大会特邀报告 1
001 氮化硼管中的富勒烯汇聚-力热电磁的多层次耦合&杨卫 1
002 An Energy Approach For Free Vibration of A Thick Piezoelectric Actuator&Lim C.W. 1
003 A Review of the Recent Development of MEMS and Crystal Oscillators and Their Impacts on the Frequency Control Products Industry&LAM C.S. 2
004 Electromechanical Response and Polarization Switching of Electroded Piezoelectric Material Systems&SHINDO Yasuhide,NARITA Fumio 3
005 Effects of Fatigue And Damage on the Hysteresis Loops of Ferroelectric Ceramics&YU Shouwen,YU Li 4
006 Performance of Piezoelectric Actuators Used in Fuel Injector Applications&RAJAPAKSE Nimal 4
007 变形电介质中的Maxwell与Cauchy应力&匡震邦 5
008 纳米压电材料和智能材料&郭万林,戴意涛,寇良志 6
009 Overview on Fracture of Piezoelectric Materials&ZHANG Tong-Yi 7
010 任意载荷下的功能梯度压电梁&黄德进,丁皓江,陈伟球 7
011 Piezoelectric Devices and Their Application in Smart Structures&QIU Jin-hao,JI Hong-li and ZHU Kong-jun 8
012 压电铁电材料的力电耦合计算方法&方岱宁 9
013 弛豫型铁电单晶力电耦合行为研究&刘海清,万强,陈常青,沈亚鹏 10
014 Application of Ultrasonic Infrared Imaging to Nondestructive Evaluation and Testing&ZHANG Shu-yi 11
015 超声电机技术的发展和应用&赵淳生 12
016 无铅铁电薄膜的制备、性能及其在存储器中的应用&周益春,钟向丽,唐明华 13
分会场报告 14
101 Electro-Elastic Stress Analysis of A Screw Dislocation Interacting With Interface in Piezoelectric Solid&KONG Yan-ping,GUO Shu-qi,LIU Jin-xi 14
102 压电式合成射流激励器集中参数模型及合成射流频响特性分析&罗振兵,夏智勋,王林 14
103 Free Vibration of Simply Supported Multiferroic Circular Cylindrical Panels&ZHANG Chun-li,CHEN Wei-qiu 15
104 参数随温度变化的压电材料瞬态热冲击问题研究&孙霆 田晓耕 陈力 沈亚鹏 15
105 Modeling on the Constrained Domain Switching in Ferroelectric Ceramics Near the Morphotropic Phase Boundary&LI Fa-xin 16
106 Finite Element Simulation of Contact-impact Dynamics for High-power Ultrasonic Processing&CHEN Zhao-jiang,ZHANG Shu-yi 17
107 套管井声全波中特征波的传播特征&张宏兵,秦正贵,付晨东,王宏建,陶宏根,王克协 18
108 Study on Polarization State in Depolarized Fiber Optic Gyroscope&WANG Li-hui,SUN Feng,YU Qiang,Liu Gang 19
109 128°YX-LiNbO3基片上短路金属栅的频散特性&徐方迁,金步平 19
110 The Method of Reverberation-Ray Matrix for Orthotropic Piezoelectric Laminates With Imperfect Interfaces&ZHOU Yun-ying,CHEN Wei-qiu,Lü Chao-feng 20
111 Fast Mixing of Digital Droplets under Unidirection Acoustic Field&FEI Jing-chen,ZHANG An-liang 21
112 圆柱功能梯度压电涂层中的波传播&潘永东,仲政,B.Audoin 22
113 Magnetoelectric Response Analysis of the Piezoelectric/Piezomagnetic Thin-Film Heterostructure Derived by Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition&ZHAO Shifeng,YAO Chang-hong,YAO Mengliang,MU Yuewen,WAN Jian-guo,WANG Guanghou 22
114 A Spatial Impulse Response Based Model for the Acoustic Field in Detection of Buried Objects With Low Frequency Waves&XU Hui-feng,QIAN Yan-ling,WEN Ji-hong,QIU Jing 23
115 改进广义移动最小二乘近似无网格法及其在平面压电问题中的应用&姚林泉,王璠,黄娟 24
