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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:香港上海书局
  • 出版年份:1981
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:167 页

3.Advice when most needed is least heeded 1


A 1

1.Absence makes the heart grow fonder 1

2.Actions speak louder than words 1

7.All good things come to an end 2

4.After a storm comes the calm 2

5.All are not thieves that dogs bark at 2

6.All cats are grey in the dark 2

10.All are fish that come to the net 3

8.All his geese are swans 3

9.All’s fair in love and war 3

12.All lay loads on a willing horse 4

11.All’s well that ends well 4

15.All things are difficult before they are easy 5

13.All roads lead to Rome 5

14.All that glitters is not gold,(or All is not gold that glitters.) 5

18.Among the blind the one-eyed man is king 6

16.All truth is not always to be told 6

17.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 6

21.An apple a day keeps the doctor away 7

19.Any port in a storm 7

20.Appearances are deceptive 7

24.As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb 8

22.An army marches on its stomach 8

23.As a man makes his bed so must he lie 8

27.At night all cats are grey 9

25.As you make your bed,so you must lie(in it) 9

26.As you sow,so shall you reap 9

30.Bad news travels fast 10

B 10

28.A bad excuse is better than none at all 10

29.Bad excuses are worse than none 10

33.The bait hides the hook 11

31.A bad shearer never had a good sickle 11

32.A bad workman always blames(or quarrels with)his tools 11

37.Beauty is but skin-deep 12

34.Barking dogs seldom bite 12

35 The beaten road is the safest 12

36.Beauty and folly are often companions 12

41.Better be a fool than a knave 13

38.The best fish swim near the bottom 13

39.Best is cheapest 13

40.Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow 13

44.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.(Better to rule in Hell than se rve in Heaven.) 14

42.Better be alone than in ill company 14

43.Better be born lucky than wise 14

48.Better late than never 15

45.Better bend than break 15

46.Better buy than borrow 15

47.Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery 15

50.Better to ask the way than go astray 16

49.Better lose the saddle than the horse 16

52.Between two stools you fall to the ground.(or To fall between two stools.) 17

51.Better to wear out than rust out 17

55.Birds of a feather flock together 18

53.Beware of no man more than thyself 18

54.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 18

58.Books and friends should be few but good 19

56.Blessed is he that (or who)expects nothing,for he shall never be disappointed 19

