
95 The Peace of Kallias 97
96 Aspasia 103
97 Athenian decree enforcing the use of Athenian coins,weights,and measures 105
98 Decree on the payment of tribute,passed on the motion of Kleinias 107
99 An Athenian treaty with Colophon 109
100 The foundation of an Athenian colony at Brea 110
101 Memorial for Pythion of Megara 112
102 Athenian regulations for Eretria(?) 112
103 Athenian regulations for Chalcis 113
104 The bribery of Pleistoanax and Kleandridas of Sparta 115
105 Andocides the orator and his forebears 115
106 The establishment of a board of Eleusinian superintendents 116
107 Extracts from Pseudo-Xenophon(‘The Old Oligarch’) 117
108 The foundation of Thurii 123
109 The ostracism of Thoukydides son of Melesias 124
110 The board of Athenian generals at Samos 126
111 Athenian restrictions against comedy 126
112 Victory of Tarentum over Thurii 127
113 Expenses of the Samian War 127
114 Accounts of Pheidias’gold-and-ivory statue of Athena 128
115 Athenian treaty with Samos 129
116 Attacks against Pheidias,Anaxagoras,and Aspasia 130
117 Work on the Athenian water supply 131
118 The cost and construction of the Propylaia 132
119 Financial decrees moved by Kallias 134
120 Building accounts of the Parthenon 136
121 Accounts of the Delian temples when Delos was under Athenian control 138
122 The murder of Anthenokritos and the decree of Charinos 139
123 The Megarian decree or decrees 140
124 Athenian alliance with Rhegium 141
125 Athenian alliance with Leontini 142
126 Expenses of the Athenian squadrons sent to Corcyra 143
127 The invasion of Attica 143
128 Athenian relations with Methone and Macedon 144
129 Resettlement of Potidaea 146
130 The fining and reinstatement of the Athenian generl Phormion 147
131 Kleon and the knights 147
132 Contributions to the Spartan war fund 148
133 Appointment of tribute collectors 149
134 Loans to the Athenian state from the treasury of Athena Polias 150
135 Thank-offering of the Messenians and Naupactians 153
136 Reassessment of the tribute of the Athenian Empire 154
137 An agreement between Andros and Delphi 158
138 Athens honors Herakleides for help in concluding a treaty with the King of Persia 159
139 Payment to the priestess of Athena Nike 160
140 Athenian decree regulating the offering of first-fruits at Eleusis 160
141 Inventory of the treasures in the Parthenon 163
142 Athenian tribute quota list 164
143 Inventory of treasures in the Hekatompedon 165
144 Payments from Athena’s treasury for public purposes 166
145 Ostracism and death of Hyperbolos 168
146 Decrees relating to the Sicilian Expedition 169
147 Confiscation of the property of Athenians convicted of sacrilege 170
148 The Athenian commissioners of 411 B.C. 176
149 A decree passed by the oligarchy in Athens 176
150 Expenditures of the treasurers of Athena under the oligarchy 177
151 The trial of Antiphon 178
152 Eretria revolts from Athens 179
153 Two laws offering rewards for information regarding plots against the government at Thasos 179
154 Expenditures of the treasurers of Athena 181
155 Phryniehos’assassins honored 183
156 Athens honors Neapolis in Thrace 185
157 A contract for the ransoming of prisoners of war 187
158 Expenditures of the treasurers of Athena 188
159 The date of Alkibiades’return to Athens 190
160 Athens honors Oiniades 191
161 Athens orders the building and manning of ships and honors Archelaos(?) of Macedon 192
162 Athens ratifies a treaty with Selymbria 193
163 Athenian treaty with the Clazomenians at Daphnus 194
164 The Athenian military and financial emergency of 407/6 B.C. 194
165 Athens and Carthage 195
166 Athens honors the Samians 196
167 The influx of gold and silver into Sparta 198
168 Lysandros’treatment of conquered cities 198
169 Laws regulating the wine trade at Thasos 199
170 The rule of the Ten in Athens 200
附录 201
Ⅰ 雅典执政官表(公元前500—前403年) 201
Ⅱ 雅典村社列表 202
Ⅲ 术语表 203
索引 217
Ⅰ 人名和地名索引 217
Ⅱ 专有名词索引 230
Ⅲ 选译史料索引 236
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