Organization and Program 1
Faculty 3
Opening Remarks—Dr.David L.Yeung 8
Contents of Articles Presented 14
1.Definition and Measurement of Child Malnutrition&Keyou Ge and Suying Chang 14
2.Stunting:the Population Perspectives and Implications for Intervention&Dr.Ray Yip 27
3.A Longitudinal Study of Growth and Development of Low-Birth-Weight Infants&Z.P.Guo,L.Y.Feng,Y.M.Peng,X.Y.Liu 28
4.Nutrition,Stunting,Cognition and Behavioral Development:Studies in the Philippines and Indonesia&Cecilia A.Florencio 33
5.The Effect of Zinc on the Infants'Growth of High-Risk&Hong Zhaoyi,Zhang Yiwen,Xu Jide,et,al 48
6.Influence of Calcium and Vitamin A on Growth of Preschool Children&Yang Yuexin,Shao Xiaoping,Hemei and Han Junhua 55
7.Neonatal Nutrition and Behavioral Development&Meizi He Ph.D.,Sandy N.Tecimer,Lakha Singh,G.Harvey Anderson Ph.D 70
8.Evidence of Impact of Breastfeeding on Long Term Health&Prof.Cai Wei 92
9.Case-Control Study on Intrauterine Growth Retardation and Nutrition Status in Late Pregnancy&Shao Yufen,Wang Min 97
10.Functional Foods:Possible Implications for Infant Development and Later Health&David L.Yeung,Ph.D.,Crystal T Peters,M.Sc 100
11.Infant Malnutrition and Studying:Prevalence,Trends and Influencing Factors&Fengying Zhai,Suying Chang,Keyou Ge,Dawei Fu 108
12.Industry's Role in Helping to Eliminate Stunting and Promote Good Nutritionin Infant and Childhood&Anne Hillis 130
13.Stunting among Asian Children and Consideration for Intervention&E Siong Tee,Ph,D 140
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