Part One:The Tibetan Language 3
Roland Bielmeier A Survey of the Development of Western and Southwestern Tibetan Dialects 3
Zhang Liansheng The Phonetic Structure of ABCB Type Words in Modern Lhasa Tibetan 20
Part Two:Fine Arts,Literature,and Oral Traditions 37
Mireille Helffer A Typology of the Tibetan Bell 37
Ricardo O.Canzio Aspects of Ceremonial Behavior in Bon-po Monastic Life 42
Marceline de Montmollin The Bhutanese Collection in Neuchatel 54
Anne Chayet The Jehol Temples and their Tibetan Models 65
Braham Norwick The First Tsha-tsha Published in Europe 73
Wang Yao Tibetan Operatic Themes 86
Nawang Tsering Shakspo Ladakhi Folk Songs 97
Chime Wongmo Rituals of Bhutanese House Construction 107
Barbara Nimri Aziz On Translating Oral Traditions: Ceremonial Wedding Poetry from Dingri 115
Part Three:Historical Studies 135
Tsuguhito Takeuchi A Passage from the Shih chi in the Old Tibetan Chronicle 135
Helga Uebach An 8th Century List of Thousand-Districts in Ne u Pandita s History 147
Lozang Jamspal The Three Provinces of Mna -ris: Traditional Accounts of Ancient Western Tibet 152
Nawang Tsering A Survey of the Spread of Buddhadharma in Ladakh 157
Janos Szerb Glosses on the Oeuvre of Bla-ma Phags-pa:Ⅲ.The Patron-Patronized Relationship 165
Turrell V. Wylie Biographical Notes on Phyag-na rdo-rje(1239-1267) (abstract) 174
Dawa Norbu An Analysis of Sino-Tibetan Relationships, 1245-1911:Imperial Power, Non-coercive Regime 176
Tashi Tsering Nag-ron mgon-po rnam-rgyal: A 19th Century khams-pa Warrior 196
Michael C. Van Walt Whose Game? Records of the India Office Concerning Events Leading up to the Siml 215
Part Four:Religious Life and Thought 233
Ugen Gombo Belief in Karma and its Social Ramifications in Samsara 233
Martin Brauen-Dolma Millenarianism in Tibetan Religion 245
A.?y Heller An Early Tibetan Ritual:Rkyal bud 257
Jampa L.Panglung On the Origin of the Tsha-gsur Ceremony 268
Samten G.Karmay The Rdzogs-chen in its Earliest Text: A Manuscript from Tun-huang 272
Eva K.Dargyay A Rnin-ma Text:The Kun byed rgyal po i mdo 283
Alex Wayman The Tibetan Translation of the Manjusri-nama-samgiti(abstract) 294
Judith Hanson and Mervin V. Hanson The Mediating Buddha 296
Janice D.Willis On the Nature of Rnam-thar: Early Dge-lugs-pa Siddha Biographies 304
Janet Gyatso The Development of the Gcod Tradition 320
David Ross Komito Insight and Liberation in Nagarjuna s Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness 342
Matthew Kapstein Religious Syncretism in13th century Tibet:The Limitless Ocean Cycle 358
Robert A.F.Thurman Tson-kha-pa s Integration of Sutra and Tantra 372
Geoffrey Samuel Early Buddhism in Tibet: Some Anthropological Perspectives 383
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