57.Blood is thicker than water 19

61.Brevity is the soul of wit 20

59.Boys will be boys 20

60.Bread is the staff of life 20

65.A bu rnt child dreads the fi re 21

62.The bull must be taken by the horns.(or Take the bull by the horns.) 21

63.A bully is always a coward 21

64.Burn not your house to fright the mouse away 21

68.Cast not a clout till(or ere)May be out 23

C 23

66.Call a spade a spade 23

67.Care killed the cat 23

70.Catch the(or your)bear before you sell its skin 24

69.A cat may look at a king 24

73.A cheerful wife is the joy of life 25

71.Charity begins at home 25

72.Cheats never prosper 25

76.Child ren should be seen but(or and)not heard 26

74.The child is father of the man 26

75.Children and fools tell the truth 26

79.Cleanliness is next to godliness 27

77.Choose you r(or a)wife by your ear rather than by your eye 27

78.Circumstances alter cases 27

83.Constant dripping(or dropping)wears away the stone 28

80.Clothes do not make the man 28

81.Coming events cast their shadows before 28

82.Comparisons are odious 28

86.A contented mind is a perpetual feast 29

84.A constant guest is never welcome 29

85.Content is better than riches 29

89.Cowards die many times before their deaths 30

87.The course of true love never did run smooth 30

88.Courtesy costs nothing 30

91.Cut your coat according to your cloth 31

90.A creaking gate hangs long 31

94.Death pays all debts.(or Death pays all scores.) 32

D 32

92.Dead men tell no tales 32

93.Death is the great leveller 32

98.The devil finds work for idle hands(to do) 33

95.Deeds,not words 33

96.Delays are dangerous 33

97.Despise not your enemy 33

101.Discretion is the better part of valour 34

99.The devil is not as(or so)black as he is painted 34

100.The devil looks after his own 34

104.Do not cry(out)before you are hurt 35

102.Do as I say,not as I do 35

103.Do not count your chicken before they are hatched 35

107.Do not empty the baby out with the bath water 36

105.Do not cry for the moon 36

106.Do not cut off your nose to spite your face 36

110.Do not keep (or put)all your eggs in one basket 37

108.Do not halloo till you are out off the wood 37

109.Do not keep a dog and bark yourself 37

114.Do not rob Peter to pay Paul 38

111.Do not make a mountain out of a moleh 38

112.Do not play with edged tools 38

113.Do not quarrel with your bread and butter 38

116.Do not (try to)teach your grandmother to suck eggs 39

115.Do not spur a willing horse 39

120.Dog does not eat dog 40

117.Do not tell tales out off school 40

118.Do not wear out your welcome 40

119.Do what is right,come what may 40

123.Dumb dogs are dangerous 41

121.Doing nothing is doing ill 41

122.A drowning man will catch(or clutch)at a straw 41

124.Dying is as natural as living 42

127.Easier said than done 43

E 43

125.The early bird catches the worm 43

126.Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise 43

130.An empty sack cannot stand upright 44

128.Easy come,easy go 44

129.Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves 44

134.Enough is as good as a feast 45

131.Empty vessels make the most noise(or sound) 45

132.The end justifies the means 45

133.An Englishman’s home is his castle 45

137.Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea 46

135.Envy never enriched any man 46

136.Even a worm will turn 46

139.Every cloud has a silver lining 47

138.Every ass likes to hear himself bray 47

142.Every little(bit)helps 48

140.Every dog has his day 48

141.Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard 48

145.Every man must carry his own cross 49

143.Every man has his price 49

144.Every man is his own(worst)enemy 49

149.Everything comes to him who waits 50

146.Every woman would rather be beautiful than good 50

147.Everybody’s business is nobody’s business 50

148.Everyone to his taste 50

153.Expectation is better than realization 51

150.Example is better than precept 51

151.The exception proves the rule 51

152.Exchange is no robbery 51

157.An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 52

154.Experience is the best teacher.(orExperience is the mother of wisdom.) 52

155.Experience must be bought 52

156.Extremes are dangerous 52

160.Familiarity breeds contempt 54

F 54

158.Faint heart never won fair lady 54

159.False friends are worse than bitter enemies 54

162.Fine feathers make fine birds 55

161.Finding(s) is(are)keeping(s).(or Finders keepers.) 55

165.First come,first served 56

163.Fingers were made before forks 56

164.Fire is a good servant but a bad master 56

168.A fool and his money are soon parted 57

166.First impressions are most lasting 57

167.Fling enough mud(or dirty enough)and some will stick 57

172.(To be)Forewarned is(to be)forearmed 58

169.A fool may sometimes give a wise man counsel 58

170.Fools rush in where angels fear to tread 58

171.Forbidden fruit is sweetest 58

176.Fortune knocks(at least)once at every man’s door(or gate) 59

173.Fortune favours fools 59

174.Fortune favours the bold(or brave) 59

175.Fortune favou rs those who use their judgement 59

179.Friendship should not be all on one side 60

177.A friend in need is a friend in deed 60

178.A friend is easier lost than found 60

181.Give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself 62

G 62

180.Give a dog a bad name and hang him 62

185.Go(or Get out)while the going is good 63

182.Give him (or knaves)an inch and he(or they)will take a yard 63

183.Give the devil his due 63

184.Get to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark 63

188.God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb 64

186.God helps those who help themselves 64

187.God made the country;man made the town 64

192.A good (or clear)conscience is a soft pillow 65

189.Gold will not buy everything 65

190.A golden key opens every door 65

191.A good beginning is half the battle 65

195.Good words are worth much and cost little 66

193.A good name is sooner lost than.won 66

194.A good wife is e good(or great)prize 66

198.Great minds think alike 67

196.The grapes are sour.(or Sour grapes.) 67

197.Grasp all,lose all 67

199.Grin and bear it 68

202.Handsome is that(or as)handsome does 69

H 69

200.Habit is second nature 69

201.Half a loaf is better than no bread 69

206.Have two strings to your bow 70

203.Harp not for ever on the same thing 70

204.Haste is of the devil 70

205.Hasty climbers have sudden falls 70

209.He is rich that has few wants 71

207.He daren’t say“Boo”to a goose 71

208.He gives twice who gives quickly 71

212.He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds 72

210.He knows most who speaks least 72

211.He laughs best who laughs last 72

215.He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere 73

213.He that fights and runs away,lives to fight another day.(or may live to another day.) 73