116 有限弹性体声表面波传播的高性能有限元计算方法及其应用&王骥,王羽,胡文科,杜建科 24
117 薄膜体声波谐振器(TFBAR)厚度剪切振动的频率计算&王骥,柳建松,杜建科,黄德进 25
118 薄膜体声波谐振器(FBAR)结构与振动分析&王骥,柳建松,杜建科,黄德进 26
119 Nonlinear Mindlin Plate Equations with Large Deformation&WANG Ji,WU Rongxing,DU Jianke,HUANG Dejin 26
120 Modeling of Power Transmission through an Elastic Wall by Piezoelectric Transducers and Acoustic Waves&YANG Zeng-tao,GUO Shao-hua,HU Yuan-tai and YANG Jia-shi 27
121 Effects of Preparation Process on the Properties of PMN Based Electrostrictive Materials&WEN Jian-qiang,YI Xiao-xing 28
122 Analysis of the Existence of Complete Band Gaps in Periodic Binary Piezoelectric Phononic Crystals Based on Connectivity&QIAN Zheng-Hua,JIN Feng,KISHIMOTO Kikuo 29
123 Modeling of Multilayered Acoustic Wave Devices with the Method of Reverberation-Ray Matrix&GUO Yong-qiang,CHEN Wei-qiu 30
124 Growth of Relaxor-based Ferroelectric Crystal PIN-PMN-PT by Vertical Bridgman Process&CHEN Hong-bing,WANG Xi-an,FANG Jishu,LI Zhen-rong,XU Zhuo 31
125 基于遗传算法和L滤波的混合噪声滤波算法&赵金帅 32
126 一种高灵敏度短脉冲超声换能器&范晓荣,董显林,张宏斌,姚烈,瞿耀明 32
127 逆压电效应对锆钛酸铅阴极电子发射频率的影响&蔡雪梅,周应华 33
128 Phase-Controllable Synthesis of Bismuth Ferrites&LI Bo,SUN Hua-jun,CHEN Wen,ZHOU Jing,LIU Xiao-fang,ZHANG Cheng-yong 33
129 小波选择对超声检测信号降噪效果的影响&张伟伟,王志华,马宏伟 34
130 声波在复合材料中传播的接触声非线性现象&陈建军,章德,毛一葳 35
131 A Signal Processing Method of Detecting and Locating Material Degradation or Micro…Cracks Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves&WANG Bing,XU Hong 36
132 修正Szabo声波方程模拟乳腺癌CARI医学超声检测的频率依赖耗散&张晓棣,陈文,蔡行 36
133 功能梯度磁电材料圆板的静动力分析&于天崇,聂国隽,仲政 37
134 2D Green's Functions for Orthotropic Pyroelectric Media&HOU Peng-fei,TENG Gao-hang,CHEN Hao-ran 38
135 超声制动器的研制&贾兵,孙志峻 38
136 Scattering of SH-waves by an Interacting Circular Cavity and Crack near the Bimaterial Interface&YANG Zai-lin,SUN Bai-tao,LIU Chao 39
137 The Ground Motion of Interacting Circular Lining Structure and Crack under Impact Loading&XU Mei-juan,YANG Zai-lin 40
138 Multi-objective Shape Optimization for Piezoceramics&WANG Fang,MICHAEL Dellnitz 41
139 Determination of Transient Dynamic Pressure by Piezoelectric Sensor&WANG Hui-ming,DING Hao-jiang 42
140 基于逆压电效应的压电钻&杨淋,丁庆军,赵淳生 43
141 弯振夹心换能器式圆筒型超声电机的设计与分析&陈维山,刘英想,刘军考,石胜君 43
142 Design and Analysis of a Cylindrical Standing Wave Ultrasonic Motor Using Cantilever and Sandwich Type Transducer&LIU Ying-xiang,CHEN Wei-shan,LIU Jun-kao,SHI Sheng-jun 44
143 Experimental Research on Acoustic Emission Characteristics of the Underwater Concrete Structures&JIANG A-lan,ZHAO Ying-hua 44
144 基于欧拉角的摇头型超声电机定子端点运动分析&王中营 焦群英 陈宇 曹文睿 45
145 Study ofLove-mode Sensors Based on ZnO/36°YX-LiTaO3 Structures&ZHOU Feng-mei,LI Zhe,FAN Li,GONG Xun and ZHANG Shu-yi 46
