1.Spiritual Aspects of Pain ManagementTetuso Kashiwagi 1
2.Medical Director of HospiceRoscoe F.Morton 8
3.Hospice Care in the United StatesKate Colburn 9
4.Psychological Aspects of Working withthe Terminally IllGeorge S.Lair 38
5.Palliative Medicine in Hospice CareMichael Kearney 51
6.Education for Hospice WorkersAnthony Smith 62
7.Concerns of the Family in Hospice CareDavid Chung 69
8.The Experience of Grief and HospiceBereavement CareBeborah S.Webb-Burmeister 72
9.The Volunteers Role in HospiceDiana Lair 92
10.The Development of Death EducationA Study of curriculum design in death educationMichael T.C.Hwang 98
11.Development of Hospice in Hong KongLucy Chung 112
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