214.He that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing 73

218.He that (or who)pays the piper calls the tune 74

216.He that is born to be hanged will never be drowned 74

217.He that is down need fear no fall 74

221.He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom 75

219.He who hesitates is lost 75

220.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing 75

224.A heavy purse makes a light heart 76

222.Health is better than wealth 76

223.Health is not valued till sickness comes 76

228.Hope springs eternal in the human breast 77

225.Home is where the heart is 77

226.Honesty is the best policy 77

227.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst 77

229.Hunger is the best sauce 78

232.If it were not for hope,the heart would break 79

I 79

230.I know on which side my bread is buttered 79

231.Idle folk have the least leisure 79

235.If two men ride on a horse,one must ride behind 80

233.If the cap fits,wear it 80

234.If the mountain will not go to Muhammed(or Mahomet),Muha-mmed(or Mahomet)must go to the mountain 80

237.If you cannot bite,never show your teeth 81

236.If wishes were horses,beggars would ride 81

242.It is a dirty bird that fouls its own nest 82

238.If you want peace,prepare for war 82

239.Ill news comes apace 82

240.In peace prepare for war 82

241.It costs nothing to be polite 82

245.It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good 83

243.It is a long road (or lane)that has no turning 83

244.It is a poor(or sad)heart that never rejoices 83

249.It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others 84

246.It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive 84

247.It is easier to get money than to keep it 84

248.It is easy to be wise after the event 84

252.It is no use crying over spilt milk 85

250.It is good fishing in troubled water 85

251.It is never too late to mend 85

255.It never rains but it pours 86

253.It is the first step that is troublesome 86

254.It is too late lock (or shut)the stable(door)after(or when)the horse has been stolen 86

258.It was the last straw that broke the came l’s back.(or The last straw broke the camel’s back.) 87

256.It takes all sorts to make a world 87

257.It takes two to make a quarrel 87

259.It will all be(or be all)the same a hundred years hence 88

260.(A)Jack of all trades,(is)master of none 89

J 89

263.Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs 90

K 90

261.Keep something for a rainy day 90

262.Keep your mouth shut and your ears open 90

266.Knowledge is power 91

264.Kill two birds with one stone 91

265.The King is dead;long live the King 91

269.Laugh,and the world laughs with you;Weep,and you weep alone 92

L 92

267.The last drop makes the cup run over 92

268.Laugh and grow fat 92

273.Lend your money and lose your friend 93

270.Learn to walk before you run 93

271.Least said,soonest mended 93

272.Leave well alone 93

276.Let sleeping dogs lie 94

274.The leopard cannot change its spots 94

275.Let bygones be bygones 94

279.Liars should have good memories 95

277.Let the cobbler stick to his last 95

278.A liar is not believed when he tells the truth 95

283.Like draws to like the whole world over 96

280.Life is not all beer and skittles 96

281.Light not a candle to the sun 96

282.A light purse makes a heavy heart 96

286.Little pitchers have long(or big,wide)ears 97

284.Listeners seldom hear good(or hear no good)of themselves 97

285.A little is better than none.(or Some thing is better than nothing.) 97

290.Live not to eat but eat to live 98

287.Little things please little minds 98

288.Live and learn 98

289.Live and let live 98

294.Look at the bright side 99

291.A living dog is better than a dead lion 99

292.Long absent,soon forgotten 99

293.Look after number one 99

297.Love is blind 100

295.Look before you leap 100

296.Lookers-on see most of the game 100

301.Love will find a way 101

298.Love me little,love me long 101

299.Love me,love my dog 101

300.The love of money is the root of all evil 101

304.A man can only die once 103

M 103

302.Make haste slowly 103

303.Make hay while the sun shines 103

307.Man proposes,God disposes 104

305.A man is as old as he feels 104

306.A man is known by his friends.(orA man is known by the company he keeps.) 104