146 Theoretical Analysis ofNon-Contact Linear Motors Driven by Surface Acoustic Waves&GU Huan-huan,ZHANG Shu-yi,CHENG Li-ping,MA Di and SHUI Xiu-ji 47
147 Detection Mustard Gas Using High Q-value SAW Resonator Gas Sensors&CHEN Chuanzhi,MA Jinyi,ZUO Boli,JIANG Hongmin 48
148 Theoretical Analysis of2-2 Cement Based Piezoelectric Composite:Sensor……………SHI Z&F ZHANGT.T. 49
149 任意梯度分布功能梯度压电板的柱形弯曲分析&刘五祥,仲政 49
150 基于SU-8波导层的Love波结冰传感器研究&江城,李红浪,何世堂,倪世宏 50
151 Displacive To Order-Disorder Two-Step Phase Transition Model For Para-Ferroelectric Transition&WANG Jin-ton 51
152 宽带指向性圆管水声换能器研究&卢苇,兰宇,胡久龄,顾郑强 51
153 Effect of Hardness of Frictional Materials on Properties of Ultrasonic Motors&DING Qingjun,YANG Lin,ZHAO Chunsheng 52
154 层叠式PVDF作动器在大变形梁上的作动特性研究&张亚红,谢石林,张希农 52
155 声发射信号与混凝土轴拉破坏过程之间的关系&王岩,吴胜兴,周继凯,沈德建,赵海涛 53
156 Characteristic Spectrum Research in AE Signals Based on Wavelet Analysis&YUAN Xiao-qing,SHI Yi-kai 54
157 功能梯度热释电材料圆环板的三维分析&李冠石,仲政,聂国隽 54
158 The Plane Waves in Pyroelectric Medium&YUAN Xiao-guang 55
159 The Behavior and Properties of Ferroelectric Single Crystals and Ferroelectric Nano-composites&SONG Yi-cheng,SOH AK 55
160 Generation and Rotation ofa Single Water Droplet by Hypodermic Needle in Ultrasonic Vibration&HU Jun-hui,TAN Zhi-wen,TEO Su Gui Gisela 57
161 Calibration ofQuartz Tuning Fork Temperature Sensor&XU Jun,WU Hong-li,Ma Lei,YOU Bo 57
162 Development ofQuartz Tuning Fork Temperature Sensor&XU Jun 58
163 一种具有三换能器的低损耗声表滤波器的研制&蒋欣,石玉,王华磊,杜波 58
164 Theoretical Study on Thermal Wave Laminated Imaging in Scanning Electron-Acoustic Microscopy&ZHU Shou-jing,ZHANG Shu-yi 59
165 薄膜体声波谐振器(FBAR)的结构制备工艺研究&黄光俊,石玉,钟慧,杨杰 60
166 基于LMS的多层压电作动器对蜂窝板的振动主动控制研究&罗亚军,张希农 60
167 Wave Propagation in Two-Layered Infinite Piezoelectric Hollow Cylinder With Imperfect Interfaces&BIAN Zu-guang,CHEN Wei-qiu,LU Chao-feng 61
168 Multi-Parameter Sensing in Liquid Using A Lamb Wave Based Microsensor&LI Feng,WU Yihui,MANCEAU J.F.,BASTIEN F. 62
169 硅酸镓镧系列晶体结构、生长与性能研究&郑燕青,孔海宽,陈辉,涂小牛,忻隽,施尔畏 62
170 一种通用的夹心式压电超声换能器预紧力测试法&傅波,Tobias HEMSEL 63
171 Utilization of Both Phases of Carrier Wave and Group Delays in SAW RFID Decoding&HAN Tao,LIN Wei,LIN Ji-ming,WANG Wei-biao,WU Hao-dong and SHUI Yong-an 63
172 功能梯度空心圆柱中的周向SH波&禹建功,董小峰 64
173 采用NFAL的非接触式直线型作动器的定子设计&陈超,孙运涛,赵淳生 65
174 深空探测用超声波/声波钻探采样器的研究&陈超,郭俊杰,孙运涛,黄卫清,赵淳生 66
175 水热法制备NBBT无铅压电陶瓷粉体的研究&徐祥宁,刘军,陈彩凤,陈萍 66
176 活性炭微反应器法制备PZT压电纤维的研究&陈彩凤,刘军,骆英,徐祥宁 67
177 用于纳米药物定点输送的超声驱动器件的声场设计仿真研究&孟龙,姜春香,郑海荣 67
178 Characterizations of Elastic Constants of Transparent Thin Films/Opaque Substrates by Laser Ultrasonic Method&LI Zhe,MA Di,ZHANG Shu-yi,SHUI Xiu-ji and Kiyotaka WASA 68
