现代运动 1910-1940PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:鲍尔迪克(BALDICK C.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社;牛津大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7560085296
- 页数:477 页
Introduction:Modern Beginnings 1
Part Ⅰ Elements 17
1.The Modern Literary Market 17
2.Modern Authorship 36
3.Modern English Usage 57
Part Ⅱ Forms 75
4.Modern Poetry 75
Verse Technique 76
Hardy and Yeats 80
Masefield,Brooke,Thomas,and'Georgian'Poetry 87
Imagism and After:Pound,Eliot,Sitwell,and Lawrence 94
W.H.Auden and the Poetry of the Thirties 103
Trends,Anthologies,and Reputations 107
5.Modern Drama 114
From Problem Play to Discussion Play 117
Comedy of Manners:Maugham and Coward 125
Historical and Verse Drama 132
6.Modern Short Stories 137
7.The Modern Novel:Principles and Methods 155
8.The Modern Novel as Social Chronicle 170
Provincial Chronicles and Sagas 170
Condition of England,Industrial,and Civic Novels 180
9.The Modern Psychological Novel 189
Realism and the Education Novel 191
High Modernism,Memory,and Consciousness 200
10.Modern Romance,Fable,and Historical Fiction 212
Romances of Truancy 213
Historical Novels 219
Fabulous Romances 224
Visionary Romances 228
11.Modern Satire 234
Verse Satire:Hardy,Eliot,and Sassoon 236
Prose Satire:Huxley,Waugh,and Others 239
12.Modern Essays,Biographies,Memoirs,and Travel Books 253
13.Modern Entertainment:Forms of Light Reading 272
Detective Fiction 273
The Thriller 281
Romantic Love Stories 288
Comical Prose Fiction 293
Part Ⅲ Occasions 303
14.England and the English 303
Names for England 303
England Epitomized 304
England Explored 310
The English Character 315
The English Abroad 320
15.The Great War 325
Survivals of Heroic Literature 328
Four Phases of War-Writing 331
Passivity,Martyrology,and War Myths 344
16.Childhood and Youth 349
17.Sex and Sexualities 364
Sex-Talk in the Freudian Age 364
Realism,Deviance,and Censorship 371
Erotic Writing 384
Retrospect:Three Decades of Modern Realism 391
Author Bibliographies 402
Suggestions for Further Reading 449
Index 459
Figures 39
1.'Mrs.Agatha Christie Found Alive':Front Page of the Daily Sketcb,15 December 1926 39
2.W.B.Yeats photographed by G.C.Beresford,1911 83
3.Noёl Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in Private Lives,1930 131
4.Katherine Mansfield photographed in 1913 150
5.D.H.Lawrence photographed by Ernesto Guardia,1929 193
6.Photo-portrait of Sylvia Townsend Warner by Cecil Beaton,1930 216
7.Aldous Huxley photographed by Howard Coster,1934 241
8.Rupert Brooke:sketch for the Rugby School memorial by J.H.Thomas,1919 333
9.W.H.Auden,Christopher Isherwood,and Stephen Spender,photographed by Howard Coster in 1937 383
Tables 110
1.Anthologized Poets,1933-1941 110
2.Selected English Counties'Regional Novelists,1910-1940 172
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