310.Many hands make light(or quick)work 105

308.Manners maketh man.(or Manners make the man.) 105

309.Many a mickle(or a little)makes a muckle(or a mickle) 105

314.Men are not be measured in inches 106

311.Marriages are made in heaven 106

312.Marry in haste,(and)repent at leisure 106

313.Men are blind in their own cause 106

317.The mills of God grind slowly.(or Though the mills of God grind slowly,yet they grind exceeding small.) 107

315.Men make houses,women make homes 107

316.A merry heart goes all the way 107

321.Money breeds(or begets)money 108

318.Misfortunes never come singly 108

319.A miss is as good as a mile 108

320.Moderation in all things 108

324.More haste,less speed 109

322.Money is the root of all evil 109

323.Money talks 109

326.The more you have,the more you want 110

325.The more the merrier 110

329.Necessity knows no law 111

N 111

327.The nearer the church,the farther from God 111

328.Necessity is the mother of invention 111

333.Never(or Do not)cross a bridge till you come to it 112

330.Needs must(go)when the devil drives 112

331.Neither a borrower nor a lender be 112

332.Never buy a pig in a poke 112

336.Never judge by appearances 113

334.Never do things by halves 113

335.Never hit a man when he is down 113

338.Never (or Do not)meet trouble half way 114

337.Never look a gift horse in the mouth 114

341.Never spoil a ship for a ha’porth of tar 115

339.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do(or may be done)today 115