179 Surface Acoustic Wave Generation And Directional Beaming of Acoustic Wave Assisted by Composite Slab in Water&CAI Fei-yan,HE Zhao-jian,LIU Zheng-you,ZHENG Hai-rong 69
180 Piezoelectricity in Zno And Its Nanostructures&KOU Liangzhi,LI Chun and GUO Wan-lin 70
181 Wave Band Gaps of2D Phononic Crystal With Piezoelectric Material&HAN Jun-chang,WEI Peijun,FAN Yumei 71
182 Manufacture of BaTiO3 Based Ceramic Nano-powder and its Property…………………………………………………WANG Ling,ZHAO Haofeng,YAN Kai,LIU Bin,WU Hongyan et&al 71
183 压电复合材料介电常数ε计算的研究&赵浩峰 王玲 彦开 吴红艳 谢爱根 李庆芳 刘斌 黄廷立 谈馨璇 72
184 工程结构二维叠前偏移成像的最佳超声换能器选择和设计&李忠芳,骆英 73
185 Study and simulation on performance of IDEs 1-3 mode piezoelectric fiber sensor&LUO Ying,ZHANG Li-hua,JIANG Xiu-xin,YAN Xiang 74
186 压电/压磁周期层状复合结构频带特征的研究&庞玉 汪越胜 刘金喜 方岱宁 74
187 用于MEMS传感器的压电能量采集器研究&余厉阳 高明煜 姚国华 75
188 用于臭氧发生器的叠层圆形压电变压器研究&余厉阳 姚国华 76
189 压电谐振悬臂梁传感器及接口电路的研究&徐加山,郭航 76
190 基于MEMS的压电微驱动器的研究&徐加山,郭航 77
191 Delamination Detection in Laminated Composite Beams Using Electro-mechanical Impedance Signatures&YAN Wei,CHEN Wei-Qiu,CAI Jin-Biao 77
192 40KHz硅微压电超声接收换能器的研制&王孟娇,郝震宏,乔东海 78
193 超声波用于锚杆测长的技术实现&王博峰, 龙熙华, 秋兴国 79
194 Piezoelectric Effect in Gallium Nitride Nanowires&PENG Bei,LUO Hao-wen,WU Ling-hua,XU Wen-hong,Horacio.D.ESPINOSA 79
195 In Situ Measurement ofthe Piezoresistive Effect in GaN Nanowires&PENG Bei,XU Wen-hong,DING Li,WANG Yong-quan,Horacio.D.ESPINOSA 80
196 A New Type of Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeter with Multi-tracks&BEN Yu,ZHANG Zhong-ning and ZHANG Shu-yi 81
197 The Vibration ProofStudy of the Periodical Rod with the Strengthened Interfaces&XU Zhen-yu,CUI Meng,ZHAO Chao,ZANG Xiao-bin 82
198 新型BAW微波延迟线的研究&马晋毅, 杨靖, 江洪敏, 汤劲松 82
199 Finite-difference Simulation of Rayleigh Waves Scattering at a Surface Crack with Experimental Verification&LU Chao,ZHANG Zai-dong 83
200 磁致伸缩作动器周期振动问题的二次摄动解&秦立平 尚新春 黄华艳 84
201 基于声表面波器件的漏磁场探伤法研究及改进&易磊 卢文科 84
202 Dynamic Analysis for Shallow Elastic Cylindrical Inclusion near multiple Semi-Cylindrical Hills Impacted by SH-Wave&LV Xiao-tang,YANG Zai-lin,LIU Dian-kui 85
203 考虑粘性耗散的功能梯度压电材料层状结构中SH声表面波传播&冼凯,杜建科,王骥 85
204 射频溅射生长氧化锌及氧化锌的腐蚀&陈瑞,边旭明,范佰杰,何春河,李丽 86
205 Structural and Dielectric Properties ofCobalt-copper Ferrite/Barium-strontium Titanate Composites&WU Jian-gong,LI Quan-lu,XIN Hui,WANG Peng-fei and WANG Yong 87
206 医用超声换能器及其性能指标分析&杨林枝,李全禄,姬艳红,耿洁,王胜利,蔡春芳 87
207 (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3)基无铅压电陶瓷的研究进展&张冬青,李全禄,厚娜,赵亚,蔡春芳 88
208 采用Sol-Gel法制备PZT铁电薄膜及其表征&包达群,张翊,郭航 88
209 微管道内超声流用于冷却的研究&孙宏明,包达群,郭航 89
210 Shear Horizontal Surface Waves in A Piezoelectric-Piezomagnetic Layered Half-Space With An Imperfect Interface&ZHAO Xing,ZHAO Yong-mao,LIU Jin-xi 90
