Nuclear Structure Derived from Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions 1
Strange hadronic matter in a modified quark-meson coupling model 101
Neutron Rich Nuclei in Density Dependent Relativistic Hartree-Fock Theory with Isovector Mesons 127
奇异强子物质中的重子体积效应 137
Relativistic Mean Field Approach at Quark Level 143
□-N interaction and □ hypernuclei 147
Hot Nuclear Matter in the Chiral σ-ω model with dilatons 165
Nucleon-Pair Shell Model:the Effect of the Quadrupole n-P Force on the Collectivity of Low-Lying States 177
Quark Condensates in Medium 189
中国高等科学技术中心 “同位旋有关的有效相互作用”研讨会日程 211
中国高等科学技术中心 “同位旋有关的有效相互作用”研讨会通讯录 213
Renormalized Baryon Propagator in Relativistic Hartree-Fock Approximation and Effects of Self-Consistency 45
Hadron Structure and Vac Structure in a Hamiltonian Approach 61
Contribution from Dirac States in a Consistent Relativistic RPA 67
Modern Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions with Isospin Dependence-An Outline 81
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