340.Never say“die”(;up,man,and try) 115

343.No cross,no crown 116

342.Never trouble trouble,till trouble troubles you 116

347.No man is indispensable 117

344.No fool like an old fool.(or There is no fool like an old fool.) 117

345.No gain without pain 117

346.No man is a hero to his valet 117

351.None so blind as those that(or who)will not see 118

348.No man is infallible 118

349.No news is good news 118

350.None but the brave deserves the fair 118

355.Nothing succeeds like success 119

352.None so deaf as those that (or who)will not hear 119

353.Nothing is as good as it seems beforehand 119

354.Nothing is cheap if you do not want it 119

356.Nothing venture,nothing gain (or have) 120

359.Old shoes are easiest 121

O 121

357.Of two evils choose the lesser 121

358.Old birds are not caught with chaff 121

362.One is never too old to learn 122

360.Once a thief,always a thief 122

361.One good turn deserves another 122

366.Opportunity seldom knocks twice 123

363.One lie makes many 123

364.One man’s meat is another man’s poison 123

365.One swallow does not make a summer 123

369.Out of sight,out of mind 124

367.Other times,other manners 124

368.An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom 124

372.Possession is nine-tenths(or nine points)of the law 125

P 125

370.Penny wise,pound foolish 125

371.Pity is akin to love 125

376.Pride goes before a fall 126

373.The pot calls (or called)the kettle black 126

374.Practice makes perfect 126

375.Prevention is better than cure 126

380.Punctuality is the politeness of kings 127

377.Procrastination is the thief of time 127

378.The proof of the pudding is in the eating 127

379.Prosperity makes friends,adversity tries them 127

381.Put your shoulder to the wheel 128

384.The road to hell is paved with good intentions 129

R 129

382.A ragged coat may cover an honest man 129

383.Respect is greater from a distance 129

387.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet 130

385.A rolling stone gathers no moss 130

386.Rome was not built in a day 130

390.See Naples and die 131

S 131

388.Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours 131

389.Seeing is believing 131

393.Set a thief to catch a thief 132

391.Self-praise is no recommendation 132

392.Set a beggar on horseback and he will ride to the devil 132

397.A soft answer tu rneth(or turns)away wrath 133

394.Share and share alike 133

395.Silence gives consent 133

396.Slow and steady(or Slow but sure) wins the race 133

401.Still waters run deep 134

398.Spare the rod and spoil the child 134

399.Speech is silver;silence is golden 134

400.A still tongue makes a wise head 134

405.Strike while the iron is hot 135

402.A stitch in time saves nine 135

403.Stolen fruit(or pleasure)is sweetest 135

404.A straw will show which way the wind blows 135

406.Sweet are the uses of adversity 136

409.Take heed of the snake in the grass 137

407.The tailor makes the man 137

408.Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of them-selves 137

413.A tale never loses in the telling 138

410.Take not a musket to kill a butterfly 138

411.Take no thought for the morrow 138

412.Take the bull by the horns 138

417.There is many a slip between (or’twixt)the cup and the lip 139

414.Talk of the devil(and he is sure to appear) 139

415.There are tricks in every trade 139

416.There is life in the old dog yet 139

420.There is no garden without its weeds 140

418.There is many a true word spoken in jest 140

419.There is no disputing about tastes 140

424.There is no rule without an exception 141

421.There’s no place like home 141

422.There is no pleasure without pain 141

423.There is no royal road to learning 141

428.A thing of beauty is a joy for ever 142

425.There is no smoke without fire 142

426.There is no time like the present 142

427.There is safety in numbers 142

431.Those that (or who)live in glass houses should not throw stones 143

429.A thing you don’t want is dear at any price 143

430.Things are seldom what they seem 143

434.Through obedience learn to command 144

432.Those whom the gods love die young 144

433.Though I say it that shouldn’t 144

437.Time is money 145

435.Time and tide wait for no man 145

436.Time flies 145

441.To err is human 146

438.Tit for tat is fair play 146

439.To be like a fish out off water 146

440.To cast pearls before swine 146

443.To know the disease is half the cure 147

442.To have a bee in one’s bonnet 147

447.Too many cooks spoil the broth 148

444.Tomorrow is another day 148

445.Tomorrow never comes 148

446.The tongue is not steel,yet it cuts 148

449.Truth is stranger than fiction 149

448.Trust in God and keep your powder dry 149

454.Two wrongs do not make a right 150

450.The truth will out 150

451.Turn over a new leaf 150

452.Two is company,three is none(or a crowd) 150

453.Two of a trade can never agree 150

456.A useful trade is a mine of gold 152

U 152

455.Unity(or Union)is strength 152

457.Virtue is its own reward 153

V 153

461.The(or A)watched pot never boils 154

W 154

458.Wake not a sleeping lion 154

459.Walls have ears 154

460.Wash your dirty linen at home 154

465.What is worth doing(at all)is worth doing well 155

462.Well begun is half done 155

463.What has been done cannot be undone.(or Things done cannot be undone.) 155

464.What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander 155

469.When the wolf comes in at the door,love creeps out of the win- dow(or When poverty comes in at the door,loves flies out at the window.) 156

466.What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve over 156

467.When in Rome do as the Romans do 156

468.When the cat is away the mice will play 156

472.Where ignorance is bliss,tis folly to be wise 157

470.When the word is out it belongs to another 157

471.When thieves(or rogues)fall out,(then)honest men come by their own 157

475.Who will bell the cat? 158

473.Where there is a will there is a way 158

474.Where there is life there is hope 158

479.A woman’s work is never done 159

476.A wilful man must have his way 159

477.Wink at small faults 159

478.The wish is father to the thought 159

481.A word to the wise is enough.(or A word is enough to the wise.) 160

480.A wonder lasts but nine days 160

485.The worst wheel of the cart creaks most 161

482.A word spoken is past recalling 161

483.Words are but wind,but seeing is believing 161

484.Words cut more than swords 161

486.Work won’t kill but worry will 162

488.You cannot get blood out of a stone 163

Y 163

487.You cannot burn the candle at both ends 163

492.You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs 164

489.You cannot have your cake and eat it 164

490.You cannot make a crab walk straight 164

491.You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear 164

495.You can not teach an old dog new tricks 165

493.You cannot put old heads on young shoulders 165

494.You cannot see the wood for the trees 165

499.You never know(what you can do)till you have tried (or try) 166

496.You may know by a handful the whole sack 166

497.You(or One)may lead a horse to the water,but you(or twenty) cannot make him drink 166

498.You must not expect an old head on young shoulders 166

500.You never know your luck 167