211 The Synthesize ofNanocrystalline Tio2 Powders Via Ultrasonic Irradiation&CHEN Wan-song,YANG Yue-tao,WANG Hai-yah,LIU Xiao-jun,ZHANG Shu-yi 90
212 压电、磁电和梯度功能复合材料结构形状、振动主动控制仿真研究&郑世杰,冯岩,代锋 91
213 Investigations of Rayleigh Wave Hydrogen Sensors&WANG Cheng,FAN Li,LI Zhe,ZHANG Shu-yi,YANG Yue-tao 92
214 Investigations on Measuring Thickness of Elastic Plates Using A Model of High-Overtone Bulk Acoustic Resonator&ZHANG Hui,ZHANG Shu-yi and FAN Li 93
215 Study of Lamb Waves in A Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Material(FGPM)Plate by Power Series Technique&CAO Xiao-shan,JIN Feng,WANG Zi-kun and LU Tian-jian 94
216 压电/弹性基底结构的动态反平面电/机械特征&常冬梅,王保林 94
217 使用层叠式压电作动器对薄板进行形状控制及其位置和电压优化&于洋,张希农,谢石林 95
218 KNLNTS无铅压电陶瓷的制备及其应用&褚祥诚,邬军飞,钟亮,赵世玺,李龙土 96
219 Multilayer Piezoelectric Transformer Using Low-fired and Tape Casting Techniques&CHU Xiang-cheng,WU Jun-fei,XU Zhi-han,LI Long-tu 96
220 DNA-微悬臂梁纳米弯曲的压电机理&张能辉,陈建中 97
221 超磁致驱动平板扬声器设计&周建军,王玉生,王霞,孟爱华,潘玉良 98
222 Influence of Calcined Powder Size on the Sintering and Piezoelectric Properties of PZT Ceramics&LIU Wei-Kuo,WU Menq-Jion,WU K.K. 98
223 An Optimized Design of Ultrasonic Transducer for Therapy Application&CHEN Yeong-Chin,WU Menq-Jion,HUNG Lon-Chen,TSAI Jsung-Ta,LIU Wei-Kuo 99
224 Model and Optimized Design of Wide-Bandwidth Ultrasonic Transducer for Imaging Application&CHEN Yeong-Chin,WU Menq-Jion,HUNG Lon-Chen,CHAO Shuh-Han,LIU Wei-Kuo 100
225 Free Axisymmetric Vibrations ofFGM Circular Plates&WANG Yun,XU Rong-qiao,DING Hao-jiang 100
226 采用延迟线法测量压电材料的声表面波机电耦合系数&陈晓阳,范子坤,张辉 101
227 Edge Conditions For Piezoelectric Semi-Infinite Strips With Mixed Edge-Data&GAO Yang,ZHAO Bao-Sheng 102
228 Stress Influence on Magnetoelectric Effect ofMagnetoelectric Composites&PEI Yong-mao,GAO X.,FANG Dai-ning 102
229 PLZT铁电陶瓷的电致疲劳本构模型研究&周志东,杨凤娟,柳听前,张颖 103
230 压电圆柱叠堆换能器的有限元仿真分析&董天晓 王丽坤 秦雷 李莉吴炜伟 王刚 104
231 压电聚合物材料结构与性能第一性原理设计研究&樊慧庆 王志银 王维佳 104
232 A Novel Temperature Stable Composite Substrates for Surface Acoustic Wave Applications&GONG Xun,ZHANG De 105
233 Band Structures in Phononic Crystal Thin Plates with Point Defect&YAO Zong-jian,YU Gui-lan,WANG Yue-sheng,SHI Zhi-fei 105
234 Molten Salt Synthesis ofLead Free(K,Na,Li)(Nb,Ta,Sb)O3 Piezoceramic&ZHAO Shi-xi,ZHONG Liang,SONG Shen-hua,CHU Xiang-cheng,WU Jun-fei 106
235 Electromagnetic Absorption by Semi-conductor Grating&CAI Xiaobing,HU Geng-kai 107
236 含圆孔功能梯度板在对称载荷作用下的应力分析&陈文涛,杨权权,高存法 108
237 有限压电体裂纹分析的HEDD-CS方法&范翠英,徐广涛,赵明皞 109
238 Growth and Di-/Piezo-electric Properties of Al-doped PMN—32PT Single Crystals&LONG Xi-fa,LI Xiu-zhi,WANG Zu-jian 109
239 Magnetic Domain Switching ofthe Ferromagnetic Materials&FENG Xue,FANG Dai-ning,PEI Yong-mao 110
