Part OneChapter OneConstructing the sentenceA Finite clauses and simple sentences 1
B The noun phrase 2
C The verb phrase 8
E Collective nouns 11 9
ContentsPreface 9
Engl ish vowel and consonant sounds 11
Conventions and abbreviations used 12
D Different functions of the noun phrase 21
E Prepositional phrases 24
F Adverb particles 27
G Adiectives 29
H Adverbials 30
I Co-ordination 33
J Types of clause structure 33
K Types of question 35
L Negation 38
M Short responses 39
N Exclamations 39
Chapter TwoExpanding the sentenceA Co-ordinate clauses 40
B Subordinate clauses 42
C Noun clauses 43
D Relative clauses 50
E Adverbial clauses:time,place and manner 56
F Other adverbial clauses 58
G Cleft sentences 67
H Length of sentences 67
Chapter ThreeInfinitive,-ing and-edA The bare infinitive 69
B The infinitivewith to 70
C The ing participle and gerund 78
D Infinitive or-ing? 81
E The-ed participle 84
Chapter FourCondensing the sentenceA Non-finite clauses 89
B Verbless clauses 100
D Complex prepositional phrases 101
C Replacement of a finite verb by a noun 101
E Pro-forms 102
F Ellipsis 104
Part TwoChapter FiveThe noun phrase(1):NounsA Typical noun endings 107
B Count nouns and mass nouns 109
C Irregular pluralofnouns 112
D Nouns endingin-s 117
F Compound nouns,singular and plural 120
H Nouns as modifiers ofother nouns 121
G Plural of proper nouns 121
I The genitive 123
J Male and female 125
Chapter SixThe noun phrase(2):Determiners and pronounsA Seven ways of using a determiner 126
B Indefinite identifiers 129
C Definite identifiers 133
D Definite quantifiers 140
E Indefinite quantifiers 140
F Determiners which are either identifiers or quantifiers 142
G Indefinite pronouns formed from some,any,every,no 146
I Combinations of determiners 148
H Negation of determiners 148
J Modifiers ofdeterminers 149
Chapter SevenAdjectivesA Form 151
B Comparison 152
C Adjectives in the noun phrase 156
D Adjectives used predicatively 159
Adjectives followed by prepositions etc. 161
E Adjectives as head of a nominal group 165
Chapter EightPrepositional phrases and adverb particlesA Prepositions and adverb particles expressing relationships in space 166
B Prepositions expressing relationships in time 174
C Prepositions with other meanings 177
Chapter NineThe verb phrase(1):FormA Typical verb endings 184
B Irregular verbs 185
Chapter TenThe verb phrase(2):Verb patternsA Verb patterns 190
B Infinitive or-ing:either possible but with different meanings 205
C Alphabetical list of selected verbs,with the patterns in which they occur 207
D Collocations with simple verbs 223
Chapter ElevenThe verb phrase(3):The passive 226
Chapter TwelveThe verb phrase (4):Phrasal verbs 232
Chapter ThirteenThe verb phrase(5):Tense and aspectA Present and past tense,progressive and perfective aspect 241
B Future 254
C Future in the past 261
D Sequence of tenses 262
Chapter FourteenThe verb phrase(6):The modalsA Primary uses 263
B Secondary uses 273
C Other modals 275
Chapter FifteenAdverbialsA Form 279
B Adjuncts 281
C Disjuncts and conjuncts 296
Appendix OneSummary of spelling rules 298
Appendix TwoNotes on punctuation and the use of capital letters 301
Bibliography 305
Index 307
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