240 乳化液浓度在线测试系统及实验过程&王东 吴雨川 111
241 Bi0.9Ho0.1FeO3的磁性能和微结构研究&肖欢,杨颖,高峰,李千,孟涵琪 111
242 椭圆孔周的电致伸缩应力&张宁,高存法 112
243 近场声全息技术在植物声源识别中的应用研究&王秀清 杨世凤 赵继民 112
244 Power Supply Rejection Benchmark to Improve 802.11n EVM Performance&Jason C.CHEN 113
245 Two-dimensional Exact Solution for Multi-layer Piezoelectric Cantilevers&HUANG Hui,SHI Zhi-fei 113
246 便携式民用飞机复合材料智能敲击检测系统&宋育,李艳军 114
247 Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Design ofthe Stator for the Bar Type Ultrasonic Motor&ZHU Hua,ZHANG Jian-tao,ZHAO Chun-sheng 114
248 Exploration of Piezoelectric Properties Based on Mixing-doped in Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics&WU Long,CHEN Bing-Huei,CHURE Ming-Cheng,CHEN Yeong-Chin 115
249 Influence of Diverse Addition on Piezoelectric Behaviors of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Ceramics&WU Long,CHEN Bing-Huei,CHURE Ming-Cheng,LIU Wei-Kuo,WU Menq-Jion 116
250 低衍射效应声表面波(SAW)滤波器&陈小兵,罗山焱,杜雪松 116
251 Semi-Active Vibration Control ofA Composite Beam by Adaptive SSDV Based on LMS Algorithm&JI Hong-li,QIU Jin-hao,CHEN Yuan-sheng,BADEL Adrien and ZHU Kong-jun 117
252 Novel Methods for Fabrication of Ba TiO3 Lead-free Ceramics&ZHU Kong-jun,JI Hong-li,and QIU Jin-hao 118
253 含金属芯压电纤维对Lamb波的传感响应研究&刘建 裘进浩 常伟杰 边义祥 朱孔军 119
254 含金属芯压电纤维振动传感器&边义祥,裘进浩,王鑫伟 120
255[(K0.44Na0.52)Li0.04](Nb0.9-xTa0.1 Sbx)O3无铅压电陶瓷的研究&王道利,裘进浩,朱孔军,季宏丽,谢实辉 120
256 Influence of Mechanical Loss on the Impedance Spectrum of Piezoelectric Vibrator And the Conventional Resonance Method&LI Fei,WEI Xiaoyong,FENG Yu-jun,XU Zhuo 121
257 用有限元和实验的方法对结构中缺陷形状的重构&郑钢丰,吴斌,何存富 122
258 一种新型压电直线驱动器的设计与优化&褚祥诚,毕晓鹏,季叶,李龙土 122
259 Electroelastic Stress Fields in an Electrostrictive Material with Point Charge&JIANG Quan,GAO Cun-fa 123
260 功能梯度压电材料平面问题的辛弹性力学解法&赵莉,陈伟球 123
261 Fatigue Crack Growth and Domain Switching for Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Ferroelectric Single Crystals under Electric Loadings&FANG Fei,LUO Xu,YANG Wei 124
作者索引/Author Index 126
- 《中国铁路人 第三届现实主义网络文学征文大赛一等奖》恒传录著 2019
- 《东方杂志 第11册 第三年 第七至十期 1906年8月-1906年11月》上海书店出版社编 2012
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- 《东方杂志 第12册 第三年 第十一至十三期 1906年12月-1907年2月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《东方杂志 第10册 第三年 第三至六期 1906年5月-1906年7月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《东方杂志 第87册 第21卷 第三至六号 1924年2月-1924年3月》上海书店出版社编 2012
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- 《东方杂志 第143册 第31卷 第三至六号 1934年2月-1934年3月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《东方杂志 第135册 第30卷 第三至六号 1933年2月-1933年3月》上海书店出版社编 2012
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